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Sunday, January 11, 2009

The temple of The Divine Feminine is being re-build

by Dagmar Magdalena Ceki

I am back home again from Arkansas/USA and very inspired. We had great ceremony /sweatlodges and to see the Temple of the Feminine rebuild eons after its destruction has empowered and enlightend me.
Now it is the time to rebuild this temple in oureselves again.

The old knowledge is available again and we only need to step right in.
Programming of the old system and patriarchy is strong so there is a lot of inner work to do in ourselves to re-member our own old wisdom and activate our original DNA... But this is the time.
We do not need initiations and recognition through old male ways any longer - the only initiation is by the Great Mother and through our Hearts.

The programming shows up in different ways , one is all the "godesses and new age things" coming up since years as well as feminine/women ways that are backed up by men/grandfathers allowing/recognizing the "feminine way" ( this happens a lot in religion and traditional ways) ....
though they claim to be feminine ways they are just the old wounded male ways in disguise and it is a huge challenge for us to see this despite our own programming.
The Ways of The Divine Feminine and of The Great Mother are very different from that and we have to re-learn them --- YES re - learn only The Temple of the Divine Feminine , because they still exist deeply in us, on our DNA and in old memories.
But we have to work to be able to recognize them .
In our ceremonies we were called to go deeper into thee ways , open the ways for others again and make more aware that they exist and are a REAL alternative. so I will follow this call and work even more out of the feminine ways than before .....
I love you all , may you be well and happy - as happiness is the way of the great mother , and love is the true medicine.

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