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Friday, February 6, 2009

FREE Teleseminar with BuzCoach Kendall SummerHawk

I want to give you a quick heads-up about a
F.R.E.E. teleseminar on February 16 that I'm
personally really excited about.

Have you heard of Kendall SummerHawk, the
million-dollar marketing coach? She's known for
delivering some of the BEST content on charging
what you're worth and getting it.

So when I heard she'd reached the 7-figure mark,
I wanted to know, "How did she DO it?"

I mean, she used to work a ton just like a lot of
us struggle with. But now she's enjoying a fun,
easy schedule, more time with her horses, her
husband and her hobbies. She just moved into her
gorgeous new home she designed and built. And she
only works with clients she loves.

Kendall's business and lifestyle read like a
romance novel!

So she shared with me what happened to cause such
an amazing transformation in her life and

She discovered the secret code: a verifiable,
repeatable system that anyone can use to
authentically and consistently add as much as
6-figures to their business (practically
overnight) with high end "Platinum Style"
coaching programs.

Kendall has been quietly teaching this same
system to her most exclusive clients and the
results they've been producing have been
phenomenal. I know the numbers seem hard to
believe but trust me, they are real!

Like the coach who added $42,450.00 in just a
couple of weeks. Or another one who made as much
in one month as she had for the entire previous
year. Kendall has a lot more beautiful success
stories like these, too.

Lucky for us, Kendall is ready to share her tips
and strategies so you can add 6-figures to YOUR
business too, practically overnight.

It all happens MONDAY February 16th at 4pm PST.

Kendall is going to reveal the EXACT steps she
took to create big BREAKTHROUGHS in her business
with Platinum Style Coaching Programs on a FREE
teleseminar, just for us!

Here's how to sign up for these FREE calls:

Kendall has never revealed this information to
anyone before and in case you don't know Kendall
she's known to give a LOT of information, so I
know I'll be there, and I want to hear you on the line too.

You just CANNOT afford to miss being part of this.

Unfortunately I cannot do it from Europe as the Skype connection is just too bad.

PS: Feel free to forward this to your friends and
associates, but know that spots are LIMITED on
this call, so be sure to reserve YOURS first:

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