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Sunday, November 29, 2009

healing - readings

Order a Healing - Reading

Sometimes in life we are stuck –
we clearly feel that there needs to be more to life.
The purpose of the reading is to get you back on the track of YOUR life, as it is meant to be and to help you live in accordance with your original vibration.

Dagmar Magdalena Ceki holds very firm to ethical precepts.

Therefor the only topic of the reading is your True Nature. WHO are you, what are you here for,what are your challenges and what might be tools right now to create a break - through.... Dagmar is confirmed as clairsentient and works with Mesa Reading in addition.

The process of dreaming, reading and writing your very personal reading will take 2-5 days .

get your Healing - Reading NOW

1 comment:

  1. you are so right as in we need to reconnect with our selves and nature that is why i love to work with wood bygeneb
