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Monday, February 23, 2009

Yourself is all you have by Magdala Ramirez / Mayan Priestess & Shaman

Beautiful Ones

These are very exiting time, the new awakening of human being is happening all over the world, for long time the ancestors have spoken about this time when human being is being prepared for the ascension,

There is so much turmoil in the heart of the people, there is fear and commotion, for the new way of perception is pushing away the old paradigms that have rule upon human being for long time. Wrong beliefs that has been enslave the people are being remove and a new awakening a new vibration is coming out into the alignment of the divine order.

In the times like this, the whole structure of the system is moving and crumbling, the vision of what people felt the security is falling apart, money will not work, the ways of thinking about an identity of the self will not work, the relationships with the environment are not working, many of the relationships are moving, some disappearing, some transforming…some transmuting. The only thing that you have is yourself, the time have come for people find in themselves their very best friend, for the only thing that you have is yourself, the only thing that you need is to reach is yourself. Your spiritual work has become the most important thing for all resides inside of yourself.

There is so much going on in the realm of the feminine, in the virtual reality where everything is created, that it is imperative to understand the work within the self.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Love is what heals - NOT time by Magdala Ramirez / Mayan Priestess

Beautiful Ones, the beautiful people that loves so much!

Happy Wave of love!

….A message of love from the place where the waters comes out from the womb….

In this time space all has been about relations, the relationship with the environment, the relation with each other, and where all the relations comes from, the relations with the self, for as we approach more into 2012 the ascension of human being is taking place.

Love has been the answer of all questions, love is the very source all creation, Human being is love, you have always been love, you have always been the same thing that you yearn so much, it is love that heals not time….

All the relation have come into a change, all the relationship in the outside are entering into a metamorphosis, as the new understanding, the new perception of the self is coming into being

Love as the source of everything it is found everywhere, in one way or the other, for human being are the creator and creatoresss, the energy that makes possible all creation is love, so all creations are made by love.

Do not be afraid of love, for love is the purest of true human, love in the purity resides in the innocence of human being, do not put your heart in a cage because of that fear for love will find a way to create and recreate. Do not allow the ignorance of others affect you.

When human being stop yearning for love, and embrace love as they are, the creation, the expression will go into the multidirections, for all relations in the outside, are bounding by love that humans being are.

Love is the essence, and it has never been broken, it is unbreakable, it is your divinity, for humans being are the daughters and sons of father mother god, the Great Spirit that resides inside of you, As you embrace who you are, love in the purity of the source, you find out that there is nothing to forgive or be forgiven, for love is the true healer, hurt has been an illusion of separation, hurt is a distorted love, yet, yes indeed, do not put it on if it is distorted, for will create more distortion. Recognize it as it is, for love can never be to enslave, can never be in a container, for human being are all the relations, Love has never been bounded by time.

Do not struggle to forgive, for the awakening of who you are will take into a higher version of yourself that do not recognize pain as a way of living, for in the world of oneness, in the world of the enchanted flower, love in the purity of expression is the way of living, inside and outside of the self, fore there is no more difference in the inside and the outside, it is the realm where the cause and effect met.
Observe your creations, observe all your relationships in the outside, be sure that the love that you express is coming out without filters, without a cultural belief, without past or future, without pain, That love is expressed in completely surrender, nothing can bound or enslave love, for she is the waters that never ends, for she is the perfect harmony, she is the essence of all life forms, the Holy spirit that resides in you.

Became who you are, be what you have always been for you have never left the realm of oneness, for the one is the whole and the whole is in the one.

There is a wave now of love, jump in it, be in it, for you are in love.

In love I am

In lakesh


Friday, February 6, 2009

FREE Teleseminar with BuzCoach Kendall SummerHawk

I want to give you a quick heads-up about a
F.R.E.E. teleseminar on February 16 that I'm
personally really excited about.

Have you heard of Kendall SummerHawk, the
million-dollar marketing coach? She's known for
delivering some of the BEST content on charging
what you're worth and getting it.

So when I heard she'd reached the 7-figure mark,
I wanted to know, "How did she DO it?"

I mean, she used to work a ton just like a lot of
us struggle with. But now she's enjoying a fun,
easy schedule, more time with her horses, her
husband and her hobbies. She just moved into her
gorgeous new home she designed and built. And she
only works with clients she loves.

Kendall's business and lifestyle read like a
romance novel!

So she shared with me what happened to cause such
an amazing transformation in her life and

She discovered the secret code: a verifiable,
repeatable system that anyone can use to
authentically and consistently add as much as
6-figures to their business (practically
overnight) with high end "Platinum Style"
coaching programs.

Kendall has been quietly teaching this same
system to her most exclusive clients and the
results they've been producing have been
phenomenal. I know the numbers seem hard to
believe but trust me, they are real!

Like the coach who added $42,450.00 in just a
couple of weeks. Or another one who made as much
in one month as she had for the entire previous
year. Kendall has a lot more beautiful success
stories like these, too.

Lucky for us, Kendall is ready to share her tips
and strategies so you can add 6-figures to YOUR
business too, practically overnight.

It all happens MONDAY February 16th at 4pm PST.

Kendall is going to reveal the EXACT steps she
took to create big BREAKTHROUGHS in her business
with Platinum Style Coaching Programs on a FREE
teleseminar, just for us!

Here's how to sign up for these FREE calls:

Kendall has never revealed this information to
anyone before and in case you don't know Kendall
she's known to give a LOT of information, so I
know I'll be there, and I want to hear you on the line too.

You just CANNOT afford to miss being part of this.

Unfortunately I cannot do it from Europe as the Skype connection is just too bad.

PS: Feel free to forward this to your friends and
associates, but know that spots are LIMITED on
this call, so be sure to reserve YOURS first:

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Outstanding Creative BuzCoach - Kendall SummerHawk

I want to give you a quick tip about someone who
could honestly change your business and your

Have you heard of Kendall SummerHawk, aka, the
"Horse Whisperer" for business?

Kendall is a leader in the new wave of "money and
soul" business consciousness that is sweeping
like wild fire through the business world.

It's for business owners like you and me -- people who
want to do good AND do well!

You see, Kendall's figured out a step-by-step system
to turn your wisdom and experience (what Kendall
calls your "Soul's Divine Mission") into
lucrative information products, high-ticket
programs and packages your clients will clamor
for. She's even figured out how to "brand your
brilliance" using the ancient power of archetypes
so you can become a niche expert in your field,
authentically, powerfully and easily!

Her system works brilliantly for any service
business (I know because I've seen it work for

It's all part of her "Branding Authenticity
Multiple Streams of Income" business model that's
already helped hundreds of entrepreneurs create
"marketing, money AND soul" success.

( In a hurry? Here's your link to check out Kendall's
"2008 Brand Authenticity Multiple Streams of Inc-ome,
Marketing, Mo-ney and Soul" program.)

Just in case you're wondering, I've met Kendall
and she is the real deal!

She walks her talk, and has created a high
6-figure business (she brought in *OVER
$564,145.23* last year working LESS than full
time!) doing what she loves. Kendall is an
inspiring role model for how to create your
"money and soul" business. She is authentic and
generous with the information, systems, ideas
and what she calls, "loving, kick-in-the-pants" style
of coaching she delivers.

Kendall's Brand Authenticity program always sells
out and she's only offering it ONE TIME this
year, so I strongly encourage you to hop on over
to the information page and check out what she's

Here's the link:

She's put together a NEW, exciting
program that includes all the information you
need to turn your wisdom into lucrative,
multiple streams of income using her Profit Pyramid
business blueprint.

Kendall is also an expert in breaking through money
barriers so every month you get a new money exercise
and personal coaching so you make more and keep more!

She's also included monthly Master Mind coaching
so you're guaranteed to get the PERSONAL
coaching you need to get in action and stay in
action. It's just you, your Master Mind coach
and 4 other like-minded soul-preneurs in your
Master Mind each month so your accountability
and personal attention is built in, month after

You also get coaching, mentoring and training
LIVE with Kendall each month in two different
calls. These calls are phenomenal and I highly
recommend them to you!

The BEST part is, you also get a FR^EE ticket to
her 3-day workshop, this May 1, 2, 3, 2008 in
beautiful Tucson, Arizona where you get personal
coaching and training live with Kendall.

BUT...I recommend checking out this program FAST
because the bonuses are disappearing quickly, the
seats are being snapped up and this is the ONLY
time Brand Authenticity is offered for at least
another year, maybe longer.

Here's that link again to check out Kendall's "2008
Brand Authenticity Multiple Streams of Inc-ome,
Marketing, Mo-ney and Soul" program.

Yes, you'll see it's a long info page but that's
because it has 17 testimonials from other
business owners who have created their own Brand
Authenticity success using Kendall's program.

I know you'll want to check this out so click on
that link right now.

Warmly, Dagmar

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Shield by Magdala Ramirez / Mayan Priest & Shamaness

We are in such an exiting times, for human being is sooo ready for their realization of the self. The ascension has started for the true human beings….

There is a shield now, available from the spirit to the true human beings, this shield is quite different. It is not the shield that people built into themselves creating a cage, that not allow to grow and ascend, it is not about being fear of love or being fear about getting hurt, it is not the shields that human being have created that will in slave them into their own little world. The shield that t is happening in the higher realms it is about the protection from the outside world, the energies that have hunt humans being for al long time, You do can access that shield through the innocence that resides in your heart.

Human being born with surrender and most live with surrender within themselves, with the purity of the heart, with the innocence yet no ignorance….

The power within have increase enough to awake the true human within the self, for the power now must be use in a good way.

The Great Mother is everywhere, protecting, awakening enlighting…. It is indeed a beautiful thing going on….

In the process of the ascensions are coming many things about relationships, those relationships needs to be clear and make it shining again, awaken those relationships through love with the purity of love that resides inside, for the true human being is love, and they can take love in all the directions, the trick is do not yearn for love, but became what you desire, became the very same thing that you want in the outside….

Human being knows that the new world that we are giving birth, is a new way to relate to each other, a new way to relate with the environment, a new way to relate within yourself, and all start within the self to the outside, the feminine way, when humans being is able to see themselves as the daughter and son of the Father Mother God, things will align into a higher truth within the self, then the relationships in the outside will change, by their own nature…..

In this time space, I have finish !!! my new book, “the fifth direction”, will be available soon, this is a novel about you, it is about all the vicissitudes that human being have in order to enter into the world of the enchanted flower, the new world that it is at hand, I am exited about this book, and so honor that my sisters have edited, specially my sister klaranisa.

In lakesh
