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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Way of the Divine Feminine

Do not follow the ideas of others ~ do not follow others
~do not create new -isms ~ follow no "paths"
~create no groups, no new religions , no new sects ~ not more separation
...become quiet, enter your heart-mind-ground and
SEE / FEEL / BE and KNOW...
then BE / SPEAK / MANIFEST the Truth
This is the Way of The Divine Feminine
~ Dagmar Magdalena Ceki ~

Monday, November 22, 2010

Sisters ~ Wake Up and Walk First

This is what Spirit brought to me last night and I am sharing ...

~There is no hope even that woman, with her right to vote, will ever purify politics~

Emma Goldman

said this long time ago and she was right ....

the answer to the suffering in the world is not lying in poitics but in the shift from mind- to heart -consciousness ~ in the Return of The Divine Feminine ~

Please fall not prey to the Dark Feminine in yourself, who still longs for the Sugar Daddy, wants to follow his rules,talks about "feminine men" and "helping the brothers" ,is afraid to honor women ancestors, to freely follow their words, to re-member our sacredness AND speak it out loud , repeats the words of the male HisStory and ignores the HerStory

... it is time to walk FIRST in these changes , you are here for a reason , you are here as woman for a reason ... the brothers have to do THEIR work as we do ours .... As the prophecies have told ... don't fall prey to your need to be protected or find your other half ... it is all about you in this time ... make the Sacred Dance in yourself... bring YOUR inner sacred Male and Female together in Sacred Union and then walk strong and change the world ...

I am a Two-Spirited woman , I have done this Dance in myself as the prophecies told ...

be aware that there might be a certain percentage of men really doing the change , but a still much bigger part who has a hidden agenda which is now about controlling the Divine Feminine instead of doing their inner work , to hold up the patriarchal power. This is as critical as it is subtle and hard to realize as long as you feel not (w)holy yourself.

I know many of you are saying we are ready to walk side by side now ... but I say, not yet !

When we do this now before the time is ready and the change is made ... this will only be a partial schange and not the change we want to see in this world...

This is what Spirit brought to me last night and I am sharing ...

May it be to the benefit of ALL sentient being and the 7 generations ahead !

Power Up ~ and Love Always


Thursday, November 18, 2010

Enjoy Our New Catalog of Sacred Land Creations

This Catalogue makes it easy to browse and regard all newest items
when looking for Xmas gifts ~
We hope you enjoy this new feature as much as we do :)

to see ALL creations visit us:

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as well as in our
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