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Friday, December 17, 2010

Victim Mind and Separation and Releasing old Karma

By posting a video showing Little Grandmother Kieshas Message about 2012 I triggered a discussion that is worth sharing as an extra note as I feel there is deep teachings in it...

Dec 21, 2010 is a very powerful critical moment in time of humanity ... it is mostly about releasing old karma...let us wake up to the fact it is OUR very own karma that is meant, not the karma of any"others " we project on...It is about becoming fully responsible for our own being human, our own heart, releasing our own karma ... Be It So !


For those who don't know about Kiesha or the sort of debates she triggers here just two videos of "both sites" ( Little Grandmother Kiesha) (anonymous response)


Yes, maybe she is not the "real deal" ... but then , what IS the real deal ... ? let's talk truth without sort of hatred and separational thinking ...THAT is the time now or never...

There is only ONE who proves who I am ; Shaman or Medicine Woman or whatever I say I am ... and that is spirit and no human being whatever origine s/he has. It spirit only who "judges" my actions and intentions.

I learnt from native people and during this time I have seen so much hatred and separation spread between themselves because of "rules and thinking and separation" .. many who found no heart to find other ways together.

Those are traveling european countries in the same ways and charging in the same ways .... spreading hate and old male ways and cheating the ppl here in the same ways....

People ~ lots of them follow and try to become indians attacking all not indians around them.

This is the time where we need to leave two major illusions behind ~ means we have to step beyond cultur, religion, tradition and dogma AND we absolutely need to leave our "victim minds"... because both of that is why we follow fakes , that is why we pay enormous amounts of money for anything promising us to be more enlightened then our own hearts, and that is why then we blame it all on the ppl who did it ...!

That is sooo wrong and THAT will actually kick us in the a... NOT these ppl who just fulfill sort of an karmic work.

It is US who follow and not them who make us follow who are to blame ... WAKE UP pls.

I had a lot of karma to work with in this life walk through being born and member of a german family ... we have far to long blamed it on Hitler ( Stalin, Mussolini, you name it ) ... to ignore our own ignorance, the hitler inside of each os us .

They have only been here to wake us up , it was there karmic work to show us that we need to take full responsibily of ourselves and walk our own talk and stay in our own truth and follow our own heart.

Hitlers are found everywhere in many different disguise in all religions and traditions (yes, in Native Americans , too) and dogmatic sects of whatever kind ... as long as we don't leave them alone we still have lots of work to do ..

I have faced it on my spiritual path more than once ... and I stood up and spoke against it , no matter how far up in the(human made) hierarchy a medicine wo/man was, while the others still follow like sheeps because those pple are "real" Native Americans. Sorry , but that to me is not a value itself , nothing to adopt more than the vatican or abusing buddhist teachers or what the heck is out there... if the one who made the video would be the real deal , this would have been not so full of hatred , blame and even threatening maybe both are not the real deal ... you know what ? The only real deal is spirit itself and s/he is not member of a tribe nor a religion nor tradition ...

Let's turn inside and work with the divine feminine= our hearts and listen to what spirit (no humans) is telling us ... That is the only initiation and the only authorization that is real ...

This is the time !

Kiesha, if she is doing wrong , cannot do anything if we stay in our truth and spirit and authenticy ...

All those spiritual leaders out there are but humans... as is the Dalai Lama, as is the pope, as is everyone out there... they all have there issues, they are all subject to delusion and illusion ... are deeply homophobic, or have an addiction problem or something else, they can't prove perfection as none of them is or will be ~ and we neither ...That fact only touches us when we search for wisdom and truth in others and outside instead of our own hearts ... That is what all this is about.

So whatever Kiesha is up to, I bow in gratitude for the deep teachings we are receiving through her RIGHT NOW , RIGHT HERE.She has at least made ground for releasing all karmic stuff NOW while we talk about it ... so let's rather take the opportunity to do OUR inner work instead of going on with pointing out ppl who we consider fakes, frauds or charlatanes...they exist because of our energy and our unresolved karma ...

As everything , when we don't give energy to it, it is simply like a Fata Morgana that disappears .. so lets do our inner work that simply no longer feeds all these things...

... btw ~ ppl did , do and will also attack me because I am speaking truth from my heart , doing my job I am here for during this earth walk...

I tell you : it is much easier to deceit and follow and just repeat what others are saying or blame those who do wrong, say wrong... but we have to step beyond the comfort zone to step into our full vibration .....

This is the time of christ consciousness in all of us ..and you know HE wasn't praised for talking the truth either as he was not reverent enough towards special tribes, dogmas, traditions as wasn't his beloved Magdalena ...

Let us re-member that all what is happening now is about becoming the real true human being and BE LOVE.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

HolyDays Winter Newsletter EarthLifeInstitute

HolyDays Winter Newsletter EarthLife Institute Europe

now available :

If you wish to receive the Newsletter right into your mailbox you can either subscribe on the link above or go to

for subscription

Blessings from Snowy Sweden

Love Always

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Way of the Divine Feminine

Do not follow the ideas of others ~ do not follow others
~do not create new -isms ~ follow no "paths"
~create no groups, no new religions , no new sects ~ not more separation
...become quiet, enter your heart-mind-ground and
SEE / FEEL / BE and KNOW...
then BE / SPEAK / MANIFEST the Truth
This is the Way of The Divine Feminine
~ Dagmar Magdalena Ceki ~

Monday, November 22, 2010

Sisters ~ Wake Up and Walk First

This is what Spirit brought to me last night and I am sharing ...

~There is no hope even that woman, with her right to vote, will ever purify politics~

Emma Goldman

said this long time ago and she was right ....

the answer to the suffering in the world is not lying in poitics but in the shift from mind- to heart -consciousness ~ in the Return of The Divine Feminine ~

Please fall not prey to the Dark Feminine in yourself, who still longs for the Sugar Daddy, wants to follow his rules,talks about "feminine men" and "helping the brothers" ,is afraid to honor women ancestors, to freely follow their words, to re-member our sacredness AND speak it out loud , repeats the words of the male HisStory and ignores the HerStory

... it is time to walk FIRST in these changes , you are here for a reason , you are here as woman for a reason ... the brothers have to do THEIR work as we do ours .... As the prophecies have told ... don't fall prey to your need to be protected or find your other half ... it is all about you in this time ... make the Sacred Dance in yourself... bring YOUR inner sacred Male and Female together in Sacred Union and then walk strong and change the world ...

I am a Two-Spirited woman , I have done this Dance in myself as the prophecies told ...

be aware that there might be a certain percentage of men really doing the change , but a still much bigger part who has a hidden agenda which is now about controlling the Divine Feminine instead of doing their inner work , to hold up the patriarchal power. This is as critical as it is subtle and hard to realize as long as you feel not (w)holy yourself.

I know many of you are saying we are ready to walk side by side now ... but I say, not yet !

When we do this now before the time is ready and the change is made ... this will only be a partial schange and not the change we want to see in this world...

This is what Spirit brought to me last night and I am sharing ...

May it be to the benefit of ALL sentient being and the 7 generations ahead !

Power Up ~ and Love Always


Thursday, November 18, 2010

Enjoy Our New Catalog of Sacred Land Creations

This Catalogue makes it easy to browse and regard all newest items
when looking for Xmas gifts ~
We hope you enjoy this new feature as much as we do :)

to see ALL creations visit us:

on etsy

as well as in our
ArtFire Studio

Saturday, October 9, 2010

EarthLife Institute ~ Newsletter Fall 2010

Here is the EarthLife Institute's Newsletter featuring Magdala Ramirez and
The New World School of the Sacred Woman

If you want to be on our mailing list , you might just subscribe there or go to ...

Love Always ~In-Joy

Friday, September 24, 2010

True Human Beings and True Compassion

As long as we live on this earth , we are subject to relativ & absolute perspectives and we need to balance this in order to live as true human being ~ in the "new age" world of love & light this balance is lost ~ all things are seen from the absolute perspective and harmony is imposed ~ all is one, all is light , all is good ~ w/out including the relative we deal with on a daily base .. the reason is a lack of "knowing yourself" , a lack of courage to face our own true nature with light and shadow and thus a lack of true compassion and ability to stand with the suffering in the world and see the true nature of interdependence and from there help healing in ourselves and in the world ... I am NOT in for that ~ and I will repeat this ever now and then ;-).. and you are very welcome to consider me not your friend as from your perspective this is true ... though I actually love you , but not the way you take .

The Identity of Relative and Absolute ( Buddhist Sutra)

The mind of the Great Sage of India was intimately conveyed from West to East.

Among human beings are wise ones and fools

But in the Way there is no northern and southern Ancestor.

The subtle source is clear and bright; the tributary streams flow through the darkness

To be attached to things is illusion;

to encounter the absolute is not yet enlightenment

.Each and all the subjective and objective spheres are related,

and at the same time independent.

Related and yet working differently.

Though each keeps its own place, form makes the character and appearance different.

Sounds distinguish comfort and discomfort.The dark makes all words one;

the brightness distinguishes good and bad phrases.

The four elements return to their own nature as a child to its mother.

Fire is hot, wind moves, water is wet, earth hard.

Eyes see, ears hear, nose smells, tongue tastes the salt and sour

.Each is independent of the other.Cause and effect must return to the great reality.

The words high and low are used relatively.

Within light there is darkness, but do not try to understand that darkness.

Within darkness there is light, but do not look for that light

Light and darkness are a pair like the foot before and the foot behind in walking

.Each thing has its own intrinsic valueand is related to everything else in function and position.

Ordinary life fits the absolute as a box and its lid.

The absolute works together with the relative like two arrows meeting in mid air.

Reading words you should grasp the great reality.

Do not judge by any standards.

If you do not see the Way,You do not see it even as you walk on it.

When you walk the Way it is not near, it is not far.

If you are deluded, you are mountainsand rivers away from it.

I respectfully say to those who wish to be enlightened

Do not waste your time by night or day!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Sacred Land Creations @ EarthLife Shop ~ In-Joy the Video

This video show the Spirit of our Creations and the Beauty which reflects your own Beauty
~ In - Joy ~
and find all Healing Jewelry, Scandinavian Smudge and small Leather Medicine Bags

Monday, August 30, 2010

The Path of Being Human by Magdala Ramirez

Beautiful Ones

In the silence, I heard you…

Another shift has been happening for the human beings… a shift that can go either way…

It is the time where tolerance and compassion has been awaken, but the tolerance and compassion is to the self, for it is not in the outside world where the transmutation is taking place… the difference between transmutation and transformation is that one is in the inside the other is in the outside, and each one have different laws that apply..

In the observance of the ants, as they have been a great teachers for the many, we find that they do have their own organization, they have their rules and regulations, they have they way of living, they live in community, and everything is in perfect divine order, they never went apart from their own nature, they follow a divine order that is encoded in them, so is all creation, yet all connected, the circles inside of the circles inside of the circles….

Human beings did went far away from their own nature, and now they are hearing the call to go back, and now they are in the transition of going back to their own nature, they are in the new birth of them selves, they are in the metamorphosis of the self, just like the butterfly…

Human being is remembering their true nature, they are remembering their original vibration, for it is there, hidden, but it is not lost, just hidden, the pure heart is there, in the true human being, the wave of remembering is happening all over the world…

In Love the pure heart resides, evolve and involve, is the conductor and the whole, it is the spirit that human being is, every time that love is, human beings heals themselves, and remember who they are… Love is the guide, love is the teacher, love is the wisdom, and the enlightener of being human…

In the transition times, human beings are remembering that they born in the persue of enlightenment, this planet was created for all the life forms to experience the multidimensionality. Human being is a multidimensional being, recognizing that they are their own path, their own way to listen the messages in the road to encounter their own enlightenment. Through the pure heart, human beings encounter their own enlightenment, not through dogmas, but through the experience of the self.

The times have come again, to remember the ways of being human, the natural human being were they see everything in perfect bonding, in the recognition that they are not lesser or higher than anyone, that they are a connector, and the whole connection, in the understanding that human beings are the one and the whole and that the whole is in the one.

Nowadays, as the system have show the human beings, in the distortion that occurred long time ago, human beings value themselves according to an outside world, the purpose of human being was given according through a label, that has been enslaving human beings for long time, they make the world of creation their goal and their own killer… The spiritual massacre is over,…

Now, in the verge of the new world, where the communications is happening is so many levels and realms, human beings knows that the new world is about relations, with the environment, with each other and the most important, with the self, in this understanding, human beings are changing the relationship inside of the self, through this new way of perception, human being have conceive themselves as a higher being. The re-value of human being is changing, for now the true human being is embracing a very powerful teachings inside, the teachings of be-living in the self, again, and through that believing in the self, a new perspective of being human is being born.

The time of the transitions are happening in so many levels, in so many realms, inside as well as outside of the self, for the alignment inside as well as the outside with the world of oneness is truly giving birth to a new self, that recognize that the time of being is bringing back the original vibration that once was hidden, now is in perfect alliance with all life forms and of course, the self. Now human beings recognize that is not enough the recognition of a sacred self, but to express and experience life that they are in the way of the sacredness. How long will be the transition? Will be proportional of the time spaces when the be-living in the self is taking place.

Wherever human being is standing, wherever the true human beings follow their religion or tradition, they are encountering their center, where the connection with everything resides, they are encountering through be-living in their own self, and in that way, consummation of all religions and traditions are taking place. There is only one root… with many branches…

The time when human being encountered “I am a divine being” is over, now is the time where the divine being that human beings are experience life, giving birth to the new world…..

Thank you for being you

In lakesh

I am your other you


p.s. for ceremonies and seminars check the web site

Magdala Ramirez

visit our web sites

Thursday, August 26, 2010

To All Small Buz Women ~ FREE Video Coaching Series

Quick question for you... What's the best way
to take your business to the next level without
working longer hours every day?

Answer... Create a money breakthrough.

That's how you'll instantly jumpstart your marketing,
stop giving away your services and finally break free
of the unconscious self-sabotage that is secretly keeping
you from reaching your income potential.

It's all in a brand new, no-cost video training series,
delivered by one of the most generous women I know,
award-winning entrepreneur Kendall SummerHawk.

Creating money breakthroughs like what Kendall is teaching
in this complimentary video series has been the secret
"behind the curtain" of her business growing from frustrating
five figures into the multimillion dollar mark, all while
following and staying true to her spiritual path.

In fact, these secrets are so important for YOUR business
growth that Kendall is giving away ALL-CONTENT (no selling
or pitching) on ending the cycle of money issues that are
subconsciously preventing you from leaping ahead. All content,
the latest information and no selling --- how perfect!

"Money Breakthrough Method"
Complimentary Video Training Series
(Hurry! The first video is already up
and there are over 117 blog comments
about what Kendall reveals!)


In this special complimentary video series, you'll learn…

* How to INSTANTLY forgive yourself for racking up, giving away your services and other guilty mo.ney
issues from your past (this is likely holding you back
more than you realize)

* The REAL reason why women are twice as likely as men
to experience roller coaster mo.ney cycles (not to worry —
Kendall explains how to end this soul-sucking "mo.ney drama"
once and for all)

* What your fees say about your self-esteem

* How much mo.ney you've been unconsciously programmed
to make and the ONE simple mindset shift you to break free
-- forever -- from this unwanted conditioning

* Why making a mo.ney breakthrough is the fastest way
to jumpstart your marketing, no matter what level you're
currently at in your business

Here's the link where you can get access to the first video:

Whether you're just starting your business, OR you're an
experienced entrepreneur and need a "mo.ney makeover" to
step up your 1ncome, you'll learn practical ways to break
free of draining money issues and step-by-step, how to
attract new opportunities to you and your business.

Kendall has never posted a no-cost, no-selling video series
like this before and these videos will only be up for a few
more days, so don't miss it! Sign up now here to access the
first video immediately:

Warm Regards, Dagmar

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Pakistan : Helping Ourselves by Elias Amidon

by Elias Amidon • August 22, 2010

In a few weeks the vast floods that are sweeping through Pakistan will draw back. Then, when the rain has stopped and people begin to return to their land and the places they live, imagine what they will find.

No crops, no livestock, no electricity, no clean water, no food, broken roads and bridges, the ruins of houses and barns, mud everywhere, household belongings useless, sodden mattresses caught in the trees.

I wonder if I was one of these people, if my family was among these people, could I bear it? What would I do?

Who Knows Who I am?

Elizabeth and I were in Pakistan a few months ago when I was invited to give a talk at a conference on “Sufism and Peace” sponsored by the Pakistan Academy of Letters. The intention of the conference was to show the “softer side” of Islam, its heart of love and mutual caring.

Though we hear a lot about Pakistani religious fundamentalism and militancy, the vast majority of the population honor the message of kindness that has been expressed by Sufis in this region for centuries. Pakistan is dotted with shrines of Sufi saints and mystic poets, and their poetry is remembered and recited everywhere by school children, shopkeepers, farmers and academics.

Being the only American to speak at this conference didn’t give me much credibility, so I began my talk by reciting a few lines from their beloved 18th century Punjabi Sufi poet, Bulleh Shah. I will never forget the change that came over the audience when I said the first line, in which Bulleh Shah addresses himself:

Bulleh! kijaana me kaun?

Everyone knew it! The audience laughed and repeated the line after me! It means:

Who knows who I am?

And it continues:

Not wrapped in belief in a mosque

nor caught in anyone’s rituals,

not someone pure amongst the impure,

neither Moses nor Pharoah -

Bulleh! Who knows who I am?

The audience loved it – that this American would ask Bulleh’s question of himself, and remind them to ask it of themselves – who knows who we are? After the talk I was thanked dozens of times and asked to repeat Bulleh’s words on two television interviews.

Helping Out

Looking back now I feel the tender self-effacement and empathy of that question: who knows who I am? We are here, where we are, reading these words, and we are also here in our flooded dooryard, the pools of brown water just ankle-deep now, surveying the scene of our ruined lives.
Perhaps we can lend a hand to ourselves. Perhaps we can give a little help to ourselves as we pull the mattress out of the tree.

In Islamabad Elizabeth met with the director of Sungi Development Foundation, a Pakistan non-profit relief organization, and visited one of their programs. They are doing wonderful work in both disaster relief and grassroots development. Sungi works with very low overhead and they have a great system for getting urgent supplies to people in the far reaches of the country. As you will see in their appeal below, they account for every rupee they receive.

There is so much need in our world – it certainly is not all ours to do. However if you are feeling moved to help the Pakistani people, a donation to Sungi would be well directed. We are personally giving what we can.

Please visit Sungi’s website and their appeal for donations. You may donate to them directly by wire transfer (details are on their website).

If it would be helpful for you to receive a tax-deduction (U.S.) on your donation, we have set up a special fund at the Boulder Institute (Path of the Friend) through which you can do so. We will transfer 100% of your donation to Sungi, and we will send you a receipt for U.S. tax purposes.

Donations can be made on-line at our website or by sending a check by mail. If you donate on-line, please be sure where it says “Program Designation” to mark the box entitled “Pakistan Flood Relief – Sungi.”

Whatever you feel moved to do, we ask you to please forward this appeal along to someone you know who is looking for a way to help.

After all, who knows who we are?

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Exhibition at EarthLife Institute featured in the Swedish Newspaper (in Swedish)

Even if you do not understand Swedish ~ on this page you find some more pictures from the exhibition we do have on a regular base from now on in Filipstad / Sweden
at the home of the EarthLife Institute & Shop

Sunday, August 8, 2010

The "Great Secret" revealed

Switch from mind consciousness to heart consciousness ~NOW
be-live in yourself ~ NOW
Be Love ~ Be Change ~ Take care of each other ~ NOW
re-member the Source ~NOW
that is the whole "Great Secret"

*Dagmar Magdalena Ceki*

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Painting ~ Photography ~Healing Jewelry Exhibition at EarthLife Institute


Photography & Jewelry ~Dagmar Magdalena Ceki
Paintings ~Jette Agborg Lilliestierna
open every Monday 2-5 p.m.

EarthLife Institute
Asphyttegatan 17/ Filipstad ~Sweden

Maritas Allround Service / Lesjöfors ( 0730 727141 )

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Dagmar Ceki interviewed at Vickers Tree

Unfortunately the quality of sound is not good though Vicky worked on that again
but may you enjoy the content nevertheless :)

Avalon Whitefeather Channeling Mary Magdalena and Mother Mary

Message from Mary Magdalene & Mother Mary - Concerning The Return of the Feminine. Channeled through Whitefeather 30/7/2010

Mother Mary and I come to speak as we have messages pertaining to the Return of the Feminine that we wish to share. There is much being done at this time around your world to bring ceremony and attention to the world, of the Return of the Feminine . This is wonderful and most beautiful, we urge that you continue with these practises for they help to awaken others around you, giving them cause to pause and reflect, think a while and make changes in their own lives. This is the key, this is the essence of Femininity. Change. Women are like water, like any liquid, we are fluid, malleable, able to permeate in and around obstacles, to bend and change to match our environments, women adapt and flow.

Over the eons of time, despite the brutality and oppression of women at the hands of unenlightened men, women had remained strong, vigilant, aware, woman have not lost their inner wisdom, although in some it is buried deep at this point in time as they strive to become like a man in a mans world. That inner wisdom IS the female essence.

Whilst you continue with your ceremonies, we would ask that all women take the time to go within themselves on a daily basis and to reconnect with your own inner essence, your truths. For it is here you will find the strengths you need to gently yet firmly realign yourselves with your true essence and your roles as ambassadors of the feminine essence and its return to the world. Some women will have high profile lives, travelling the world to spread this message, some will work diligently with small groups of women, and still others will work alone simply by changing themselves and allowing others around them to see the beauty they emanate.

Many women will find themselves in male dominated work places, your role is not to conform to their forceful energies, neither is it to rule them with the iron rod that they themselves would use, your role is to return gentleness and love, beauty and compassion to the workplace, no matter what or how that work place presents itself, this may be difficult and easier to return the same fiery energy to them, but this will not change the situation, only gentleness and love will, given time and patience and a quiet determination.

Other women may find themselves in oppressive home life situations, perhaps where you feel circumstances prevent you from leaving at this time. Remember wherever you all are at this given time, is where you are meant to be for a reason, and in this situation you must find the reason and work with it from the beautiful essence of your feminine self. You have to reach into the cold hearts of stone of these men and show them the love and beauty that resides there if they allow themselves to feel their own feminine essence within themselves. Your sacred mission, as with all women, is to bring the beauty of love back into the hearts of all men. With your own gentle, loving and receptive ways you will begin to soften the hearts of these men who have forgotten how to love unconditionally, how to love and honour women, how to love and honour all life.

Some women will find themselves in physically abusive situations repressed by social or religious order, know that this is neither the God’s or the Goddess’s wish for women, it is not the lores of the universe, but the laws of corrupted mankind.

The universe operate under sacred lores, unwritten knowing held deep in the heart of every being, mankind operates of laws they have written for the benefit of themselves.

When a women finds herself in this position, know that your role is not to become the victim, you are not here to suffer such abuses but do not try to return their dominance with anger or by fighting back with yet more violence, fighting denigrates the spirit and your holy, sacred mission. Instead you must find the strong feminine courage within you and leave, find solace with other women of like mind, only when you all come together can these oppressive situation be changed.

There will be women amongst you all whose role it is to guide, teach and lead others, there will be men attaining places of power who are not afraid of the feminine within them or of the feminine that walks beside them in their daily lives. We do not foresee women being rulers of vast countries or empires, that would be undermining masculine energy, there must be a balance of the two. It is not a woman’s role to become a man, but to lead from the full beauty of being a woman who stands in her own gentle yet strong power. A woman’s power is not dominance, it is not thrusting and forceful, as women’s power is in her instincts, her inner knowing and the quiet resolve and determination she carries. A woman’s power is the beauty from within her heart and not in the physical form she inhabits. A woman’s power is what is needed to return the world to balance.

Each woman and man, has within them, the balance of both female and male energies, often referred to as yin and yang. Whatever you choose to call it, it is the delicate state of balance that throughout the whole universe, in both your outer world and your own personal inner world, regardless of your gender. This is the balance that must be return to the self, to the Earth, to the Universe. Women are as guilty as men of allowing this masculine, dominant, self orientate energy to rise and take precedence over the feminine, especially in the western world where women have sought to become like men in both their attire and their ways. In the east women have allowed themselves to become subservient, lower class victims of man’s dominance.

The Master Merlin has spoken of this through Whitefeather’s vessel on many occasions, Choices - (they smile) it is a word he uses often, but with necessity. So often, women believe they cannot change their circumstances, cannot change the men in their lives. But women, we come to tell you that this is not the case. You each carry great power within you for creating change, women you ARE creators. But it is not about forcefully trying to change another. To quote another great and very balanced male soul, You Must Be The Change You Wish To Be , Bless you our dear brother Mahatma Ghandi for your work during your incarnation.

So women, reach inside yourselves, stop the external fights, a woman’s courage comes from a quiet resolve and steadfast dedication and determination to make changes in herself that she knows to be true to her soul and for the greater good of the whole. A woman is likened to the deer that stands its ground when the lion comes for her fawn, she will protect her young, be like the deer and quietly but firmly stand you ground and love all things, even in the face of danger.

You do not need to be a Mother to feel the passions of Mother Love, you do not need to have children at your feet to know they are the future of the Earth and so must be taught well. Find the Mother Love within yourselves and care for all the worlds children. When we speak of all the worlds children, we do not refer only to infants, but to adults and elders alike, humans and all animals and creatures, the trees and plants, rocks, stones and soil, the rivers and oceans, all things on and of the Earth that surround you, all thing whether near or far.

The Return of the Feminine must begin with returning the essence of femininity into the hearts of every living soul, and to do that, you must each become the embodiment of the feminine essence and her qualities. Love, Beauty, Compassion, Nurturance, Understanding, Receptivity and the Quiet Inner Strength.

And now we would address the men and say to them, do not fear the Return of the Feminine, for it is already within you anyway, but long forgotten and buried under your need for materialism, wealth, progress and control. But it IS there. Women are not going to take over the world, they are merely regaining the energy that has been lacking over the last millennia that is now ready to return to the hearts of ALL humanity. Embrace it dear men, use it to become the new gentle yet forceful energy of change in your world. Your strength and driving force is praised and honoured when used wisely in balance with the feminine instincts of Love and Compassion. Balance the two within yourselves, let Love and Compassion soften the hardened exteriors you have built around your hearts. There is nothing, nothing to fear, you are not going to loose anything. When you work with the feminine to restore balance, you are working to help yourselves and all other beings to a better world.

The era of the Return of the Feminine WILL happen, we urge you all, women and men alike, to embrace these feminine qualities now, within yourselves and together the return of balance can come sooner and with far less labour pains for the Earth and yourselves. The Earth is working to throw off the energies of the excesses of the male energy, she will continue to do so making life difficult and painful for many. But why prolong this ? Why fight it ? (they smile and giggle) Hmmm, we are sounding like the Master Merlin and the questions he always like to pose for you. But on this occasion it is right to do so, for you all have the strength and power within you all right now, you always have done, to halt the flow of the out of control, destructive masculine energies, simply by flooding yourselves with the feminine.

Men we ask you to become gentle, compassionate leaders. Women we ask you to continue to spread Love, Beauty and Joy through all your endeavours . All humanity, we ask you to bring the feminine into every aspect of your lives, to respect women for the creators they are, man may plant the seed but without the nurturance and love of the woman, that seed cannot grow, therefore woman are the creators and as such should be honoured and respected as sacred beings. When you do this, then a growing wave of gentle energy will return the Earth to balance, then each of you can take pride and comfort in knowing you are a part of the process of the Return of the Feminine - A Return to Balance.

Much love and blessings are with you all at this time, we are but a whisper away, call us, all of us, and we are with you in an instant, for you carry us already in your hearts, you just need to find us again. Awaken to the feminine within.

Mary Magdalene and Mother Mary.


Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Father-Mother Ceremony by Magdala Ramirez

I am so grateful for my very old connection to Magdala ! This brought me finally back to my innermost lineage on this earth-walk and re-membering of who I truly are
~ She is a golden One :))

~Love is The Breath of Life ~


Beautiful Ones

The time have come when human being remember where they come from, where they are standing within the self and out side of the self, for the true human beings now recognize their line-age as well of remembering all the spectrum, in the many directions, for integration is happening in side of the self… for the remembering is taking place in the very core, at the place where everything is one, for the original vibration within the self, the listening of the song of the Great Mother is taking place, she is calling her children back home, to the place of many names, to the place of oneness.

Now human beings knows where they are standing, for they know that the heaven is on earth and the earth is on heaven, and recognize the connector, of the 2 that has became one…

Yet it is, indeed, the sensation of sadness, loneliness, longing, with many, at the same time of excitement. For the true human knows that there is no more looking back, and also recognize the signs in the first gate, that said “we don’t accept refugees” ; and in the embracing of a new ways to relate within the self and outside of the self, the heart opens, as recognizing the children of the golden light…. And the big picture have been revealed to the many, for the true human being is not bounded by time, for timeless has always been the ways of living… sacredness now is the way of living….

Oh bridges heard the voice of the mother, her song, for she is the bridge and the Bridger-holder, you are the path, and so unique as yourself…

In lakesh


p.s. 24 july … we will be in garden of the gods with 13 hours of the heart beat of the mother ceremony, info with Joy and I hope to see you there, Joy is making the appointments for healings and ceremonies

31 july, the day of ce acatl Quetzalcoatl will be Aztlan ceremony!!! With so many beautiful elders, At the pyramids in Wisconsin….

18-21 Sep Father-Mother seminar-ceremony at the temple 12+1 (the flyer is below to this email) more info and registration with Cherry

25 Sep. 13 hours of the heart beat of the mother in Lake Cleveland Ohio info with

2 October Wisdom of the Ages, with my beautiful Mom Feather in Indiana

9 October 13 hours of the heart beat of the mother, in Dallas Tex

Soon, will be announced the ceremony of the 13 hours of the heart beat of the mother in Cahokia pyramids in San Luis MO

Yes, the web site needs to updated, will be soon, and yes, the online school is on and registrations are taking place…

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Purchases at EarthLife Shop -- 5 % to Non Profit Organizations

Every month WE donate 5 % of the incoming money to a worthwhile nonprofit organization.

5 % of the sales in July and August will be donated to The Grandmother Project.

Grandmother Project (GMP) builds on the knowledge and experience of grandmothers and elders

In all non-western societies elders are respected for their experience and they support younger generations. Grandmothers play a special role teaching and caring for children and women. GMP views grandmothers as a cultural resource and involves them as key actors in all development programs.

Grandmother Project strengthens dialogue and relationships between generations.

In most cultures there is a growing gap between the generations that affects family and community well-being. In all community programs GMP promotes dialogue between generations in order to strengthen intergenerational relationships and understanding.

Grandmother Project empowers community leaders and groups through use of participatory methods of communication and education

In order for communities to effectively solve problems and promote the well-being of women and children, they need committed and skilled leaders. GMP uses participatory adult education methods to strengthen capacity of community leaders and groups to take collective action to solve priority problems.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Mary Magdalene , Apostle of the Apostles by Shannon Rose

With the publication of Holy Blood, Holy Grail in the mid-nineties and the Gnostic Gospels found in Nag Hammadi, a new perspective on the role of Mary Magdalene in the revelation and dissemination of the esoteric teachings of Christ has emerged onto the public stage. With the release of The Da Vinci Code, she has been placed firmly in the public consciousness, her story awakening both excitement and controversy.

It is my contention that Mary Magdalene was the carrier of a tradition of respect and reverence for the Divine Feminine, a secret initiatory tradition that leads back through Jesus, Gnosticism, the esoteric teachings of Judaism, and the Egyptian mysteries of Isis to the ultimate ground or source of all religions. By seeking out the alternative roads to understanding, by looking at the Gnostic texts, legends, symbols, and iconography, one discovers the distinct possibility Mary Magdalene was not only first witness to and herald of the Resurrection, but the chief disciple and recipient of Christ’s’ gnosis, as well as teacher and transmitter of these extraordinary Mysteries to the people of France.

On the shores of the Mediterranean Sea outside Marseilles at Les Saintes Marie de la Mere there is a small chapel dedicated to Mary Magdalene and consecrated by Archbishop Roncalli (who later became Pope John XXIII). Given a place of prominence within this chapel are paintings of her arrival from Palestine in a small rudderless boat.

According to legend, soon after the crucifixion and Resurrection, Mary Magdalene and her family were expelled from the Holy Land, set adrift on the Mediterranean Sea and made their way to this region, particularly the area around Southern France and Northern Spain. At this time in history, aside from the already established Celts, many Greeks, Arabs, Jews and others lived and travelled in this area. There was even a Jewish city known as Glanum Levi whose ruins can be found today in Provence.

In the midst of this cosmopolitan confluence of cultures, along with the exchange of goods there must have been an exchange of philosophical and religious ideas. It is very possible that during this period many spiritual and symbolic links were discovered between these diverse peoples and their traditional belief systems that stretched back to the temples of Egypt. Before her arrival in Les Saintes Marie Sur Les Mere, France was riddled with Isis cults. The name Paris etymologically can be linked to the pre-Celtic ParIsis, the grove of Isis. Clearly this region was fertile ground for Mary Magdalene’s mission.

Following her arrival in France, she was said to have travelled the land, preaching the authentic Gnostic gospel of Jesus, which had been directly transmitted to her during his time on Earth and in mystic visions after his return to the more subtle dimensions of light. French religious literature from the Middle Ages is filled with legends and stories of the life of Mary Magdalene from this period until her death. Tales abound of her miraculous healings, her performance of the ritual of baptism, her aid in fertility and childbearing and even her ability to raise the dead. There are even reports of a secret tradition of the healing arts that exists today in France and traces its roots back to Mary Magdalene.[1]

After this prophetic mission was accomplished, Mary is reported to have withdrawn to a cave in Ste. Baum, where she spent the remainder of her days in pray and seclusion. She is believed to have been buried at Ste. Maximin where her remains were watched over by Cassianite monks from the fifth century until the Saracen invasion. Then in 1058, in a papal bull, Pope Stephen acknowledged the existence of her relics in the church of Vezeley, which became one of the major places of pilgrimage during the Middle Ages.

But before we look at the evidence for her distinctive role as Apostle of the Apostles and prophetic mission, let us take a look at the hidden history of Gnosticism, the powerful doctrine of Divine grace, healing and illumination that she was said to have transmitted.

The Gnostic Teachings

It was during the Hellenistic period that the mystic knowledge of Egypt, the great symbols, myths, astronomical, scientific and metaphysical teachings passed into the heart of the Mystery Schools of Greece and Rome, which included the region of Gaul where Mary Magdalene is reported to have lived and preached. These secret initiatory teachings of the Egyptians were also retained and transmitted through the inner circles of Judaism to Jesus himself.

At the heart of this lineage of transmission was an extraordinary metaphysical teaching known as Gnosticism. This teaching is believed to be the spiritual basis of his essential message to humanity, a message revealed to Mary Magdalene, his disciples and followers through the vehicles of metaphor, allegory and parable. Unlike the patriarchal, dogmatic, materially based teachings prevalent during this period, Gnosticism placed primary value on the feminine qualities of receptivity, intuitive perception, visionary experience and the art of healing. It was a teaching of love, selflessness, harmony and communion.

The mystic experience of, and communion with, the essential grace and majesty of Divinity, lay at the heart of this Gnostic transmission. The clear and immediate experience of this awakening was known as gnosis or wisdom. Often translated from its Greek root as ‘knowledge’, Gnosticism goes much deeper than mere intellectual understanding. Like a brilliant flash of light arising from the darkness, this understanding arises in the individual as a bright lucid awareness – an intuitive realisation of the pure essence, nature and energy of Divinity as it flows within oneself, the luminous realms and all of creation.

From the Gnostic viewpoint, the answers to all of life’s mysteries can only be found when one “opens oneself to this divine current and allows oneself to be penetrated by it to the point where one is fully transformed and illuminated by it.” [2] From the viewpoint of many early Gnostic communities, this divine current was perceived as the feminine, healing and nurturing energy of God’s Holy Spirit.

The fundamental doctrine of the Gnostics relates the dualistic nature of the world in which we reside, the eternal struggle between good and evil. They believed that Jehovah, the wrathful god of the Old Testament was a false god and expression of what they called the demiurge. For how could a fully enlightened divinity contain within him the base emotions of anger, jealousy and vengeance? For them, the real God was a loving deity equally and directly accessible to all. This God taught that love, compassion and the true sacrifice and transformation of the self, or ego, was the highest spiritual path.

The Gnostics believed that the plan of this demiurge, or Satan, was to trap spirit in matter, and the Earth itself was a prison in which souls were exiled from their divine home. For them, the real world was the non-material world of spirit and all of their rituals and practices were designed to purify them and provide them with the means to find their way out of the impure world of matter, darkness and suffering and return to their true home in the Light.

Clearly, these sacred esoteric teachings were revolutionary. Unlike the fixed, restrictive, hierarchical systems prevalent during this period, these teachings were open to all, female, male, rich, poor Jew or Pagan. This all-inclusive transmission of teachings formerly reserved for the elite was at odds with the practices of Orthodox Judaism and the emerging Church of Rome. For once the seeker had been touched by this Gnostic current, she or he came to recognise their own divine nature and perceive their place in the world from a whole new perspective. No longer did they need the intercession of a priest or rabbi to connect them with their spiritual inheritance.

Evidence of Mary Magdalene’s primary role as disciple, visionary, mediatrix and herald of these revolutionary teachings can be found in a number of Gnostic texts. These include The Pistis Sophia, The Gospel of Philip, The Gospel of Mary and more.

Apostle of the Apostles

The Pistis Sophia is a Coptic Gnostic revelatory work composed and/or compiled in Egypt around the middle of the second century CE. It claims to disclose the “secret teachings of the Savior,” reserved for his inner circle of initiates during the eleven years following his Resurrection. Filled with powerful, poetic imagery, this text reveals the intimate connections between this emerging form of Christianity, Paganism and beliefs and rituals founds in the Egyptian Book of the Dead.[3] It also clearly recognises and demonstrates Mary Magdalene’s essential role as foremost disciple, seer and prophetess.

It appears the teachings found in the Pistis Sophia were created specifically for the apostles who would go forth and spread his gospel. It takes the form of a dialogue between Jesus and these apostles and consists primarily of questions and answers. It is fascinating to note that in this text, out of the forty-six questions asked of him, thirty-nine of them come from Mary Magdalene. Due to her sincerity, astute level of inquiry and ability to comprehend the essence of his words, time and time again she is praised and recognised by him for her clarity and insight.

For example, after Jesus presents the first part of these mystical teachings concerning the aeons, orders and regions of the “Great Invisible,” he acknowledges Mary Magdalene’s superior capacity for contemplation, insight and revelation.

It came to pass then, when Mary had heard the Savior say these words, that she gazed fixedly into the air for the space of an hour. She said: “My Lord, give commandment to me to speak in openness.” And Jesus, the compassionate, answered and said unto Mary:

“Mary, thou blessed one, whom I will perfect in all mysteries, of those of the height, discourse in openness, thou, whose heart is raised to the Kingdom of Heaven more than all thy brethren.”

Throughout the text, after listening to her interpretation of his teachings, he acknowledges her perceptive abilities,

Well, said, Mary, for thou art blessed before all women on earth, because thou shalt be the fullness of all fullness and the perfection of all perfections.

This is only the first of a number of texts that speak of Mary Magdalene’s gifts and unique relationship with Jesus. According to a group of Gnostic Gospels discovered in 1945 in a cave in Upper Egypt near the village of Nag Hammadi, she was said to be an inspired prophetess who continuously experienced the living presence of her Lord within her.

In The Gospel of Mary, from this collection, Mary Magdalene, the visionary, reveals to the other disciples teachings that were transmitted to her through visionary experience. In this gospel, she clearly takes the lead, not only soothing and reassuring the male apostles who fear capture and death, but relating to them teachings of the Savior that she alone has been privileged to receive. As in the Pistis Sophia, the Savior blesses her for her visionary capacity. When Peter questions her vision, Levi responds with, “If the Teacher held her worthy, who are you to reject her? Surely the Teacher knew her very well, for he loved her more than us.” [4]

In The Gospel of Philip, from the same collection, the disciples appear to be jealous of the intimate relationship between the Savior and Mary Magdalene.

The Companion of the savior is Mary Magdalene. But Christ loved her more than all the disciples and used to kiss her often on the mouth. The rest of the disciples were offended by it and expressed disapproval. They said to him, “Why do you love her more than all of us?” The Savior answered and said to them, “Why do I not love you like her? When a blind man and one who sees are both together in darkness, they are no different from one another. When the light comes then he who sees will see the light, and he who is blind will remain in darkness.”

Because I have no reason to doubt Philip’s account or the words found in these early texts, I feel that the Christianity brought to France by Mary Magdalene has a different feel about it because it was closer to the authentic teachings of Jesus. If Mary Magdalene truly was the Apostle of the Apostles, then Jesus transmitted more to her or perhaps she understood this transmission better than the rest of the apostles. Through this lens we can begin to perceive and acknowledge the different understanding and practice of Christianity that emerged in Southern France, one that lasted over 1,200 years and in a sense pervades the place to this day.

Magdalene’s Legacy

When one looks at the history of the region one finds evidence that with her arrival, a surge of spiritual awareness, code of ethics and respect for feminine values began, which wove itself into the very fabric of the psychic landscape of Europe. The Order of the Knights Templar was created in this region. The alchemists began their flurry of Cathedral building to preserve the secret metaphysical teachings passed down to them from ancient Egypt. The Crusades and the entire Back to Jerusalem movement began in this area. The mystical Kabbalistic texts the Bahir and Zohar emerged from this region, bringing to the Jewish people knowledge of the Shekhina, or ‘indwelling presence’ and ‘feminine potency of God’. The cults of the Virgin Mary, Mary Magdalene and Black Madonna, symbolically representing the three aspects of Isis in her role as Universal Goddess, arose here and spread throughout Europe.

It was here the troubadours and poets such as Wolfram von Eschenbach, Robert de Bouron and others sang their songs of devotion to the feminine principle and wrote their fables of the Holy Grail. And it was here in the beautiful mountains and valleys of Provence and Languedoc that the Cathars, as carriers of the Gnostic transmission of Jesus and Mary Magdalene, rebelled against what they considered to be the excesses of the priestly hierarchy, renounced all worldly possessions and fully committed themselves to the path of spirit. Among the Cathars, women as well as men were priests who transmitted divine grace and healing power through the laying on of hands in their sacred initiatory rites that link back to Mary Magdalene, Isis and the healing traditions held by the temple priestess.

As time marched on, the Church of Rome, threatened by the inroads these powerful Gnostic teachings were making among the local populace, labelled them heretical and moved to suppress them. To cement the rule of the Church of Rome, Pope Innocent III called for a Crusade against this Gnostic Cathar heresy. This crusade, which had as its focus the torture, murder and eradication of these loving and compassionate people was the starting point of a wave of fear, suffering and suppression of the feminine in both her divine and worldly aspects that would spread throughout Europe and become known as the Holy Inquisition.

Closer to our time, there are the visions of Saint Bernadette and the healing waters of Lourdes, as well as the mystery of Father Sauniere, Rennes Le Chateau and his strange chapel dedicated to Mary Magdalene. Then there is the saga of Otto Rahn searching through the hills and valleys of this region for the Nazis trying to find the Holy Grail for the upper echelon of the SS. There are the legends of the secret alchemists who live in a magical castle somewhere in the Pyrenees recently popularised in the Harry Potter series. Finally, emerging from this region, is the mystery of the Alchemical Cross of Hendaye, the prophetic visions of Nostradamus and the Basque legend that John of the Apocalypse still lives in a cave in the Pyrenees and will leave that cave only at the end of time.[5]

These events and stories reveal that Mary Magdalene and the Gnostic current may very possibly be the driving force behind the rich history of this region. Whether it is fact or legend that Mary Magdalene actually came to this area is less important than the power and impact her life and teachings had upon the people of France. It is obvious to anyone who opens their eyes to see, that early in the history of this grace-filled tradition, Mary Magdalene, Apostle of the Apostles entered and has remained at the heart of Christianity.


1. From a conversation with minister and playwright Lila Sophia Tresemer, co-author of the play and DVD, Re-Discovering Mary Magdalene (written with her husband, David Tresemer), for which I created the choreography. In their travels through France, she discovered a tradition of using the healing oils of Mary Magdalene that was said to have been passed down to healers now living in the south of France.

2. Sharron Rose, The Path of the Priestess; A Guidebook for Awakening the Divine Feminine (Inner Traditions, 2002) p.104

3. From the forward by Leslie Shepard to G.R.S. Mead’s, Pistis Sophia (University Books, 1974), p. xvii

4. From the recent translation by Jean-Yves Leloup, The Gospel of Mary Magdalene (Inner Traditions, 2002).

5. For greater insight into these events see Weidner and Bridges, The Mysteries of the Great Cross of Hendaye: Alchemy and the End of Time (Destiny Books, 2003) and the Sacred Mysteries DVD, Secrets of Alchemy: The Great Cross and the End of Time.

© Copyright 2006 by New Dawn Magazine. This article first appeared in New Dawn Special Issue No. 2. For further information visit

Friday, June 18, 2010

Let's Make LIFE Our Way by Magdala Ramirez / Mayan Priestess

Beautiful People of the world

Children of Gaia

The time has come to be unite as true human beings, and embrace the new way of relationship with your own nature, this relationship needs to change in perfect alignment with the Planet Earth. For the true human beings knows that there is only one nature and the one is inside of the self as a divine beings children of the Great Mother.

The true human beings knows that is not about preserve the old way of living” but to embrace LIFE by herself.

The Mother is balance, she is the force of life inside of all life forms, and she has been receiving so many attacks, and she is trying to go to balance, so she can make the shift with all life forms inside of her, she is healing herself, in every prayer, in every life force in perfect alignment.

Now, is the time for human beings to wake up, and realize the biggest disaster in the planet earth caused by humans, now the original human beings stand again pray together in that alignment with her, and give back the energy of healing for her, from the core of all life forms to the core of the Mother. As it has been from the core of the mother to the core of all life forms.

In the journey of listening to the great mother, and the alignment with her, human beings are able to honor and respect all the elements as their own nature, for the recognition inside as well as the outside is creating the path of being human, , the recognition of the planet earth as a hostess, as a mother, that gives birth to so many life forms. Human beings are guest in this planet, and having incredible experiences for the embracing of enlightenment. And mother earth holds, sustain, maintain, nurture, enlighten, create, recreate, for human beings are able to embrace her in the journey to enlightenment. There is no time for the selfish arrogance and spoil brad human beings.

This is the time when the true human beings take responsibility for the massacre of the ocean, for in each car that works with gasoline, responsibility is there, the massacre of the amazons, la Selva Lacandona, Ecuador, Mexico, as well as many other communities, being devastated, in the name of progress” needs to stop. And human beings needs to come together, to bring into being a safety natural “way of living” The oil companies, have been doing the massacre of the ecosystem for a very long time, and there will be there until human beings wake up and stop supporting them.

Mama is calling and human beings are listening. She is dancing and we dance with her… and this is the time where human beings learn new dance…

As a true human being, let’s make LIFE our way of living….

I am receiving so many emails of people around the world making the prayers, join your community, or pray wherever you are, so the alignment will help her for she recognize human being in her, now is the time where human beings recognize her in them.

In lakesh


YOU are invited : Sommer Solstice Virtual Council with the 13 Indigineous Grandmothers

Thursday, June 3, 2010

People Of The Earth, Time to Pray ~ by Grandmother Magdala Ramirez

… Long time ago, when human beings went to sleep and had the bad dream of separation, the Great Mother began to cry and cry.. and cry, from there the oceans came into being, so the Great Father told her, stop your crying for you will drown your own children, so mama, stop her crying in the outside, but she cry in the inside, and from there, all the rivers and subterranean rivers, and the lakes, and the cenotes, came into being, so she say I will create a big beautiful trees, so my humans children can sit there and rest, and I will whisper my lullaby, so they remember me and come back home…

When I see the attack of our waters, our tears of the mother, where my brothers and sisters remember the ways, and how those tears have turn black, killing all life form as they pass, my eyes, cannot stop the crying…

Water is our emotional body, in her cycle, human beings embrace ascension, for human beings are water, in the attack of the emotional body turning our oceans as the black tears, human beings feel it in the very core, for there is only one nature, and all life forms can feel the attack as one…

In my prayers I ask for guidance… but please children of the great mother, lets pray, together….

Greed, politics, ignorance, has been the door of this devastation in our oceans, in our land, in our planet, I am asking as the daughter of the Great Mother, that I am, that you are, for all true human beings enter into ceremony, water ceremony, according to your tradition or religion, and wherever you stand, all over the world, lets create a wave of healing within and without, find your heart, and bring your sacred bowl full of water, pray, then pray, then pray again, until you touch your e-motion, and allow 3 drops of your tears go into your sacred waters, and just like a child that drink the tears, bless them, as they are, and pray more, and as you pray, ask for the divine order, the Great Father, for help, and to bring forward the keepers water, the keepers of the land, the keepers of the fire, and wind, come together, and teach the new way to relate with the environment, each other, and the self….. Go into the rivers and lakes and the sacred springs to pray….. bring your heart with you in wherever is your tradition or religion… , drink the waters that comes out from the womb of the mother, your sacred bowl…. For we are giving birth to new world …

Do the ceremony on June solstice, all together, all over the world, be sure to not to use your car for one day, so motion, find a new way, for you know that the way to stop this massacred is to embrace unity within the self, as well as all life forms, specially our brothers and sisters of the ocean, the ones that remember the way….

This solstice, unite as true human beings, pray for mother earth and for all life forms, and life force, know that you pray for yourself, for you are life….

Bring your ceremony of the water forward, according to your religion or tradition; bring your heart into being, all together as one, for there is only one….

We will be in ceremony at the land… everyone is welcome, all together…

In lakesh


Tuesday, June 1, 2010

On Grief & Buddhism ~Joan Halifax

Photo: copyright Joan Halifax

Upaya Zen Center Dharma Podcasts ~ On Grief and Buddhism: by joan halifax

I strongly recommend listening to this podcast as it is not only meant for buddhists

and really deep & profound & touching

Friday, May 28, 2010

The Four Races by Magdala Del Consuelo Ramirez, Mayan Priestess

There is a prophesy that the Great Spirit gave the four major races a gift, the black people received the gift of the water, the white people received the fire, the red people the earth, and the yellow people received the wind, and then all the four races went in different directions, and used and misused their talents.

The Great Spirit also said, there will be a time when all the races will come back together, and put their talent in the very center, so it can be used by the others in a good way, that is when the fifth element will be uncover…. And the time is now…

The time has come for the people of the earth to come together in a good way, and put their talents for the highest good of everyone, the water represents the emotional body, the fire is the mind, the earth is our physical body, the planet earth, the land, and the wind is the spirit, and all together form what we call being human.

Human beings have many realms within the self, some of these realms people are not aware of, yet if you see human beings as a whole then everything will begin to make sense, even when people are not aware of it, just like in the same way the geese fly together, as one single spirit, so it is as a human being, this is the spirit of God as one.

Human beings for long have been out of their nature, of his/her own humanness spirit, and created different ways to see themselves, according to a back ground, according to a religion or tradition, according to an environment that leads them to a different beliefs, and they began to feel separated from each other, and felt good in creating so many differences, and those differences became an identity, a false image of the self, a false image of what a human being is truly….

For so long this human being has moved so far away from nature, they went into self destructive behavior, and created wars with each other, and separation and destruction is everywhere, for in their own way, a self destructive force was taking place, for they feel separated within the self, a fragmented self, that didn’t recognize themselves anymore as a true human being, for the traditions, religions, backgrounds, languages, created a gap, and limited the minds of the people, in such a deep manner Now is the time for the integration of the self, so human beings can recognize that there are many other realms, as the multidimensional being that the human being really is, and in the reflection in the outside of this incredible journey of being human is the bonding and understanding of all the races of the world together, in the inside.

Who will win? Who is the boss? Is it the mind, the fire? Is it the emotional body, the water, Is it the earth, or maybe the wind as a spirit?

Here is the situation, when human beings are able to see themselves as a whole, as a complete being, that will be the big winning. This is the time of the ascension, and human being is on an incredible journey reaching themselves, reaching who they truly are, recognizing themselves as a perfect being, as a daughter and son of the Father Mother God, and in this incredible journey, they need to begin to see themselves as a whole….

What has happened to the people and why are that they are so afraid to see beyond their, cultural beliefs that has limited and enslaved their minds for such a long time?

On this journey being human, a battle came into being inside of the people, are human beings slaves their emotions, their heart? Are they are so afraid of love? Does human being destroy the land, and themselves creating in that way a self destructive way of living? Does the mind wanted to possess and control everything through the limitations based on a cultural belief? Did the spirit get so broken that it gave up and does not believe anymore in self?

Maybe I am late for the party, when I arrive here in USA, there were all these addictions of the system already into being, a history, a her-story was already written, and created a big hurt between the races, or as my beautiful sister said, “maybe you are just in time for the new party”, and this is the time where human beings are able to come together as one, as an integrated self. I am not sure about this party thing, I do believe in human beings. In my connection with the Great Mother, I listen carefully of what she is saying, I born as a Mexican and as a woman, yet the journey have taken me to move the identity, into many realms, I have been everything, and everyone, I am you…… and still be “me”, …and so are you.

The new world is at hand, and human beings will uncover the true human being inside of the self, and this is the time of the quickening, so human being is ready to embrace who they are as a whole, and learn to relate in a different manner, with the environment, within each other, and the most important within the self. And if we see this “process” in a country where all the races are together, is very interesting to find out how is working in the outside and making the reflection in the inside and inside as a reflection to the outside.

For long time in the history, human being thought that freedom needed to be fought for, not recognizing the freedom within, as a right of being human, for long time human beings thought that justice was something that the governments of the world needs to provide to the people, instead of recognizing justice inside of the self, now is the time to question What people have done with their mind? People have become slaves of their own mind… and thinking the land is there to use and abuse, is also being represented by the women, for it is the land that bears life, that give life, sustains life, and in the distorted mind way of thinking, the women were seen as possessions and controlled, then the distortion of the communities began to happen when the women that represents the virtual reality, began to create a reality based on pain, truly a community’s happiness will be according of how the women feels, “if mama is not happy nobody is happy”.

The system has been creating and recreating based on the wrong beliefs of human beings, human beings think that the most important thing is the mind and has created a slavery way of thinking, they value themselves according of what they have, and posses, the valorization of human being created the big Fall of the human being, and then of course, many religions or traditions, were created according to the false belief that human beings are nothing but imperfect beings, that has created a system that enslaves, manipulates, destroys the true human being.

Now, human beings are in the process of enlightenment, it is reaching a point where they need to see themselves in a different manner, as whole, and to relearn, to remember, the ways of the true human being, where the way to relate one to another is through respecting each other ways.

The time where the broken mind, the limited mind, the distorted mind, making the choices is gone…. Now the choices are being made by an integrated being, ready to embrace who they are in the inside and reflect that one into the manifestation tin their outside.

In lakesh