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Friday, December 18, 2009

A Thank You, kind of Good Bye and a "gift idea"

Loss makes artists of us all as we weave new patterns in the fabric of our lives. Greta W. Crosby~~~

Thank you to all my friends for your kind words, good wishes and sweet little gifts over this year...
I went through a huge transformational process, this last year was marked with deep losses , and a lot of physical pain again I am going through a sickness not allowing me more than some minutes on the puter.
high fever, lot of pain and weakness as well as many dreams and insights.
as i will not be able to celebrate my birthday in any "outer forms" , I decided to gift myself with a new
I let go of all old cluster, old bonds that limit me and others in the process, old patterns ,
I will never ever again engage in any "special" path to enlightenment or move to any holy/sacred spaces
, I will only sing songs that come from my soul...
all is always here right now ...
no tradition , religion, petition for me any more dualism of any kind , no matter in what is only about separaton instead of integration - I took enough of that remedy in my life and don't need no more...
I was taught in painful ways this year that life is fragile and precious... no time for pretense of any kind.

I AM FREE ... I am Rainbowserpent ... The world is my home, right where I am is Sacred Land and Sacred Life - and there is nowhere to go and nothing to do any more .. the old skin is off... (.if you find this old snakeskin on your path better leave it behind though it might look attractive to you and you might have an impulse of using it ;-) ...)

I love you all ,
Dagmar Magdalena

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

13 hours of Drumming the Heartbeat of The Mother - many elders involved all over the world -

Beautiful Ones

Thank you!, gracias, gracie, merci beacou, taximyca, ehehe, wado tlatzocomate, iosbotick, Shokran thankeshen, arigato, compa… ! with all my heart!

The time has come, the time is now, we will have a beautiful ceremony, in Little Rock Ark, the ceremony of all the tribes, religions, traditions, all together, today is a better world, for the heart of the human being is ready.

We will have an interview in the radio tonight at 7.30 central time, in little rock, in Spanish, will be in Kabs 88.3 Fm, press relice will be on Saturday.

Ceremony, will began at 7 am to 8 pm. Our Spiritual leaders from so many tribes, will begin the speech at 12 am, they are an incredible beings, so beautiful and wise,

here is our Speakers:

Miss Annie Abram

Mom Feather

Unci Grandmother Mary Thunder

Umubyeyi Queen Mother

Lady Star Devee Grimes

Grandmother Sky Weaver

Waitaha Grandmother

Grand father Standing Bear

Terri channel of the angel Janith

Chief Aina Olomo

Wind Daughter

Mario Monroy

Magdala Ramirez

In here you will find directions to the park will be 54 high and 40 low, according to weather channel, dress warm, we will have 2 heaters, yeaaaa !!.... thank you Patrice

We do need drummers, and helpers…. I am heading to Little Rock Thursday, and will have my compu with me, to check on messages… Looks like we will have Skype for there is so many people all over the world that want to be here… I have no idea how to do that, but I have a beautiful brother that he does know…if you are interested, let me know….

It is happening something so amazing, for many elders could not come, so they are creating the ceremony now in their land, with many elders of many traditions and religions, there are now so many, that cannot be in an email, so I will mention few of them:

Sweden Dagmar Ceki

Chile Dana Fol Fol

Argentina Susana

Colorado, in Boulder Reyna Snyder

Colorado in Laffayet Coyo

Colorado Springs, Raven

Canada Deanna Parshley

Egypt Sohaila Hussein

California Chief Marvin and Hiroko San

Minnesota Liana

… the list goes on and on… directions and information is in the web site ;

I will keep on updating my web site, as soon I have wireless, for there are so many still coming in from all over the world, I am sending a map, yet is not updated, will be by Friday… and the flyer besides, German, Russian Indi Spanish English, now we have the translation in Japanese, and just receive an email from Rimpoche, he cannot come, but pray at his realm…

I love you sooo much

In lakesh


p.s. Beautiful Umubyeyi Queen Mother, will be at the ceremony at 10 am. For previous commitment

Beautiful Ones, my Ixpapalotlis, my butterflies

My heart blooms to see all ceremonies of unity all over the world, for human beings are ready!

The world is a better place because of you, I am so thankful for all of you!

I heard about this ceremony in my communion with the Great Mother, no idea what will happened, and she has opened the doors for the many all over the world, I know where it comes from, no idea how far it will go….is beautiful!

Last night I had a beautiful dream, the mother gave me a rose tree, it was little, I planted in the middle of the ceremony, and began to grow and grow, went to the sky, I touch it, and the roses begin to happened, so big as my open hand, the smell was covering the earth, I was giving roses to everyone…. I love roses! You are the roses of the great mother….

Thankfulness is everywhere…

Know, that I will be there in your ceremony, you will be here at the ceremony of the crystal world, together, we will enter into the crystal consciousness, the awakening of human being is happening…

The world of the enchanted flower…

Know you, that you are love, and being love, know you that you always in my heart!

Let me know what happened during your ceremony….

I am you

In lakesh


Mis hermanas y hermanos hermosos

Mis Ixpapalotlis, mis mariposas

Mi Corazón florece, de ver las ceremonias de unidad en todas partes del mundo, los seres humanos ya están listos!

El mundo ha cambiado, es mejor pues tu corazón esta ahí, el agradecimiento de la gran madre esta con ustedes, la gracia vive en ustedes…

Escuche de esta ceremonia en mi comunión con la Gran Madre, no tenia idea que sucedería, ella ha abierto las puertas del mundo, se de donde viene, no tenia idea hasta donde iría…

Anoche tuve un sueno hermoso, soñé que la Gran Madre me daba un árbol de rosas chiquito, mismo que lo plante en medio de la ceremonia, y el árbol crecía y crecía, lo tocaba y rosas aparecían tan grandes como mi mano, la fragancia llenaba al mundo… y yo le daba rosas a todo el mundo, me encantan las rosas, ustedes son las rosas del mundo….

La gracia de la gran madre esta en todas partes…

Sabe que yo estaré en tu ceremonia, así como ustedes estarán en la ceremonia del mundo de cristal, juntos ahora entramos a la conciencia cristica, pues el despertar del ser humano esta aquí…

El mundo de la flor encantada…

Sabe que eres amor, sabe que eres amada, sabe que siempre estas en mi corazón!

Déjame saber que sucede en la ceremonia

Yo soy tu, in lakesh


visit our web sites

Monday, December 7, 2009

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Sunday, November 29, 2009

healing - readings

Order a Healing - Reading

Sometimes in life we are stuck –
we clearly feel that there needs to be more to life.
The purpose of the reading is to get you back on the track of YOUR life, as it is meant to be and to help you live in accordance with your original vibration.

Dagmar Magdalena Ceki holds very firm to ethical precepts.

Therefor the only topic of the reading is your True Nature. WHO are you, what are you here for,what are your challenges and what might be tools right now to create a break - through.... Dagmar is confirmed as clairsentient and works with Mesa Reading in addition.

The process of dreaming, reading and writing your very personal reading will take 2-5 days .

get your Healing - Reading NOW

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Thirteen Hours of Drumming The Heart beat of the Mother - NOW WORLDWIDE - join in when you can

The 13 hours drumming is to be going around the World finally ...

If you want to join us somewhere in the border area Norway / Sweden you are welcome to connect with me @ dagmar.jishin at asap...
We are in train of co-creating with Tittin from Norway...

Love Always , Dagmar

Beautiful ones

It has been so incredible what is going on all over the world for human beings have encounter unity and peace within the self now there are ready to bring the ceremony every where in the world of the 13 hour of the heart beat of the Great Mother .
The flyer its being translated in Sweden, Spanish Indi, German, Rusian, so many beautiful people all over the world are bringing the ceremony everywhere in the perfect resonance of the Great Mother song, creating in this way a wave of unity and peace for the true human being is remembering!.
If you want to bring the ceremony to your place let us know so we pray together in every beat, and connect the whole world with the heart of the Great Mother,, I am sending little crystals from the land of the Ark so we are all connected….
Lets change the world… all together…you and me…. Together…
Lets embrace the new one… you, me, all together…

In lakesh

Thank You, Gracias, Tlatzocomate , thankeshen, arigato, wado, iosbotick, pedamia, taximyka, ehehe, compa, gracie, merci vocu, ….(sorry about spelling)

Ecuador y Argentina: Dana Fol Fol

Pueblo People: Abuelo y Abuela Flo and Sal …no email

Sweden: Dagmar Ceki

…and the list goes on and on… let me know if you need the info…

Here goes in spanish, English and Hindi … just scroll down until you find you language

तेरा घंटों की दृम्मिंग
माँ के दिल की धड़कन
दिसम्बर १२, २००९
७ ऍम से ८ पम तक
आईये और एक साथ इस जेंदगी की खुशियाँ मनाइये!
एस दुनिया को बदलने के लिए...एक साथ!
अब एक होने का समय आ गया है
जगत माता की पुकार को सुनने का समय आ गया है
हर धड़कन में उनका प्यार गूँजता है
इकता प्यार से आसक्ति है

क्यूंकि प्यार ही हमें एक करता है

माँ बोलती हैं की मैं तुम्हे आपने अंदर पाती हूँ, क्या तुम मुझे आपने अंदर पाते हो?

जीवन को पवित्रता से जीनेका ही एक मात्र तरीका है, हाँ, सामय आ गया है की हर इन्सान आपने अन्दर और अपने बहार शांति का अनुभव करे.

समाये है आज, अभी, इसी वक़्त.
क्यूंकि सब तरीके एक हैं
सब धडकनें एक हैं
माँ की धड़कन
वो पवित्र धड़कन प्रत्तेक जीव में धड़कती है.
ये हमारी जगन्माता, जिनके लिए,
जिनके साथ और जिनके अंदर हम पवित्र नृत्य कर रहे हैं
समाये आ गया है की हम सब
उनकी धड़कन को सुने,
उनके संगीत को सुने.
एस पवित्र जीवन के उत्सव को मानाने के लिए आप सभी को विशेष रूप से आमंत्रित किया जा रहा है जो ये आदिकाल से होना चाहिए था.
विभिन्न राष्ट्रों के प्रतिनिधि वख्त के रूप में होंगे, जो शांति और इकता के प्रतीक हैं इनमें शामिल है शुश्री आणि अब्राहम्स
पाबोद्य पार्क
लित्तले रोचक
इनमें स्ट्रीट
दिसम्बर १२, २००९

७ ऍम से ८ पम तक
क्र्यप्या आपने खाने पीनी का बंदोवस्त स्वयं करें १२ बजे के बाद प्रवचन का कार्यक्रम शुरू होगा आधिक जानकारी के लिए मुझे लिखें
लाकेश में

Trece Horas del Tambor

El corazón de la Gran Madre

El 12 de diciembre 2009

Desde las 7 a.m a las 8p.m
Celebración de Unidad y Paz!

Celebración de la vida!

Cambiemos el mundo!.....juntos,

tu y yo… uno a uno…

Ha llegado el tiempo de la integración del ser humano

Ha llegado el tiempo escuchar el corazón de La Gran Madre, pues nos esta llamando

En cada palpitación nos dice “ Te quiero”

A través del amor, tenemos un encuentro con la unidad y paz,

es en verdad el amor lo que cura…

Pues es el amor lo que une….

Al latido del corazón de la Gran Madre dice

“Yo te reconozco en mi, puedes tu reconocerme en ti?

La forma de vida se ha vuelto sagrada

Si, ha llegado el tiempo del encuentro

de paz en el ser humano, dentro y afuera de si mismo…

Ahora es el tiempo!

Pues en verdad es una sola la naturaleza,

un solo palpitar del corazón de la Gran Madre…

Lo sagrado de toda vida!

Ella es nuestra madre, donde la danza sagrada se

Hace uno con ella..

Ahora el ser humano esta listo para escuchar su canción, canción de vida, canción de amor…

Esta es una invitación especial para ti, a celebrar la vida como sagrada, como siempre ha sido desde el principio de los tiempos…
Habrá muchos oradores, representando muchas naciones, grandes lideres de paz y unidad…


Cuando: el 12 de diciembre, 2009 de las 7 a.m a las 8p.m

(necesitamos ayuda para tocar los tambores)

Por favor traigan sus sillas, cobijas, comida y bebidas
Unete a la ceremonia de vida en tu propio lugar! Sino puedes venir…escríbeme…

vamos pues a crear un mundo mejor…juntos

Los oradores empezaran después de las 12 p.m

Si hay preguntas, mándame un correo electrónico

In Lakesh


Thirteen Hours of Drumming
The Heart beat of the Mother

December 12, 2009

From 7 am to 8 pm.

Come and celebrate life in Unity!

Let’s change the world ….. together!

The time has come where all human beings comes together,

Time has come to listen to the Great Mother’s heart for she is calling

In every beat she is saying “I love you”

Through love we become one for unity is possible…

For It is love what unites…

in every beat Mama is saying I recognize you in me,

can you recognize me in you?

Sacredness of life is here as a way of living,

Yes, the time has come for all human

beings to encounter peace within and

without the self, The time is Now.

For there is only one nature, one heart beat, the beat of the mother,

the sacred heart beat of all life forms,

This is our Mother, we all are making the sacred dance with her, in her and for her

Now is the time for human beings to

listen to her heart beat,

listen to her song….

This is a special invitation for you to come and celebrate life as it was meant to be since the beginning of time

There will be speakers representing many Nations

great leaders of peace and unity,

including Miss Annie Abrams






December 12, 2009

From 7. am to 8. pm

(we need people helping to drum!)

Please bring your own chair or blanket, food and beverage.

Speakers presentation will begin after 12 pm…

Send me an email if you need more information

In lakesh


Monday, November 9, 2009

I.G.N.I.T.E Method - Distance Training

I.G.N.I.T.E method is designed to empower you and let you grow spiritually in the most effective and lasting way.
It is the melting momentum of all the paths and methods Dagmar has studied during her life, and it supports you with tools coming from neuroscience and quantum physics as well as shamanic wisdom and alternative healing methods of different origine.
There is kind of a red thread when you work through the training , but everything willl be adapted to you personally in the ways of skillful means.

The I.G.N.I.T.E method consists of

4 pillars :

* Method/s to easily connect and keep constant contact to Universal Authentic Self
* Balancing Female/Male, rewire the brain, use your talents...
* Symbols and more to understand Oneness and Diversity, and turn from the I to the We
* Energy coaching for trauma/ blocks

Though I.G.N.I.T.E. is free of a certain spiritual or religious background, it will adress your desire for spiritual growth in ways that allow you to establish the spirituality that is yours. You will either develope your own , resonating spirituality or be able to integrate what you have ever felt/seen/believed.
Your spirituality is your very personal relation with the source/god/spirit/ whatever you call it , IF you name it ... we do not name it for you.

The I.G.N.I.T.E method does NOT use New Age methods like Positive Thinking .
It is not just about how you can achieve your wishes and how to become rich,
but about how to ignite your life force in a way that makes your life feel complete and fulfilled and establishes your wish to participate in life in responsible co-creation.
Nothing will be imposed on you. There will be no imposing of harmony , love and light thinking on you as this only makes you feel worse and on the long run brings back deep feelings of failure, depression and guilt.

This is a transformational path , that will bring you lasting effects.

We have scheduled approximately 6-9 months for the core training. This will differ due to the amount of time and energy you can put into it .

During this intense and profound training you will receive about one working sheet every 10-14 days, support emails when needed and one free telephon session with Dagmar monthly.

While you are working on your own healing, we will empower you at the same time to use this method's approach in your own work as it unfolds.

There will be an intense training in Sweden once a year. The fees for it are not included in the monthly fees.

We have an online group additionally, where you can share with other participants in the training.

If you have any questions or concerns before, don’t hesitate to contact us .

Monthly fees : 80 EUR

as this training is self-paced, you determine how long it takes. The fees are to be paid as long as you do the training.

The "Light" version of this training consists of working sheets (approximatly 1 in 14 days), email support max. once a week. No phone sessions and no intensive included.

You will not be linked to the EarthLife Institute afterwards.

Monthly fee: 20 EUR

EarthTalk November 2009 - Newsletter EarthLife Institute & Shop Europe

EarthLife Institute's Newsletter - NOW available EarthTalk November 2009

you can either subscribe at the bottom of the newsletter or go to
to subscribe directly.

You are welcome to forward the newsletter to your friends as well... there is a link for forwarding in the NL as well.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

You might know where you want to direct your life, but have a lack of energy to manifest?
This necklace is created for you, it helps you stand strong and tall for your Truth & Dreams.

click here to go to EtsyHandMadeShop

Hematite is one of the most recommended stone for grounding and is associated with the Root Chakra, Hematite condenses scattered feelings, turns fuzziness into mental clarity, enhances concentration, memory, practicality and helps with sound sleep.
Considered the symbol of life energy, hematite allows for more confidence, will power and boldness.
A protective stone and helps bolster low self-esteem. Hematite is known to deflect negativity.
It restores equilibrium, and stability.

Snowflake Obsidian, has inclusions of phynocryst, giving it the snowflake pattern on it's surface.
It allows us to recognize unnecessary patterns in our lives.
Promotes self-esteem and confidence and allows us to be more sensitive and aware of the beauty and love that is around us.

Quartz is the Master Healer ! Probably the most versatile multipurpose healing stone.
Easy to cleanse, store information/energy in, program or amplify energy and is used as a healing instrument.
The natural tendency for quartz is for harmony.
Quartz can both draw and send energy therefore it is effective for sending/receiving guidance.
Quartz is used for transformation in healing and in all levels of change (mentally/emotionally, physically and spiritually).
Quartz stimulates the natural crystal in body tissues and fluids to resonate at the highest healing frequency.

Smoky Quartz is a grounding stone. It is used most often to overcome depression, nightmares and stress.
Smoky Quartz helps store information well for easier recall.
Because it is associated with the Root Chakra, it helps to alleviate fear, anxiety and associated emotional depression.
Smoky quartz is a great stone for detoxing, clears ambivalence and fortifies resolve. For those dealing with body image issues such as feeling too fat, skinny, short, tall, smoky quartz is for you.
Of all the grounding stones, it establishes the most gentle and loving connection with the body.

Dear Ones

Every day we receive about hundreds to thousands of messages by Spirit ,
but we often do not listen. We are busy with our "real" life andt our
mind is so occupied with thoughts that these messages don't get heard.

We need to calm our thoughts , open up and listen.

These messages come in thousand different ways : a special breeze , an animal approaching,
birds flying over you, trees whispering, dreams, visions, voices and much more .
Listen , notice and "interpretate" them from your heart.
When you have a question towards your life right now, a decision to make:
take time to be silent and LISTEN and you will receive answers...and you will understand.

Just some days ago, I fall prey to a storm in my head not knowing what direction to take
and my head was full of thoughts and concepts. I asked for a sign , a clear affirmation .
The next morning, while we drove to my acupuncture session , I suddenly stared in the
eyes of a wolf at the street. ... a wolf with the same face as my wolf sister Calli with whom
I danced around the fire and sat in the sweatlodge last year.
We stopped the car, and the wolf slowly crossed
the street from the left to the right side.
There it was - the confirmation I asked for - ... the medicine of the wolf is the Inner Teacher...
I understood - I need to listen more deeply to my Inner Teacher . and I need to go from my left, conceptual mind
back to the right brain, give space to intuition and the female way again...

Relax, listen and en-joy your messages.

Light from my Heart,
Mama Bear

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Back To The Roots - African - Native American Necklace

This necklace is composed from Botswana Beads, seeds painted with Grandmother Turtle (Mother Earth in Native American Tradition) and Lava Beads from Hawaii...
to remember we are all Native of The Earth, we are all children of Pachamama and spring all from the same roots.

So I created this necklace in the spirit to promote Love & Peace , as we are
All Family - we are All Our Relations.

here is the link :

Friday, October 2, 2009

EarthTalk October 2009 - Newsletter EarthLife Institute & Shop Europe

EarthTalk Newsletter October - EarthLife Institute & Shop

featured Medicine Song Woman Linda MacIntyre

To subscribe this Newsletter please go to the following site :

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Back To Passion - Healing Necklace ( Garnet , Prehnite, Smoky Quartz )

just listed a NEW Healing Necklace - Back To Passion , Garnet, Prehnite , Smoky Quartz

Sometimes we loose our passion for life. We feel dull and exhausted. In these times it is essential to find back to our passion on as many levels as possible. To support this, has been my intention while creating this necklace...

The Garnet is a stone of purity and truth as well as a symbol of love and compassion. The Garnet will help everyone's security level and spiritual awareness. It can help increase your connection to the erotic energy in you. It is associated to the sacral chakra.

Prehnite is quite a protective stone. It aids spirit communication through meditation and visualization l and as a powerful dream stone. Prehnite crystals help to teach one to let go of old memories that are painful. If there has been avoidance of the truth due to pain, these crystals will assist you in facing, understanding, and ridding yourself of that pain. It will help one to recognize the true potent ional that lies within, your divine self. It will guide in fulfilling this . Physically, prehnite is most helpful in the healing of gout, anemia and kidney problems. It will also aid in the healing of toxin removal, stimulating the metabolism as well as regenerating the body. It is helpful to the Third Eye Chakra as well as the Heart Chakra.

Smoky quartz is an excellent stone for removing negativity and negative energy of any kind and transforming them. It is also a very protective and grounding stone. It brings physical, protection, psychic protection and protection from negative energy. Smoky quartz engenders cooperation. It also helps with creativity, prioritizing needs and wants, and wisdom. In addition, smoky quartz is a stone that brings abundance, prosperity, and good luck.

Emotionally, smoky quartz is excellent for elevating moods, overcoming negative emotions, and relieving depression. Smoky quartz relieves stress, fear, jealousy, anger and other negative emotions by transforming them into positive energies. Smoky quartz is very comforting and calming, and can be considered a stone of serenity. It can be very helpful in relieving grief. Smoky quartz also stimulates kundalini.

Physically, smoky quartz is said to treat all kinds of problems associated with the lower torso including kidneys, abdomen, pancreas, reproductive organs, menstrual cramps, fertility issues. Smoky quartz also removes toxins from the body and helps the adrenal glands. It is also very helpful for regulating body fluids and relieving fluid retention. Smoky quartz is also excellent for dealing with hyperactivity, and attention deficit disorder. Smoky quartz is good for balancing and improving one's general health. Smoky quartz is associated with the root (base) chakra.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The Feminine Christ - channelled by my dear sister Magdala Ramirez/ Mayan Priestess

Desde el lugar de la forma sin forma, desde el corazon del gran sol central, desde lo mas profundo del corazon de la Gran Madre sale la voz sagrada del mensaje de la luz, pues en verdad el ser humano esta listo y ha entrado en el portal que ha sido preparado desde el principio del los tiempos.

Yo soy el alfa y el omega, el pricipio y fin, el circulo sagrado donde el fin es el principio y en cada principio esta el fin, has sido llamado para tomar tu lugar, ahí en el sin tiempo donde todo florece reside el primer misterio, el sello que ha sido resuelto por los muchos, pues su nombre el vida.

En el cristal claro reside la fuerza divina, ahí, donde es revelado el poder y la gracia para los muchos., sabiduría divina activada para el despertar de la conciencia, el cristo femenino, que ahora florece en el ser del ser humano.

Sabe que yo soy todas tus relaciones, pues yo soy en verdad tu madre, tu hermana, tu hija, yo soy en verdad tu padre, tu hijo, tu hermano, sabe en tu corazon que ahora hago una revelacion ante ti, pues yo soy tu presencia de mi propia presencia, originado en el lugar del sin forma, ahí donde todo esta mas alla del origen.

Ahora que sabes y que reconoces tu presencia, pues tus ojos han sido abiertos, ahora recuerdas, ahora te entregas, ahora floreces, ahora iluminas.

Yo soy el atado de anos, pues soy el portal, la puerta y la llave, ahora haz sido coronada con tu luz dorada….

From the place of the form without form, from the Heart of the central sun, from the core of the heart of the Great Mother comes the voice of the sacred one to give the message of light, for truly human being is ready and have entered into the sacred realm where the portal has been prepared since the beginning of the times.

I am the alpha and the omega, the beginning and end, where the end is the beginning and the beginning has been the end, in there in the sacred circle, you have been call to take your place, in the place of without time, where every bloom, where resides the first mystery, the seal that has been revealed for the many for the name is life.

In the Crystal Clear resides the divine force, in there, where the power has been revealed for the many, divine wisdom have been activated and the awakening of the consciousness, the Feminine Christ, that now flourish is the way of human being.

Now that I am all your relations, I am your mother, your sister, your daughter, I am indeed, your father, your brother, your son, know in your heart I made a revelation in you, for I am your presence of my own presence, that comes from the place without form, in there, where is beyond the origin.

Now you know and recognize your presence, for your eyes have been open, now you remember, now you “entrega” now you bloom, now you englight.

I am the bundle of years, for I am the portal, the door and the key, for you have been crown with the golden light.

In Lakesh

Thursday, September 3, 2009

EarthTalk September 2009 - Newsletter of EarthLife Institute&Shop Europe- featured Spiritual Artists and more

If you like to subscribe to receive this FREE newsletter regulary , go here :

wishing all a wonderful and blessed time.
We are proceeding in our intensive training time for the IGNITE training ( ) members tomorrrow and will be back in about a week.

Love Always, Dagmar

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Tree of Life & Spiral of Life - Necklaces created by me

in case you are interested in having it , here is the link :

Created with coloured Mother of Pearl, TigerEye wand and two Lapislazuli beads... in the middle you find a silver spiral symbolizing the Spiral of Life .. This necklace is a healing tool at the same time as you may use the TigerEye wand for acupressure.

Healing Properties of the beads used :

Mother of Pearl : Protection; Know mother's love. This stone is a great protective stone. Lapislazuli : A stone of royalty. Assists on to develop the power of mind, intuition, wisdom and memory. Releases and heals emotional wounds. Cleanses the system and makes it free of impurities. Opens the heart to love and beauty. Focuses the mind, helps one to see and understand different perspectives. Gets us in touch with the Earth. The peacefulness and warmth calms the emotions. Provides courage. Strengthens energetic boundaries.

Tree of Life - Necklace / Quartz and Chinese Jade --

if you are interested to have it , go:

In the Spirit of Oneness with all that is. The snake symbolizes the Kundalini/ Your Life Force Energy The small glass leaves make this a very special necklace ...

Healing Properties of the gemstones : Jade encourages practicality, wisdom, mental peace and tolerance of others. Relaxation and rejuvenation. It promotes wisdom and mental peace, calms fears, and increases a person’s ability to love. Helps to heal the mental, physical and spiritual ailments. Contains all colors to help balance, energize and expand all elements to make us whole and fulfilled. Helps each of us to find our own inner light.
Clear Quartz deepens your connection to spirit.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

EarthTalk Augst 2009 - Newsletter EarthLife Institute & Shop Europe

EarthTalk August 2009 - featured articles about SiStarhood & spiritual path
and featured networks for womens' prophecies and men's healing :

if you want to subscribe to this Newsletter go here :

Love Always - a blessed week-end to One and All,


Saturday, July 4, 2009

What Are Animal Totems ? by Jan Toomer

These are our animal guides in this lifetime; and just like our guides, we usually have at least one that is with us through out this entire lifetime.

We also have ‘specialty’ animal totems that show up during different times in our life to help: lend us support; bring inspiration, or a message; or lend energy.

For example: Big cats (ie the Mountain Lion) and Dolphin have been with me for a very long time. These are the types of energies I needed in this lifetime; they help support and guide me.

Giraffe came through once during a reading I had received from a psychic; its message was for me at that time in my life.

What are some ways for you to find out about your animal totems?

1. You can have a reading done by someone who can ‘see’ animal totems.
2.You can use ‘Medicine Cards’ – or go to someone who uses these cards.
3. (This is my favorite!) You can discover it yourself!

Life totems:
Think back over your life. What is one animal (can include insects, etc) that has captured your attention (or imagination) throughout your life?

For me, I could never wait to see the mountain lion or dolphin at the zoo or aquarium. The anticipation of seeing them made my whole body buzz – and when I finally got to see them, I was totally at peace and could spend hours just sitting and watching them.

Do you collect statues, statuettes, figurines or pictures of one particular animal?

Or do you repeatedly dream of one animal?

These could all be clues.

‘Specialty’ totems:

Today, as I drove out to the dentist’s, I saw Lizard. He was animatedly racing across a street.

When I was returning home, a Rock Dove literally flew around my car – as in encircling - as I was driving down the road.

I do not see both of these out and about on a regular basis, so I know to pay attention and find out what messages they carry.

When I came home, I pulled out my trusty “Animal-Speak” by Ted Andrews (love that book!); and found that Lizard’s “Keynote” is “Subtlety of Perception”. Andrews writes that one Lizard message is to listen to my “own intuition over anyone else’s”; very apropos for me at this time.

As for Dove – “Feminine Energies of Peace, Maternity, and Prophecy” – and Andrews writes “mourn what has passed, but awaken to the promise of the future.”

Now, I have only shared a tiny bit of each animal’s entry – (Andrews writes a lot more on each animal) – sharing what parts ‘spoke’ to me.

My husband and I keep this book handy and whenever we have an encounter with a critter, we look it up to see what message it has brought to us.

So, as you go through your day, watch to see what animal brings you a message. Thank them, and look that animal up to see what it means to you today.

June 13, 2009

Direct link to the article
Jan's Blog
Jan's Website
Follow Jan on Twitter

Thank you Jan, for the wonderful cooperation :)

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

just created BreakThrough Necklace - Snowflake Obsidian & Hematite

It comes with an integrated healing tool , as there is a small snowflake obsidian wand integrated , that you can use for acupressure and stone healing .

If you are interested in buying it here is the link:

Healing Properties of Hematite : Used in Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia as a healing stone. In the Middle Ages hematite was call ‘Bloodstone’ Mentally - Survival, will power, vitality. Physically - works with: Circulation. Stimulates the absorption of iron in the small intestine and the formation of red blood corpuscles, improving oxygen supply to the body and stabilizing health.

Snowflake Obsidian is a natural volcanic glass containing the mineral Cristobalite in the form of white "snowflake" crystal patterns. Snowflake Obsidian is calming and soothing. It teaches you to value mistakes as well as successes. A stone of purity, Snowflake Obsidian provides balance for body, mind and spirit. It helps you recognise and release “wrong thinking” and stressful mental patterns. Promotes dispassion and inner centring. Snowflake Obsidian empowers isolation and loneliness, aiding surrender in meditation. It aids in disorders of the veins and the skeletal structure. It improves circulation and alleviates muscular aches and spasms. Treats joint pain (arthritis) and hardening of the arteries.

Scandinavian Sacred Land Smudge

Happy To announce :

We now have a variety of

Scandinavian Sacred Land Smudge

as well as a wonderful German Item - Raeucherstoevchen - to burn herbs , resins and more in the most gentle way

Experience the silence and vastness of the Northern Forests

Friday, June 19, 2009

URGENT - HELP NEEDED my sister Magdala Ramirez (Mayan Priest) under attack from KKK (KuKluxKlan)

Dear Ones ,

I send this letter from Magdala to you in request for support in whatever ways you are capable...

prayers are needed , as much as they can get,

and if you know someone in that area ( Arkansas-Harrison and surrounding), please get the word round , so that

we can help practically with this as well.

Please help...

Love Always,



Beautiful Ones

The temple of the feminine and the Great Mother is under attack and I need your help.

Here is the situation:

As soon as the temple 12+1 was finish, the temple of the feminine, in the place where the waters comes out in ARK, we were cleaning outside of the temple when this woman in horse and dog appeared, (never seen her before) she had a gun in her hand and treating to kill me. My reaction came out from my heart, I stand up to her, and I told her out loud, this is a sacred land! If you want to shoot me, Shoot!!! I am ready! But you are not welcome in here! The woman begin to shout, nerves and crazy like, still pointing at me, when I repeat again, Shoot! I am ready! This temple is sacred! In that moment my wolf went after her dog and that created a distraction in the woman, so I told her again “ if you are going to shoot, shoot! I am ready, if you are not going to shoot, get out of here! The woman, crying and cursing, left…..

But… she has friends… politician and money powerful friends, who hate what I do in here in the spiritual work with women and men, he hates that I am a woman and not white, a man that owns a lot of properties where he cut the old trees and take them into a big saw mill. he came shouting to me and one of my sisters, angry, rude, cursing,…etc… he convinced the judge, the Newton county judge his name is John Griffin, with lies that this was a county road, and that everyone is welcome to come in into our ceremonial grounds, the road that enters into my property where the ceremonial places and the temples resides.. Where now, we have many people passing shouting f….. Indians! Shooting to the temples, passing with alcohol, drunk, saying all kinds of things …about the work that I do with the women…. (sisters took pictures)

John Griffin came before, and told me, you are right, your paper work that shows the road that you made, as well as the maps, are right, is just that you have a powerful enemy…. I thought truly that the judge will be honest and not allow that injustice of the man and lover to happened, but I was wrong, he did declare this road a county road (a road that does not go to no place) based on a lie, saying that they “the county have always maintain this road” which is not true, and the evidence is everywhere, that the same judge saw, even the ditch where my phone was put underground still is open, it was a friend that opened that ditch, the Judge even add, at the bottom of his letter “call the sheriff if you have any problem”… which he knows about the woman with the gun and all the people passing shouting, cursing and shooting to the temples, that was a bad sarcasm, for the sheriff already knows what is going on, and nobody did anything, because this man is involve in it… In this town the KKK is very strong….

I have try to appeal the judge decision, but the lawyers are 175 an hour, that I do not have, or, they do not want to fight a case of Magdala Ramirez versus Newton County….they are afraid to do it, … I only have until July 2 to appeal.

All this looks like the story wants to be repeated, in the ancient temples of the feminine, where the women became the holy spirit, and the woman that wasn’t accepted in the temple, brought her friends to destroy those temples and massacre the women. It is not that time anymore, For the Great Mother is talking out loud, and cannot be silence, cannot be hidden anymore, The great mother is standing and bringing the teachings of the new world just unfolding… everywhere!

Many ceremonies we have made asking for protection…

I am calling to all the light workers to help, I have no idea how to do this, no idea who is the Senator of ark, of Newton County, to whom to speak, to whom to defend the ways of the mother, or how to do this, we need a lot of prayings…

… the only thing that I am sure, is that mama will never stop singing, the ceremonies will go on, and I will stand up and say it again to the people “This land is sacred, in here many people have found their sacredness, and the voice of the mother, I am woman and I am sacred!

…They really do not know what they are doing…

In lakesh

I am your other you


Friday, May 8, 2009

Awakening The Feminine , message from my dearest sister Magdala Ramirez

Beautiful Ones

I want to share with you what happened in the priestess hood awakening, It happends at the temple 12+1 in the fist awakening of the school of enlightenment of the feminine

Bringing back the teachings of the ancient school has been so powerful and challenging, for we are again in the time where the cycles is being accomplish, one ending and another one beginning. The time has come to awake those teachings inside of the human being… and women, as it was in the ancient times are leading the way…
But we are not in the same conditions as it was before, in the ancient times women grow up knowing the way for the abuelas make sure to hold on into the teachings, teachings that pass on generation to generations for they teach the girls, and through their wombs, hidden in the mother, the teachings were able to be maintain and sustain, in order to be able to awakened now, when those teachings have became very powerful.

The ways of the feminine, is not given only for a tribe, for the feminine is able to bear this knowledge all over the world. We have come here not to destroy any religion or tradition, but to consummate them, for the feminine knowledge is not bounded into the male ways. For long time people have use tradition and religion to separate and create wars and create more separation of the separation, now, human being is able to understand that unity comes from within, through an integration of the self, for this is happening all over the world, the entering into the world of the enchanted flower is through embracing who you are….

So, what happened in the priestess hood awakening, in the remembering the ancient teachings of the feminine? Well, beautiful 12 women came into the land where the waters comes out from the womb, 5 days took us to enter into the world of the fifth, five intensive days that felt in some days slow as the intensity was happening…. For they have come with their stories, with their bondaries and perceptions, with their backgrownd hanging, big bag of things, but also the intent of awake a powerful being, the woman-hood in the perfect expression, and they did, here is a picture of them…

The path was tuff, it was hard to get there, there were sisters that opened the doors for the other sisters, and trust was everywhere… for the journey was long, it took around 500 hundred for some or 1000, 2000 years… for others…

But the temple was accomplish, and waiting for them…

As all the sisterhood became integrated, the work became much more intense, the place of the mirrors began to make roots for the integration was taking place, by the second day at the temple…

Tree ceremonies in the kiva took place to complete, the rain began, and didn’t stop until was accomplish, but the sisterhood hold it together, and they learn to dance in the mudd, for they needed to learn the place where they were standing…. This is a pictue of the kiva ceremony…
Spirits were everywhere, for so mannnny women have been waiting for this moment, so we have a big big big crowd of spirits, as the ceremony got more and more powerful the spirits began to arraive to the land, My sister, my witness, took many pictures during that time, the temple of the union of polarities, the mama’s garden, all were full of beautiful spirits, (you can see them at the web site too) …

But anyway, as it was in my tribe, many of the teachings were done in the kitchen, there, where the tamales were done, and here is our kitchen….

As the third day entered, the new shift came with it, for the sacred dance was awaken and the many faces were recognize…. Integration was taking place, was so needed for the entering into the fifth world, the world of the enchanted flower is through using the unique key, the perfect tunning, the perfect alienation of where the heart is, for divine order is everywhere….

The forth day, the awakening of sacred geometry, and the bridal chamber took place, frustration came into the sisterhood, and the embracing the frustriacion and confusion took place… All were prepare for our last kiva, the purification of the third masculinity, for now, was the time to jump, into the world of the enchanted flower, and the knowledge of the tree of life had been awaken, and the creation and recreation, alredy into that new world, the roots were planted in the new world, and the teachings, were done, in the temple 12+1, kiva, and of course, the kitchen… and the fulfillment, the accomplishment of the teachings, in the world of the enchanted flower… We overcome, everything that was stopping the women to get it, for in the world of the enchanted flower is the realm of the absence of fear, the total entrega was taking place, nothing could stop the warrioress, the holy ones, to enter, for they needed to became a bridge, a living bridge for the many, it was intense, and so powerful, the seed was place in this new world, and most of the women, were ready. The sky finally clear, and mama moon came to great us, joy and purity was the door keepers, and witnessing the mama giving birth to the new women, and taking care of the seed…

That night, was so sacred, for the calling back to the temple of the 12+1 was in silence, the whole place was into ascension, as the sacred dance was made with the moon…. I call upon my witness, for this needed to be shone to the world, people is ready, and do not need to wait for anybody, as people embrace their own ascencion, the new world is waiting in ceremony and celebration of life….

This are som

Thank you sooo much my sisters, Trisha, my witness, Patty Walker, Cherry, Sallie, Cory, Barb, Patrice, Cathy, Jaky, Joy, Elantra, Annie, and Nana!

In lakesh


Saturday, April 4, 2009

Announcement : Opening of "Villa Kunterbunt"

We are happy to announce that a special project of EarthLife Institute Europe was just born in March 2009 .

Marita Léonie Niedenfuehr opened her Atelier/ Atelje for woodwork ...

Very timely at spring she is ready to show her colourful woodwork to the world.
It is joyful and speaks to the Inner Child.

She does custom made items, too.
contact her at
to discuss your wishes and order.

As pictures speak more than words , here is a collection of the work :

Monday, March 30, 2009

Leaving the Onion'sWay of Tears by Dagmar Magdalena Ceki

I decided on starting to add audio on my blogs , because I became aware of these facts
-- not many people have the concentration any more to read long texts in the net
-- there are people having sight difficulties and hard time to read the blogs

so I hope you will click on "start" & enjoy :)

I was called to speak out loudly about this by the mother:

For eons - at least it feels like eons - we are used to do spiritual work that way :
we work through our issues , we become aware of more issues, then we try to work them and what happens, we are so irritated about : have i worked this issue properly , am I "right" now, is there a hidden issue behind the issue behind the issue .....this leeds to a state of mind where we need people who confirm who we are , how "far" we have come. This again opens the way for having a need for lineages, traditions , religions - in short: people that have the authority to give you confirmation so that you feel better .
I guess many of you have been on this path for quiet a while...
it leaves you in the awareness of your faults, of not being perfect and never will be unless you are
enlightened. do you feel good on this path ? does it empower your True Self ? how long have you been on that path , still not feeling whole ?

Guess what : you never will while on that path.... it is male ways, it is about working from the outside in, like peeling an onion ... and the result is similar : the more you get to the core the sharper you feel the onion juice in your eyes , the more tears run down and you no longer see the world truely.
I promise : doing the issues way is multiplying issues until the end of this earthwalk.
In the end you might say : oh, gush, this was my karma - but actually it was your decision to walk the onion path of tears.

Female way is to nurture .To come from the inside out. We are Life . We are perfect and beautiful and we are creating this world.
So, not peeling through your issues is the answer , but LOVE . Start loving yourself , do not focus on your issues. Focus on your beauty. On the beauty of the soul you are . On your talents , your creativity. What will be the outcome ,what do you feel .... ?
What we nurture grows and strives and becomes whole bcause it always was.
Issues are just an expression of lack of self-love and connection , they all will disappear evantually while loving ourselves.
AND : this is not the way of "Love and Light", it is not imposing harmony while things go wrong,not ignoring shadows that are still there in the 3rd dimensional world.
It is coming back to be-live in yourself , to re-member who you really are and to re-connect to the source. And then stand strong and BE love.

First it might be a challenge to go new ways , as we tend to develope feelings of lonlyness.
But : yes, we are AllOne and holding the hand of the mother. this is the earthways, how wonderful !

Why not decide for Love, for the mother's way right now . Why not gifting you in this new year with the re- live of seeing your beauty right away and nurture this.

I love you all.
In Lakech
I am You,


Friday, March 27, 2009

Maya Land Journey by Magdala Ramirez / Maya Priestess

Beautiful Ones

We are back home, and all my flowers are awakening!

I have many emails asking how was Maya land…. It is so hard to put it in words what happened, it was powerful, and beautiful, an incredible journey in the inside as well as the outside…. In the 3 years count down for 2012….
We had witness the new world being born, we have liveth the day of the enlightment …

That we live everyday….

What happened?

It happened that the ancestors are calling for unity of all tribes, for all religions and traditions come together in perfect harmony, love is the avenue, love is the connector love in personal and impersonal way, no fear for love no more…. Now we create and recreate in the world of the enchanted flower, the plece of unity….

It happens that the world of the enchanted flower is the world that we are living in, it is a beautiful world inside and outside where the male-female meet, it happends when finally human being is able to understand the wedding, the unity that is happening all the time inside of the self….

It happened that we have enter into the ancient golden city … guided by a quetzal at the time of prayer…

It happened that we have enter in the path of the non-time, and walked, where the grandmother has touch our hearts and awake the knowledge of all true human beings, just like my flowers in spring, the path is open at the place where the gate, the bridge resides, the bridge inside of the self that knows where you stand….
It happened at the place of the star people, the ancestors that they brought the seed of enlightment, where the cosmic consciousness has been awakened, for human beings knows that they are part of a big big big cosmos, that there is no limits, that human being is indeed free and has always been free…. In the same realm we have found the underground golden city, where the entrance is the conch temple, and the portal to the stars, and the temazcal, the sweat lodge-observatory in form of a conch…..

It happends when we enter into Palenque! and the golden city…We enter into the realm of Pacal Votan and The Red woman, both great teachers of cosmos… She sing us her song at her temple, the perfect vibration, that has tune human being into the original DNA, she show us the sacred spring, of the waters that never ends, and the water falls in form of a womb where she baths, She show us the joung men clean and beautiful, the true men, at the age of 13, from the jungle of Lacandon bringing the seeds that will guide human beings in the path, and the seeds that will change colors every time an abuelo tree, a grandfather tree is being cut because of greed…. He is bare foot, so he can bless the mother as he walk, so he knows where he stands….

It happends that the true man have encounter himself at the pyramid of the grandmother, where he realize who he is…. As the woman have embrace too her sacredness….

It happends at the ceremony with the turtle by the pyramids, where they told us about the bridge of rainbow and the golden light will come, next day we have encounter the ancient pyramid of the abuela, she was there waiting for us, with so much love we went on top of her pyramid, by the gate of the many worlds, where she show us the way she look… through her eyes, we have seen the world in perfect harmony… and the many worlds in divine order….

It happends that we have enter in the sacred cenotes, where the inciation took place, the sacred womb of the mother, where we have meet with Blue star woman and many others spirits of light….

It happends in the place of Ixchel, by the ocean, where all started, for she is the beginning and end….

It happends at the holy city, at the ceremony of the many, where we had witness as the moment when Father arraived and touches Mama when the sacred rainbow and the golden light, that bridge that has been created for human being to enter, it was soooo beautiful… the heaven is on earth and the earth is on heaven….
So many more have happened but for now is what I can share, soon we will have photos at the web site, and the story more complete….

We will begin vision embracing next week, at the full moon of april, people is ready to embrace themselves, everyone is welcome at the place where the waters comes out from the womb, ….

Thursday, March 5, 2009

The World of The Enchanted Flower by Magdala Ramirez

They have asked me to speak about the “dream world” a world that resides in the virtual reality, yet just about to be manifested, a world where the cause and effect meet.

The ancient world that many tribes known, the world where the ancestors went to bring the teachings and the songs, the world where all is one…. This world is now….

A new world is awakening inside of the true human, a world that has been encoded in the true human being’s DNA since the beginning of time, a world that the ancestors called the world of the enchanted flower.

Inside of human being resides the key to open that world within the self, that world has been visited many times, sometimes without realizing…. It is the place where the hemispheres meet.

In this world, many of the concepts and ideas of reality are obsolete, for in the world of oneness there is no separation concept. There is no pain that created that separation, there is no money, for the cause and the effect are happening instantaneously, there is no government, for human beings knows how to relate, there is no time as in the third and forth dimension knows it, for the time was an invention of the “dark lords” as the Chilam Balam said, the concept of time in the world of the enchanted flowers is not based on process that created the illusion of separation, it is based on a cosmological way of thinking. In the world of the enchanted flower, there is nothing separated; it is a world of unity.

The cosmic way of thinking is awaken in the world of the enchanted flower, for human beings recognize her-his-self as an entity of a higher order, the divine order, where all is a big family, for the worlds are part of the one as one is part of the all, all is a beautiful orchestra happening with completely divine order, in a perfect harmony.

In this beautiful world where the true human being have always been, all is bonding into one, for it is the one that unfolded, the one that understands where you have always been, for you are being integrated into a higher version of your own self. There is one single language, that resides in the outside as well in the inside, for communication happens in a very direct form, there is no filters that create a process, it is a communication that is unfolding instantaneously, and is happening with everything that exist, at the same time, for time equals zero, love is the energy that connects in the purity of the essence, and the connection is the way of living

In the world of the enchanted flower, there is no separations of the chakras, no divisions between conscious and subconscious, no separation of mind, body emotions, spaces or dimensions, for all the dimensions are contained in the one. This means that there is no world separated. It means that there are worlds inside of a worlds inside of a worlds, all is completely integrated, all is one, for through the essence of all vibrations communication is taking place, for the root of the tree of life has always been one, for the one is contained in the whole as the whole is contained in the one.

As the sun enters in the center of the galaxy, the connection intensifies, through that connection authenticity comes into being. The authentic human being embraces peace by nature, by their own nature. True human being is a peaceful entity, for human beings know that nothing can harm them.... Human being will be conscious of that connection with the spirit from the heart, for all connection is sacred and every single life form is connected one to another. Through that connection, freedom will come into being; freedom comes through recognition within… For human being are free. Freedom is everywhere, for there is no boundaries in the inside as well as the outside, in the world of oneness freedom is a natural state of being human as it has always been. It is the world of the absence of fear.

The world of the enchanted flowers is being awaken when you know that you are being observed, senses are open…, feel it, and face the fear by just keep on observing that you are being observed, by what? You are being observed by your own higher self-God-Goddess-mother-matrix (womb), or whatever you want to call her-him. Is a grid, a grid that was built by communications, in your own connection with the spirit, that you are! by that connection. This meaning that if you can see the flowers, the flowers can see you, if you can see the creation as you call it, then the creation can see you, through that observation and recognition of being observed, you will begin to use the part of the brain that contains the connection and a new way of perceiving reality, and then creation of a better place has been made. Your behavior, thoughts, way of perceiving yourself will change, for you will be in alignment of that one that is observing you.

You are aligned then to the divine order, in perfect harmony with all around you, perfect harmony with the multiverse… All in perfect synchronicity, all in perfect movement, the perfect sacred dance of a cosmic way of thinking… Then human beings will realize where they are and be comfortable with the self, meaning pain is gone, separation is gone, all that doesn’t belong in the world of oneness is gone. Changes come from the inside to the outside.

The world is in deep changes. The “new world” is about relationships, the way the true humans relate to each other, the environment, and to the self, for all relationships are sacred. The web, in all life forms is sacred, the connection is sacred, and all life forms are sacred.

The ancestors didn’t disappear. They are here, in the golden city as many call them, the golden ones, the shiny ones, and they have many names… Human beings have all the assistance, there are beautiful beings waiting for human being arriving into the world of the enchanted flower, they are rejoicing, they are celebrating….!

In the world of the enchanted flower, you will find many possibilities for many worlds, you will uncover all the worlds inside of yourself, and when you think that you have them all, a new one will appear, for it is infinite. Human beings cannot take things that belong to the third and forth dimension into a higher worlds, for the laws are different in each world, just don’t look back…. Human being knows in the inner core, that they carry the history of the multiverse within the self; they carry the map of a multidimensionality being that he-she is, for they know deep inside that they have access to the libraries of the cosmos, anytime.

The first door is the union of polarities which means, that you are finally using the feminine side of your brain and your male side of your brain together; you are using a 100 percent of the brain! Use your brain.

The relationships are happening inside of yourself, and through that you create a reality according to that perception, according to that belief, your truth, but indeed, I am telling you that you have all the relations inside of yourself. This means that whoever you see is a mirror of you, it is your other you, which means that you are all the relations happening at the same time inside of you. You are in the other side of the mirror.

Human being is the ancient one, human being can never died, only transform, you are just going into a higher dimension, in your time, into the world of the enchanted flower as we call it. Being Human is being a multidimensional entity, with many worlds inside of the self, many realities happening at the same time, Human being is so beautiful! … and another thing to consider is the Great Spirit does not age. …

The kingdom of heaven is on earth, the kingdom of earth is on heaven…

I Am You

In lakesh
