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Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Live as your Self , Meet your Big Mind :) ~ FREE Wisdom Council

@ Ming Men Praktiken 
Ölmegatan 11b
65 230 Karlstad 

April 9th, 2014 , 18.30 - 21.00 h

This is NO ONLINE event ... but as many of you might not be able to attend , we very much appreciate if you mark attend / maybe...and then be with us in spirit :)


with Magdalena Rainbowserpent Medicine Woman / Kvinna

What does it mean to live freely, to live an authentic life? What are the obstacles that prevent living authentically and freely? What/who is this Self ?

Many of us have been looking to find ourselves for years and decades ... and when we stop and feel, it seems we have not achieved anything , still the old questions , concerns , repeating relationship patterns ... WHY IS THAT ?

I invite to dig deeper, to open the door by shifting perspectives .
This is no workshop , no talk, ...
I strive to answer to your deepest questions by connecting with the source in you.
Fresh and open and beyond concepts in a Wisdom Council with YOU ~ Heart to Heart

Who you are is not what you think ;-)


language of the heart and adjusted to needs English/Swedish/German

... donation basket at the coffee/tea bord...

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Do you have the YES ?

Coming out from a session with a student of mine ... 
very interesting topic exposed ... 
often we think what we need to learn is to say NO and set healthy boundaries . What we often forget or just not see is that we might need to learn to say YES as badly as that.
A relationship begins with a yes , which has to deepen and include more and more and deeper and deeper . We need to say yes to showing our vulnerability, our open heart, our willingness, and our whole "catastrophe" in order to live the two AND the one , the diversity AND the oneness , to really experience intimacy , not only naked bodies but naked hearts and souls..
Other we stay in the wound of separation in every encounter we have .
Healing craves our openness , our willingness to let go of the "person" we have built up , and step into the true heart and self.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

No Matter How Small... the teachings of the Beetle.

Allow yourself to become gentle by the small ones.

During our visit of our Elders, sitting at the coffe table, suddenly a small beetle crawled in my direction . Grandpa saw it first and mentioned it , saying : you might just crush him.
He was really surprised seeing me protecting this small insect that most people just see as something disturbing.
But though he laughed at my protective posture , he helped me to open the door so that I could carry the beetle out of the house and release.
On my spiritual journey I found back to the wisdom of my childhood, talking with all animals and protecting them all-ways, no matter how small or big, appealing or not... it was my spontaneous impulse to prevent all from hurt.
Now, at older age , this is combined with the knowledge that ALL living things have an essential place in the eco-system.
It is not my right to judge and kill for the only reason that my ego perceives some being as disgusting or of less value or disturbing my comfort zone.
Everything is a miracle .... for those with eyes to see.

And whatever vibrates with life has a teaching ...
Beetle is in fact a totem animal , too , aiding in transformation, metamorphosis, resurrection and rebirth  of the soul.
The soft belly is close to the earth, symbolizing that their wisdom is sacred and deep and down to earth and reminds us of our connection to Mother Earth .
Due to its  back which is protected by a hard shell it symbolizes protection as well, reminding us that healthy boundaries are protecting our life path.
Beetle is asking you :
I it ime to fly or walk in life?  Are you grounded ? Do you protect life in healthy ways ?