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Thursday, July 31, 2014

The Bardo State of Mind and Heart

Reflection after client session : 
when starting to awake we see all with new eyes . Our life , people and their "shortcomings" , the daily life struggle we have created out of our woundedness. This is a tough period of Bardo . 

The old is not totally gone, the new not totally clear and manifest. In this Bardo time we deal with tendencies to grasp and get back to the old patterns and feelings in order to feel safe and home.
The Bardo's bottomlessness scares us deep down to the bones..
It is a good thing to make that state conscious. Being conscious about it allows us to make more conscious choices... We can identify where we grasp , we can choose where we still want / need to hold onto something and where we are ready to loosen the grip and see where we end up when we leave ourselves to the flow ...
We choose where we can die into and are ready for total surrender and where we are not ready yet. Making the Bardo process conscious is making the dark hole conscious we have been so afraid of most of our lifes and meet it with open eyes .

Bardo : The Tibetan word bardo (བར་དོ་ Wylie: bar do) means literally "intermediate state"—also translated as "transitional state" or "in-between state" or "liminal state". 

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Allow For Help - Allow Receiving

I am back from a short holiday in Norway ....
some times we need to set ourselves loose , even physically , to jump in another kind of flow than we are usually in in our daily lives....
We do have a lot of really good ideas, we quote wise words but often we do not really be-live that life is about surrender , flow and love. We might THINK it but we miss the FEELING part .
Thus, travelling and experiencing things out of our comfort zone is a good thing .
Here comes a little sharing from our journey:

We had no fixed plan and just followed our heart.
This brought us up into the Norwegian mountain .
We drove quiet a while until we realized that to go on we would need to pay a fee to enter the Conservation Park and go on . Actually we had no Norwegian hard money to put into the machine .
So we entered the little supermarket ( the only place open in the whole area ) , but it turned out that neither could we change money nor could they take the sort of card we had. ....
In that minute a young woman stepped up out of nowhere and just offered us the money we needed , without anything in return !
No money , no thing. Just that.
We had a very nice conversation and we shared the happiness about our human meeting. ...
My learning : it is equally necessary to learn to receive as it is to give.
We need to un-controll and un-plan our lifes in order to open the doors for the hearts to open again...
if we always avoid to come into the place of being helpless we deprive ourselves of the wonderful opportunity to meet the goodness in others and restore our belief in humanity .