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Tuesday, July 30, 2013

My Church is The Church of Love

Me and our youngest grandson Louis

Today I share which "church" I belong to as a Magdalena ...

It has no fabric, only understanding.
It has no membership, save those who know they belong.
It has no rivals, because it is non-competitive.
It has no ambition for it seeks only to serve.
It knows no boundaries for nationalisms are unloving.
It is not of itself because it seeks to enrich all groups and religions.
It acknowledges all great Teachers of all the ages who have shown the truth of Love.
Those who participate, practice the Truth of Love in all their beings.
There is no walk of life or nationality that is a barrier. Those who are, know.
It seeks not to teach but to be, and by being, enrich.
It recognizes that the way we are may be the way of those around us because we are that way.
It recognizes the whole planet as a Being of which we are a part.
It recognizes that the time has come for the supreme transmutation, the ultimate alchemical act of conscious change of the ego into a voluntary return to the whole.
It does not proclaim itself with a loud voice but in the subtle realms of loving.
It salutes all those in the past who have blazoned the path but have paid the price.
It admits no hierarchy or structure, for no one is greater than another.
Its members shall know each other by their deeds and being and by their eyes and by no other outward sign save the fraternal embrace.
Each one will dedicate their life to the silent loving of their neighbor and environment and the planet, whilst carrying out their task however exalted or humble.
It recognizes the supremacy of the great idea which may only be accomplished if the human race practices the supremacy of Love.
It has no reward to offer either here or in the hereafter save that of the ineffable joy of being and loving.
Each shall seek to advance the cause of understanding, doing good by stealth and teaching only by example.
They shall heal their neighbor, their community and our Planet.
They shall know no fear and feel no shame and their witness shall prevail over all odds.
It has no secret, no arcanum, no initiation save that of true understanding of the power of Love and that, if we want it to be so, the world will change – but only if we change ourselves first.

This is my Church and so it is ...
I am Your Other You ,
Magdalena Rainbowserpent Medicine Woman

Agneta and our granddaughter Ronja

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Ecstasy , Love and Joy

Are you aware how much you impact my Life, Growth and Happiness ... Yes YOU ... ALL of YOU
As you, I am a human being going through many transformations and transitions. I am on my Spirit Path since birth as all of us , more aware since about 20 year...s . I have walked different traditions and woke up to the in-sight that all are the fingers pointing to the moon , not the moon itself. All are equally valued by me today , now that I know we do not need a path, tradition, Culture , religion .... we can honor them for what they have been in the development of humanity , but we only need to Wake up to the our deepest cor/heart and re-connect to Source ... adn Walk In Beauty .
It is YOU who have helped me to SEE , FEEL, UNDERSTAND in many different ways . Ways I might not have appreciated in the moment, for which I apologize and ask your forgiveness as you will ask forgiveness from those you have judged harshly on your path .
I am Mama Bear. I love you, this love can be tough ... to Wake you and me up from illusions , but I love you no matter what .

Yesterday I decided that my path from now on goes through ecstasy and love and Beauty after decades where it has developed through pain/s. I am grateful to be ready to allow for me to leave the trail of tears inside me.
I honor the pains and fears and wounds and abuse I have faced in this lifetime . It made me strong and who I am . But it is not longer needed now.
I welcome the celebration of Life starting now in my early fifties . Celebration of Life itself and all its expressions . Cooking , Walking , Watching , Talking , Love Making .... all in Abundance and Beauty and Heart . 100 %. Healing Complete.
Gratefulness and Love.

AND : if I can do it , YOU sure as heaven, can do it too !!!!