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Thursday, September 24, 2009

Back To Passion - Healing Necklace ( Garnet , Prehnite, Smoky Quartz )

just listed a NEW Healing Necklace - Back To Passion , Garnet, Prehnite , Smoky Quartz

Sometimes we loose our passion for life. We feel dull and exhausted. In these times it is essential to find back to our passion on as many levels as possible. To support this, has been my intention while creating this necklace...

The Garnet is a stone of purity and truth as well as a symbol of love and compassion. The Garnet will help everyone's security level and spiritual awareness. It can help increase your connection to the erotic energy in you. It is associated to the sacral chakra.

Prehnite is quite a protective stone. It aids spirit communication through meditation and visualization l and as a powerful dream stone. Prehnite crystals help to teach one to let go of old memories that are painful. If there has been avoidance of the truth due to pain, these crystals will assist you in facing, understanding, and ridding yourself of that pain. It will help one to recognize the true potent ional that lies within, your divine self. It will guide in fulfilling this . Physically, prehnite is most helpful in the healing of gout, anemia and kidney problems. It will also aid in the healing of toxin removal, stimulating the metabolism as well as regenerating the body. It is helpful to the Third Eye Chakra as well as the Heart Chakra.

Smoky quartz is an excellent stone for removing negativity and negative energy of any kind and transforming them. It is also a very protective and grounding stone. It brings physical, protection, psychic protection and protection from negative energy. Smoky quartz engenders cooperation. It also helps with creativity, prioritizing needs and wants, and wisdom. In addition, smoky quartz is a stone that brings abundance, prosperity, and good luck.

Emotionally, smoky quartz is excellent for elevating moods, overcoming negative emotions, and relieving depression. Smoky quartz relieves stress, fear, jealousy, anger and other negative emotions by transforming them into positive energies. Smoky quartz is very comforting and calming, and can be considered a stone of serenity. It can be very helpful in relieving grief. Smoky quartz also stimulates kundalini.

Physically, smoky quartz is said to treat all kinds of problems associated with the lower torso including kidneys, abdomen, pancreas, reproductive organs, menstrual cramps, fertility issues. Smoky quartz also removes toxins from the body and helps the adrenal glands. It is also very helpful for regulating body fluids and relieving fluid retention. Smoky quartz is also excellent for dealing with hyperactivity, and attention deficit disorder. Smoky quartz is good for balancing and improving one's general health. Smoky quartz is associated with the root (base) chakra.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The Feminine Christ - channelled by my dear sister Magdala Ramirez/ Mayan Priestess

Desde el lugar de la forma sin forma, desde el corazon del gran sol central, desde lo mas profundo del corazon de la Gran Madre sale la voz sagrada del mensaje de la luz, pues en verdad el ser humano esta listo y ha entrado en el portal que ha sido preparado desde el principio del los tiempos.

Yo soy el alfa y el omega, el pricipio y fin, el circulo sagrado donde el fin es el principio y en cada principio esta el fin, has sido llamado para tomar tu lugar, ahí en el sin tiempo donde todo florece reside el primer misterio, el sello que ha sido resuelto por los muchos, pues su nombre el vida.

En el cristal claro reside la fuerza divina, ahí, donde es revelado el poder y la gracia para los muchos., sabiduría divina activada para el despertar de la conciencia, el cristo femenino, que ahora florece en el ser del ser humano.

Sabe que yo soy todas tus relaciones, pues yo soy en verdad tu madre, tu hermana, tu hija, yo soy en verdad tu padre, tu hijo, tu hermano, sabe en tu corazon que ahora hago una revelacion ante ti, pues yo soy tu presencia de mi propia presencia, originado en el lugar del sin forma, ahí donde todo esta mas alla del origen.

Ahora que sabes y que reconoces tu presencia, pues tus ojos han sido abiertos, ahora recuerdas, ahora te entregas, ahora floreces, ahora iluminas.

Yo soy el atado de anos, pues soy el portal, la puerta y la llave, ahora haz sido coronada con tu luz dorada….

From the place of the form without form, from the Heart of the central sun, from the core of the heart of the Great Mother comes the voice of the sacred one to give the message of light, for truly human being is ready and have entered into the sacred realm where the portal has been prepared since the beginning of the times.

I am the alpha and the omega, the beginning and end, where the end is the beginning and the beginning has been the end, in there in the sacred circle, you have been call to take your place, in the place of without time, where every bloom, where resides the first mystery, the seal that has been revealed for the many for the name is life.

In the Crystal Clear resides the divine force, in there, where the power has been revealed for the many, divine wisdom have been activated and the awakening of the consciousness, the Feminine Christ, that now flourish is the way of human being.

Now that I am all your relations, I am your mother, your sister, your daughter, I am indeed, your father, your brother, your son, know in your heart I made a revelation in you, for I am your presence of my own presence, that comes from the place without form, in there, where is beyond the origin.

Now you know and recognize your presence, for your eyes have been open, now you remember, now you “entrega” now you bloom, now you englight.

I am the bundle of years, for I am the portal, the door and the key, for you have been crown with the golden light.

In Lakesh

Thursday, September 3, 2009

EarthTalk September 2009 - Newsletter of EarthLife Institute&Shop Europe- featured Spiritual Artists and more

If you like to subscribe to receive this FREE newsletter regulary , go here :

wishing all a wonderful and blessed time.
We are proceeding in our intensive training time for the IGNITE training ( ) members tomorrrow and will be back in about a week.

Love Always, Dagmar