Friday, May 28, 2010
The Four Races by Magdala Del Consuelo Ramirez, Mayan Priestess
There is a prophesy that the Great Spirit gave the four major races a gift, the black people received the gift of the water, the white people received the fire, the red people the earth, and the yellow people received the wind, and then all the four races went in different directions, and used and misused their talents.
The Great Spirit also said, there will be a time when all the races will come back together, and put their talent in the very center, so it can be used by the others in a good way, that is when the fifth element will be uncover…. And the time is now…
The time has come for the people of the earth to come together in a good way, and put their talents for the highest good of everyone, the water represents the emotional body, the fire is the mind, the earth is our physical body, the planet earth, the land, and the wind is the spirit, and all together form what we call being human.
Human beings have many realms within the self, some of these realms people are not aware of, yet if you see human beings as a whole then everything will begin to make sense, even when people are not aware of it, just like in the same way the geese fly together, as one single spirit, so it is as a human being, this is the spirit of God as one.
Human beings for long have been out of their nature, of his/her own humanness spirit, and created different ways to see themselves, according to a back ground, according to a religion or tradition, according to an environment that leads them to a different beliefs, and they began to feel separated from each other, and felt good in creating so many differences, and those differences became an identity, a false image of the self, a false image of what a human being is truly….
For so long this human being has moved so far away from nature, they went into self destructive behavior, and created wars with each other, and separation and destruction is everywhere, for in their own way, a self destructive force was taking place, for they feel separated within the self, a fragmented self, that didn’t recognize themselves anymore as a true human being, for the traditions, religions, backgrounds, languages, created a gap, and limited the minds of the people, in such a deep manner Now is the time for the integration of the self, so human beings can recognize that there are many other realms, as the multidimensional being that the human being really is, and in the reflection in the outside of this incredible journey of being human is the bonding and understanding of all the races of the world together, in the inside.
Who will win? Who is the boss? Is it the mind, the fire? Is it the emotional body, the water, Is it the earth, or maybe the wind as a spirit?
Here is the situation, when human beings are able to see themselves as a whole, as a complete being, that will be the big winning. This is the time of the ascension, and human being is on an incredible journey reaching themselves, reaching who they truly are, recognizing themselves as a perfect being, as a daughter and son of the Father Mother God, and in this incredible journey, they need to begin to see themselves as a whole….
What has happened to the people and why are that they are so afraid to see beyond their, cultural beliefs that has limited and enslaved their minds for such a long time?
On this journey being human, a battle came into being inside of the people, are human beings slaves their emotions, their heart? Are they are so afraid of love? Does human being destroy the land, and themselves creating in that way a self destructive way of living? Does the mind wanted to possess and control everything through the limitations based on a cultural belief? Did the spirit get so broken that it gave up and does not believe anymore in self?
Maybe I am late for the party, when I arrive here in USA, there were all these addictions of the system already into being, a history, a her-story was already written, and created a big hurt between the races, or as my beautiful sister said, “maybe you are just in time for the new party”, and this is the time where human beings are able to come together as one, as an integrated self. I am not sure about this party thing, I do believe in human beings. In my connection with the Great Mother, I listen carefully of what she is saying, I born as a Mexican and as a woman, yet the journey have taken me to move the identity, into many realms, I have been everything, and everyone, I am you…… and still be “me”, …and so are you.
The new world is at hand, and human beings will uncover the true human being inside of the self, and this is the time of the quickening, so human being is ready to embrace who they are as a whole, and learn to relate in a different manner, with the environment, within each other, and the most important within the self. And if we see this “process” in a country where all the races are together, is very interesting to find out how is working in the outside and making the reflection in the inside and inside as a reflection to the outside.
For long time in the history, human being thought that freedom needed to be fought for, not recognizing the freedom within, as a right of being human, for long time human beings thought that justice was something that the governments of the world needs to provide to the people, instead of recognizing justice inside of the self, now is the time to question What people have done with their mind? People have become slaves of their own mind… and thinking the land is there to use and abuse, is also being represented by the women, for it is the land that bears life, that give life, sustains life, and in the distorted mind way of thinking, the women were seen as possessions and controlled, then the distortion of the communities began to happen when the women that represents the virtual reality, began to create a reality based on pain, truly a community’s happiness will be according of how the women feels, “if mama is not happy nobody is happy”.
The system has been creating and recreating based on the wrong beliefs of human beings, human beings think that the most important thing is the mind and has created a slavery way of thinking, they value themselves according of what they have, and posses, the valorization of human being created the big Fall of the human being, and then of course, many religions or traditions, were created according to the false belief that human beings are nothing but imperfect beings, that has created a system that enslaves, manipulates, destroys the true human being.
Now, human beings are in the process of enlightenment, it is reaching a point where they need to see themselves in a different manner, as whole, and to relearn, to remember, the ways of the true human being, where the way to relate one to another is through respecting each other ways.
The time where the broken mind, the limited mind, the distorted mind, making the choices is gone…. Now the choices are being made by an integrated being, ready to embrace who they are in the inside and reflect that one into the manifestation tin their outside.
In lakesh
Friday, May 21, 2010
The Seven Veils Dance Within The Self by Grandmother Magdala Ramirez
Beautiful Ones
We are entering into a new stage of ascension of being human…. It is indeed, such a powerful times!
In the alignment of the ways of the mother, a new consciousness is being awaken, for human being is recognizing true human being inside of the self….
Yet they are many “hooks” that human beings are struggling …
At the same time-space where ascension is taking place, there is another force holding back creating resistance, for this natural process of ascension come into being.
Those hooks, like an identity based on beliefs, based on back grounds, cultural beliefs, religions or traditions, the addictions of the world, a morality that wants to lead the way versus the ethics that is being awaken …
The ways of the mother, in the feminine side of the brain resides a knowledge, an ancient wisdom, a divine spark that remained in the true human beings, is leading naturally the human into a new world to experience, a world that meant to be before time existeth, and that has always been there, for this planet is a higher perception of the experiences, is a world that has always been there in the inside as well as all around you, a world as meant to be for a higher experiences of being human, for all life is sacred, all love is sacred, for sacredness has been the way of living of the divine spark as it is natural the new awakening in humanity.
In this time space, where the mundane and sacredness are emerging together within the self, a new understanding is being born, for indeed, one world is contained in the other, a world inside of a world inside of a world,… there is no such a thing as one world isolated, in the ordinary is where the extraordinary is taking place, … the enlightened consciousness is eminent…
Through the enlighten consciousness now human being recognizes that is not what you can create, but embracing the knowledge why you can create, this insight will lead into an expression of a higher aspect of the self.
For long time, human being has been fascinated and obsess about the outside world, all in the outside world, in the creation, perpetuating in that way an aspect of themselves of a lower dimensionality, human being had been fascinated by their own creations, their own manifestation, making the manifestation the clue point of being, for human being felt the sensation of power, comfort, being in control, security, when they knew that they can control and manipulate the outside world, becoming slaves of their own creation, focusing in their creation in the outside, perpetuate a limited reality , perpetuating the illusion of time as a process, it has been a deep understanding of all humanity, yet, the new stage of ascension is showing now a new way..
The Great Mother is leading the self into a higher perception of the own self, an aspect that has always been in the realm of light, for now human being knows in that recognition, the source, human beings are love, a new understanding that has been awaken, and the chains and the hooks, the attachments, just like the 7 veils in the sacred dance of the feminine are being drop all by themselves…. Giving birth to human beings light as a feather, naturally, so ascension is happening…
Thank you for being you!
In lakesh
We are entering into a new stage of ascension of being human…. It is indeed, such a powerful times!
In the alignment of the ways of the mother, a new consciousness is being awaken, for human being is recognizing true human being inside of the self….
Yet they are many “hooks” that human beings are struggling …
At the same time-space where ascension is taking place, there is another force holding back creating resistance, for this natural process of ascension come into being.
Those hooks, like an identity based on beliefs, based on back grounds, cultural beliefs, religions or traditions, the addictions of the world, a morality that wants to lead the way versus the ethics that is being awaken …
The ways of the mother, in the feminine side of the brain resides a knowledge, an ancient wisdom, a divine spark that remained in the true human beings, is leading naturally the human into a new world to experience, a world that meant to be before time existeth, and that has always been there, for this planet is a higher perception of the experiences, is a world that has always been there in the inside as well as all around you, a world as meant to be for a higher experiences of being human, for all life is sacred, all love is sacred, for sacredness has been the way of living of the divine spark as it is natural the new awakening in humanity.
In this time space, where the mundane and sacredness are emerging together within the self, a new understanding is being born, for indeed, one world is contained in the other, a world inside of a world inside of a world,… there is no such a thing as one world isolated, in the ordinary is where the extraordinary is taking place, … the enlightened consciousness is eminent…
Through the enlighten consciousness now human being recognizes that is not what you can create, but embracing the knowledge why you can create, this insight will lead into an expression of a higher aspect of the self.
For long time, human being has been fascinated and obsess about the outside world, all in the outside world, in the creation, perpetuating in that way an aspect of themselves of a lower dimensionality, human being had been fascinated by their own creations, their own manifestation, making the manifestation the clue point of being, for human being felt the sensation of power, comfort, being in control, security, when they knew that they can control and manipulate the outside world, becoming slaves of their own creation, focusing in their creation in the outside, perpetuate a limited reality , perpetuating the illusion of time as a process, it has been a deep understanding of all humanity, yet, the new stage of ascension is showing now a new way..
The Great Mother is leading the self into a higher perception of the own self, an aspect that has always been in the realm of light, for now human being knows in that recognition, the source, human beings are love, a new understanding that has been awaken, and the chains and the hooks, the attachments, just like the 7 veils in the sacred dance of the feminine are being drop all by themselves…. Giving birth to human beings light as a feather, naturally, so ascension is happening…
Thank you for being you!
In lakesh
Thursday, May 20, 2010
June 20th 2007 is the global day for prayer and healing for our planet earth.
We can do this every year ....Join us ... Prayers & Healing for Mother Earth
Friday, May 14, 2010
The International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmother
The International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers
Ask you to join us:
MAY 18/2010
Along with many peoples all around the globe and many water prayers this spring we are calling for a
Our main intention for this healing is to return the waters to their original pure crystalline blueprintand to add to their abundance for
The nourishment of ALL living things on the planet.
Pray in your local waterways at the rivers or lakes or streams. Or pray with a bowl of water in the middle of the cities.
"We are Water Babies.
Do not to forget to say thank you every day for the water you drink the water you bathe in.
Without our Mothers water we would not survive."
Grandmother Agnes Baker Pilgrim Takelma Siletz Oregon
The specific ceremonies being conducted on May 18/2010:
Grandmothers will be holding Water Prayers in the following places:
African Rainforest Gabon - Grandmother Bernadette Rebienot
Great Lakes USA- Grandmother Rita Blumenstein
Mountains of Oaxaca Huautla de Jimenez - Grandmother Julieta Casimiro
Desert of the American Southwest- Grandmother Mona Polacca
France - Grandmother Flordemayo
Black Hills of North America- Beatrice and Rita Long Visitor Holy Dance
Plains of North America Montana-Grandmother Margaret Behan
Hood River Oregon- Agnes Baker Pilgrim
Nepalese Himalayas- Aama Bombo
Brazilian Amazon-Grandmothers Maria Alice Freire and Clara Shinobu Iura
Tibetan Ceremonies in Canada- Tsering Dolma Gyaltong
MahiaAotearoaNew Zealand - Ambassador Pauline Tangiora
At the same time people will be praying at
Nine specific bodies of water around the planet using crystalline energy
· Lake Tahoe California
· Lake Titicaca Peru
· Lake MacKay Australia
· Lake Chad Africa
· Lake Bikkal Russia
· Lake Kissyk-KulKyrgyzstan
· Lake Geneva Switzerland
· Lake Superior Minnesota
· Colorado River Complex (Healing and Purification Ceremonies for this vital USA waterway)
Many others will be taking part in this event at other area's around the world, including
Grandmother Niyaha Ska - Whitefeather in Snettisham UK Sea ceremony
Grandmother Shalahnia - California - River ceremony
Grandmother Huymajaz - Poland - Sacred Well ceremony
"Water reflects the human soul. If you say 'thank you' to water it will be reflected in the form of beautiful crystals overflowing with gratitude
In return." Masuru Emoto The Secret Life of Water
Do something special on this day to show your commitment to the healing of the Earth Mother and Her sacred Waters.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Inspirational Spring Breakthrough / Sweden
... just created this Spring Video ... sharing the
inspirational breakthrough of Life & Light in our Northern
Countries... En-Joy !
inspirational breakthrough of Life & Light in our Northern
Countries... En-Joy !
Monday, May 10, 2010
Sacred Land Photography @ Dagmar Magdalena Ceki / Slideshow
Enjoy this SlideShow ( most of the pictures can be purchased as greetingcards, posters or canvas @ )
Find more photos like this on Pieronymus Art Network
Find more photos like this on Pieronymus Art Network
Monday, May 3, 2010
Opening The Gates of The Heart - EarthTalk May/June 2010
Opening The Gates of the Heart -
EarthTalk May/June 2010
featuring Carolyn CJ Jones, the "GateLady"
and her new book .
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Blessings from us to you ,
Dagmar & Marita
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