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Friday, December 18, 2009

A Thank You, kind of Good Bye and a "gift idea"

Loss makes artists of us all as we weave new patterns in the fabric of our lives. Greta W. Crosby~~~

Thank you to all my friends for your kind words, good wishes and sweet little gifts over this year...
I went through a huge transformational process, this last year was marked with deep losses , and a lot of physical pain again I am going through a sickness not allowing me more than some minutes on the puter.
high fever, lot of pain and weakness as well as many dreams and insights.
as i will not be able to celebrate my birthday in any "outer forms" , I decided to gift myself with a new
I let go of all old cluster, old bonds that limit me and others in the process, old patterns ,
I will never ever again engage in any "special" path to enlightenment or move to any holy/sacred spaces
, I will only sing songs that come from my soul...
all is always here right now ...
no tradition , religion, petition for me any more dualism of any kind , no matter in what is only about separaton instead of integration - I took enough of that remedy in my life and don't need no more...
I was taught in painful ways this year that life is fragile and precious... no time for pretense of any kind.

I AM FREE ... I am Rainbowserpent ... The world is my home, right where I am is Sacred Land and Sacred Life - and there is nowhere to go and nothing to do any more .. the old skin is off... (.if you find this old snakeskin on your path better leave it behind though it might look attractive to you and you might have an impulse of using it ;-) ...)

I love you all ,
Dagmar Magdalena

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

13 hours of Drumming the Heartbeat of The Mother - many elders involved all over the world -

Beautiful Ones

Thank you!, gracias, gracie, merci beacou, taximyca, ehehe, wado tlatzocomate, iosbotick, Shokran thankeshen, arigato, compa… ! with all my heart!

The time has come, the time is now, we will have a beautiful ceremony, in Little Rock Ark, the ceremony of all the tribes, religions, traditions, all together, today is a better world, for the heart of the human being is ready.

We will have an interview in the radio tonight at 7.30 central time, in little rock, in Spanish, will be in Kabs 88.3 Fm, press relice will be on Saturday.

Ceremony, will began at 7 am to 8 pm. Our Spiritual leaders from so many tribes, will begin the speech at 12 am, they are an incredible beings, so beautiful and wise,

here is our Speakers:

Miss Annie Abram

Mom Feather

Unci Grandmother Mary Thunder

Umubyeyi Queen Mother

Lady Star Devee Grimes

Grandmother Sky Weaver

Waitaha Grandmother

Grand father Standing Bear

Terri channel of the angel Janith

Chief Aina Olomo

Wind Daughter

Mario Monroy

Magdala Ramirez

In here you will find directions to the park will be 54 high and 40 low, according to weather channel, dress warm, we will have 2 heaters, yeaaaa !!.... thank you Patrice

We do need drummers, and helpers…. I am heading to Little Rock Thursday, and will have my compu with me, to check on messages… Looks like we will have Skype for there is so many people all over the world that want to be here… I have no idea how to do that, but I have a beautiful brother that he does know…if you are interested, let me know….

It is happening something so amazing, for many elders could not come, so they are creating the ceremony now in their land, with many elders of many traditions and religions, there are now so many, that cannot be in an email, so I will mention few of them:

Sweden Dagmar Ceki

Chile Dana Fol Fol

Argentina Susana

Colorado, in Boulder Reyna Snyder

Colorado in Laffayet Coyo

Colorado Springs, Raven

Canada Deanna Parshley

Egypt Sohaila Hussein

California Chief Marvin and Hiroko San

Minnesota Liana

… the list goes on and on… directions and information is in the web site ;

I will keep on updating my web site, as soon I have wireless, for there are so many still coming in from all over the world, I am sending a map, yet is not updated, will be by Friday… and the flyer besides, German, Russian Indi Spanish English, now we have the translation in Japanese, and just receive an email from Rimpoche, he cannot come, but pray at his realm…

I love you sooo much

In lakesh


p.s. Beautiful Umubyeyi Queen Mother, will be at the ceremony at 10 am. For previous commitment

Beautiful Ones, my Ixpapalotlis, my butterflies

My heart blooms to see all ceremonies of unity all over the world, for human beings are ready!

The world is a better place because of you, I am so thankful for all of you!

I heard about this ceremony in my communion with the Great Mother, no idea what will happened, and she has opened the doors for the many all over the world, I know where it comes from, no idea how far it will go….is beautiful!

Last night I had a beautiful dream, the mother gave me a rose tree, it was little, I planted in the middle of the ceremony, and began to grow and grow, went to the sky, I touch it, and the roses begin to happened, so big as my open hand, the smell was covering the earth, I was giving roses to everyone…. I love roses! You are the roses of the great mother….

Thankfulness is everywhere…

Know, that I will be there in your ceremony, you will be here at the ceremony of the crystal world, together, we will enter into the crystal consciousness, the awakening of human being is happening…

The world of the enchanted flower…

Know you, that you are love, and being love, know you that you always in my heart!

Let me know what happened during your ceremony….

I am you

In lakesh


Mis hermanas y hermanos hermosos

Mis Ixpapalotlis, mis mariposas

Mi Corazón florece, de ver las ceremonias de unidad en todas partes del mundo, los seres humanos ya están listos!

El mundo ha cambiado, es mejor pues tu corazón esta ahí, el agradecimiento de la gran madre esta con ustedes, la gracia vive en ustedes…

Escuche de esta ceremonia en mi comunión con la Gran Madre, no tenia idea que sucedería, ella ha abierto las puertas del mundo, se de donde viene, no tenia idea hasta donde iría…

Anoche tuve un sueno hermoso, soñé que la Gran Madre me daba un árbol de rosas chiquito, mismo que lo plante en medio de la ceremonia, y el árbol crecía y crecía, lo tocaba y rosas aparecían tan grandes como mi mano, la fragancia llenaba al mundo… y yo le daba rosas a todo el mundo, me encantan las rosas, ustedes son las rosas del mundo….

La gracia de la gran madre esta en todas partes…

Sabe que yo estaré en tu ceremonia, así como ustedes estarán en la ceremonia del mundo de cristal, juntos ahora entramos a la conciencia cristica, pues el despertar del ser humano esta aquí…

El mundo de la flor encantada…

Sabe que eres amor, sabe que eres amada, sabe que siempre estas en mi corazón!

Déjame saber que sucede en la ceremonia

Yo soy tu, in lakesh


visit our web sites

Monday, December 7, 2009

Thursday, December 3, 2009