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Friday, March 26, 2010

FREE teleseminar - niche breakthrough -( especially for small buz owners )

Have YOU got the perfect niche yet?

Or, perhaps you don't think you need
one with a small business?

Kendall SummerHawk has perfected exactly
what it takes to choose the ideal niche.

Here's a little secret about her work
with clients: One of the first things
she looks at when she needs to fix their
business (often helping them double
and triple their 1ncomes) is whether
they have the right niche — let alone
ANY niche.

Once she fixes this problem the results
that magically happen for her clients
are astounding!

Want to hear more? And learn how to do
this for yourself?

You're invited to join Kendall and her
award-winning business partner (and husband!)
Richard, on this upcoming content-rich
F.R.E.E. teleseminar:

Niche Breakthrough Secrets
with Million Dollar Marketing Coaches,
Kendall SummerHawk and Richard Shapiro

happening Tuesday, April 6, 2010, at 8pm Eastern.

(In a hurry? Here's the link to secure your seat
in this F.R.E.E. call:

Here's what you’ll take away from this 75-minute
complimentary call:

* the 5 HOTTEST niches that people are
hungry for in this economy

* which niches are NOT easy to sell right
now (no need to waste your time)

* how trying to please everyone will likely
leave you broke, frustrated and potentially
out of business (they'll give you permission
to focus on only the people you're best meant
to help)

* the one simple warning sign that signals
if the niche you THOUGHT you had is really
a dead-end (ignoring this could prove FATAL
to your business)

* 3 easy steps to choosing a niche that is
authentic AND lucrative (this is so simple
you'll wish you had learned this months or
even years ago)

* how to quickly and respectfully shift from
your old niche into a new one, without upsetting
clients or colleagues

* exactly when is the time you need to niche
(or re-niche) to move your business forward

* exciting details on the debut of Kendall and
Richard's BRAND NEW "Niche Breakthrough Secrets"
telecourse, which will lay out for you, step-by-
step, how to transform your competitive, draining
businesses into a lucrative, enjoyable business...
that easily generates double to triple the 1ncome.

(This applies to you, whether you're brand new
in business or you're already seeing clients.)

Again, learn more and register for this complimentary
call happening Tuesday, April 6 by visiting:

See you on the call!


P.S. - Feel free to forward this email to your contact lists:

Sunday, March 14, 2010

created this video - sharing who "I" am ---I Am The Rainbowserpent

I Am The Rainbowserpent

Siddharta leaves the Palace - Essay from my Nepal Journey 2007

The 3 Tenets of the Peacemakerorder

"It seems to me that you experience kind of the same things as Siddharta (the historic Buddha), when leaving his Palace and first time faced suffering in all its different colours", as my friend Deja commented one day in an email during my journey.
Coming to and staying in Kathmandu and its surroundings for some weeks is best explained with this phrase.
Like maybe everybody, I had heard of poverty, health issues, pollution and so on before I came to Nepal but now this seems to have been a merely intellectual knowledge - far from how things are in reality, in the real life of the people.
As I have not been in a tourist area, not enclosed in a ressort or covert in the security of a travelling group I met things head on. I had to cope with not knowing where to get clean water from, what meals I could eat without falling ill. I had to deal with the encounters with Lepra, starving People, children sleeping side by side with the dogs and monkeys around the stupa , sharing their simple meals with them and the same parasites.
I was sitting in midst of the smells that come up when the first rain falls and uncovers all the dirt and excrements. A time when most of the people only go around with covering their noses and mouth with some clothe. For good reasons!
To be honest, my only thoughts in the first days were about flight - back to the safety of our Western Life. Then I became ill- additionally.
I thought this to be a clear sign for me to leave as soon as possible....but guess what: this did not happen, as there was simply no possibility to re-schedule my flight to a near date. So, what could I do?
This was the moment I remembered the 3 tenets of the Peacemakerorder:
Bearing Witness - to the joy AND suffering of the world
Not - knowing - giving up fixed ideas about us or the universe

Bearing Witness - there is a lot to bear witness to in Nepal-especially in Kathmandu, as it is a melting place of different cultures, the centre for people who came as refugees from Tibet as well as those in flight from the Maoists in the remote villages of the Himalayan regions. Kathmandu is also the place of the second highest pollution in the world (first being Mexico City), a city of Hindu Culture and Cast System that makes changes difficult and so on and so forth...
And I realised, I could only bear witness to it fully if I did not fall prey to fear but try to stay in an air of not-knowing. I realised that my fear and my longing for going to the place of knowing was intimately connected.
As long as I felt afraid I searched for opinions that would judge the situation from whatever kind of perspective in order to give me a "safe" feeling. Another safe place could have been " Oh , these sweet and simple and friendly people over here . It is all so lovely " and closing eyes towards the things as they are. Or to tell myself (and eventually others) some simple "truth" how easy this situation here could be changed if only ..... this was the moment I understood what makes working in so called 3rd World Countries so difficult and where the Western Arrogance might have its roots .
I instantly knew I had to let go of this fear and its reaction if I wanted to make any other sense of my journey for the rest of time.I started to just BE with what was happening or shown. Just be and not turning away from it, not judging nor letting my mind play around with easy solutions. But stay in the storm of the suffering and be present for it.
This was the practice for the rest of my days in Nepal. The interesting fact was that my perspective slowly shifted. The more I stayed in the storm, the more the Beauty and the joy was showing itself to me, too.
Healing is still happening, it started in this shift of perspective, in the letting go of the fear. Now - back in Europe - it is going on. For the first time in my life I really(- not only from my knowing but from my heart-) felt grateful for simple things like being able to contact a doctor, getting the remedy for my illness and be even covered by insurance. The happiness about clean water, fresh fruits and vegetables I can eat easily without being afraid of hidden danger.
Things fall into place, a lot of what I was used to define as important and essential for my daily life is no big deal any more.I have developed an inner connection to the people in Nepal (and to people of other challenged countries) that will bring more fruits in the future.
I really feel that we are all connected and ONE and that everything we do has an effect on the whole.
Just a small example : the Nepalis used to have a traditional life style. They had e.g. some animals, some vegetable fields and they nurtured the family from it. Now that the Western Style Supermarkets appear and offer thousands of packed food , the waste problem explodes in a short time . Waste has always been partly thrown into the streets, partly burnt , which was no big problem before , as it had been some food picked up by the animals living around. Now the streets are covered with plastic waste and you might have already an idea of the smell of burning plastics!? Just one imported problem....
And I know now that there are no easy solutions , and that there will be none at all if we as Western people do not look carefully on our part in the game, in our homelands , take our responsibility serious instead of only focussing how these people over there could be changed in their behaviour , customs and life style.
You wouldn't believe how often I heard sentences like " oh , this dirt , how can they live sooo dirty , if only they would .... " , " Nepalis are simple people and this is why ...." And so on and so forth.
All problems experienced on our challenged and damaged Mother Earth today can only be solved when we stand together as One and change our own part to the best of all. And we need to act from the part in us that some call Soul, Higher Self , Big Heart- rather than from only intellectual- rational thinking.Both is not an option but an Imperative, if we want to see us all and the 7 generations coming live in
Peace, Love and Health !

Friday, March 12, 2010

I.G.N.I.T.E Distance Training - Step into your True Vibration

The I.G.N.I.T.E method is designed to empower you and let you grow spiritually in the most effective and lasting way.
It is the melting momentum of all the paths and methods Dagmar has studied during her life, and it supports you with tools coming from neuroscience and quantum physics as well as shamanic wisdom and alternative healing methods of different origine.
There is kind of a red thread when you work through the training , but everything willl be adapted to you personally in the ways of skillful means.

The I.G.N.I.T.E method consists of

4 pillars :

* Method/s to easily connect and keep constant contact to Universal Authentic Self
* Balancing Female/Male, rewire the brain, use your talents...
* Symbols and more to understand Oneness and Diversity, and turn from the I to the We
* Energy coaching for trauma/ blocks

Though I.G.N.I.T.E. is free of a certain spiritual or religious background, it will adress your desire for spiritual growth in ways that allow you to establish the spirituality that is yours. You will either develope your own , resonating spirituality or be able to integrate what you have ever felt/seen/believed.
Your spirituality is your very personal relation with the source/god/spirit/ whatever you call it , IF you name it ... we do not name it for you.

The I.G.N.I.T.E method does NOT use New Age methods like Positive Thinking .
It is not just about how you can achieve your wishes and how to become rich,
but about how to ignite your life force in a way that makes your life feel complete and fulfilled and establishes your wish to participate in life in responsible co-creation.
Nothing will be imposed on you. There will be no imposing of harmony , love and light thinking on you as this only makes you feel worse and on the long run brings back deep feelings of failure, depression and guilt.

This is a transformational path , that will bring you lasting effects.

We have scheduled approximately 6-9 months for the core training. This will differ due to the amount of time and energy you can put into it .

During this intense and profound training you will receive about working sheets with assignments, support emails when needed and one free telephon session with Dagmar monthly.

While you are working on your own healing, we will empower you at the same time to use this method's approach in your own work as it unfolds.

There will be an intense training in Sweden once a year. The fees for it are not included in the monthly fees.

some more details
If you have any questions or concerns do not hesitate to get in contact with us

Monday, March 8, 2010

The Mother is Shaking by Magdala Ramirez

Hello Beautiful Ones,

Finally we are home, after a long journey, coming back home feels like a welcoming everywhere, the trees, the mountain, my heart, as I began to walk the path to the ceremonial grounds yesterday, the path was revealed in front of me, the leaves fly away allowing me to see the path, for the path is always there, we just need to walk it, the land feels so alive, I am so grateful for I am the land, I am life, and so are you….

We went for ceremony yesterday, for there is so much of commotion happening in the heart of the people, long was the list for praying and I was happy to return into the temazcal…

Yes, the mother is shaking and human beings are ready to begin to dance with her, into her alignment, for she is our mother, she is going into higher ways of manifestation, and now is the time where the daughterhood and son-hood is awakening in all human beings…. wipe the tears, do not drown in the salty waters, as the alignment is taking place, for human being is recognizing the time of changes, and embracing their original vibration in the connection with the mother, so many ancient teachings are being awaken for they have come the way of living in perfect harmony in divine order as father-mother god is opening the new consciousness in the true human beings.

Yes, there will be more shakings, and the salty tears will cover many land, at the same time that human beings will have a new land to uncover within the self, what is happening to one is happening to the many, at the place where the sickness and the healing is there, the cause and effect that is becoming one and the same, and the human beings are awakening the consciousness of bringing those together.

Human beings have all the assistance that they need, do not allow fear stop that assistance, walk your path and the path will be revealed before your eyes, is not in the doing where you find the answer, it is in the heart for it is love the cure, the healer, the bonding, the movement and the stillness…

“Don’t you know that I am your mother?” Then you know that you are my daughter, my son, and you know that is the alignment in all life forms in what you call the universe”

Yes, the shakings are happening, and it will continued to happened, for this planet is align into a higher realm, as it was before the time existed….

Learn the dance, it is encoded in you, let it flow, you will know exactly the dance by nature, then you will know where you are standing, for you are the new land, as the awakening of the consciousness, as human being realign into a cosmic way of thinking, then everything will make more sense, as you know the mother, for she is one with all life forms, the time of preparation is over, now is the graduation time for all human beings..

This is the time when the 2 have became one, the Ixpapalotli time, through one, the way of living is being revealed, embrace then, the new way of living for you are life.

Do not fear love, but allow love to bloom, for the new world is about relationships, and relationships are moving, are changing, for the perfect vibration is taking place and with this, the way to relate is changing naturally, remember that you are love…

Your body is also changing, realigning with the great mother, the body needs to readjust to the new vibration, to the original vibration of the planet, do not resist, but allow the body to make the changes, for the body heals itself, for you are an spirit that holds a body, and your body knows what to do… trust yourself, be-live in yourself…

Know that you always in my heart

In lakesh, Magdala

EarthTalk March/April 2010

EarthTalk March/April 2010
featuring SANGOMA - Healing Community One soul At A Time

and more

If you are not yet receiving our Newsletter on e regular base you can either use the feature in the Newsletter to subcribe or
enter your email at

Blessings from Sweden to all of you ,

Sunday, March 7, 2010

NEW >>> DMC international

Promoting EarthWay Teachers & Artists around the Globe

Director : Dagmar Ceki

contact: skype : dagmar-earthlife

email :

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Message from Magdala Ramirez / Mayan Priestess and dear sister :)

Beautiful Ones

Finally I am back into the temple where the waters comes out from the womb, and will be here until the next journey begans…

I am sooo happy to be with you in this time space, the journey of many directions for a month came so beautiful! Thank you! tlatzocomate! Gracias! Colorado, Chicago, Ohio and Minneapolis! My heart blooms when I think of you, you are sooooooooo beautiful!

The journey in this time space, became so powerful and beautiful, for the awakening of the cosmic consciousness happends in the very core of human beings, It happends that the alignment with the Great Mother heart created an incredible awareness of the multidimensionality of being human, the time of preparation have come to an end, and give birth to the time of realization of the self in the world of the enchanted flower.

In our ways maya mexica, as it is in many other traditions, the knowledge of the multidimensionality has been written in the petrogliphs, the stones that speaks, but it is also written in the authentic DNA of human beings. In the new land that the great mother is preparing for is, changing, moving, creating and recreating, the dance began in awakening that authentic DNA that knows how to do this, an alignment with her, and take the body into a higher way of living, human beings are experience a new way to relate, in the inside as well as the outside, and with the ways of the non time, the feminine ways that was hidden for a long time, and now is awaken, and recognized by the authentic human beings…. Time of Ascension is here, is happening everywhere! (read time of ascension in the web site) the golden cities have open the doors…. The bridal chamber have been encounter …

There is so much to do, so much to explore, and so incredible realms to uncover that this world is bringing, the experiences of the world of the enchanted flower is bringing the senses into a new realization as also the new sense into being, a new perception of reality, it is indeed a powerful times… freedom is everywhere, for human beings born free…

This is the time when the bridgers bridge, for the light workers come forward, and not be afraid no more to speak what is in their heart, you are the rainbow bridge, and you are so beautiful, yes, human being have all the assistance that you need, as well as you are here to assist others and yourself, as you make the dance, the path will be unfold, don’t look back…

I am happy, my heart is blooming, the communications is happening in all the realms in a powerful manner, all is communicating, as has always been, but now, human beings are aware of this communication taking place, in the world of the enchanted flower, as we call it, all is happening at the same time, for human beings realize now, the world of oneness, is a way of living…

This is busy times, and as the world unfold, a new realms are being created, and recreated, new ceremonies, seminars, projects of the young ones, so much going on…

About the thirteen hours of the heart beat of the drum, bringing all the people together, there is a new writing in how to do this in the web site, then click on land, in here you will see how to recognize all the races in the inside, the ways of the mother, as the integration of human beings is taking place.

This ceremony is happening now, we need helpers, drummers, donations for makening hapend, help! if is in your heart, how you can help? Send me an email, for the people is ready, we are ready, join us! This is a free event, We have made this in Ohio, ( ) then Little Rock, that created a beautiful wave all over the world! And unfold many other places…

Magdala Ramirez

photography copyright by Dagmar Magdalena Ceki