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Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Niche Breakthrough Secrets with Kendall SummerHawk - very interesting for small buz owners / soulpreneurs

Niche Breakthrough Secrets
with Kendall SummerHawk

"The Magic Formula that Quickly Makes It Possible
for You to Market Less, Fill Your Programs, Courses
and Workshops Faster and Sell More of Your Products...
All While Staying Powerfully Authentic to Who You Are"

4-part telecourse beginning at 8pm Eastern
this THURSDAY, April 15, 2010
(All calls are recorded and transcribed for you to keep)

Here's my personal link to get the details now:


This telecourse isn't one of those band-aid "fixes"
for your biz. It's the real-deal and it's revealing
the ONE thing that Kendall is personally SHOCKED that
no one else is teaching.

Here's just a sampling of what Kendall will be covering
in DETAIL during this 4-part telecourse:

* How to quickly eliminate any emotional blocks you
may have to choosing your perfect niche (this is a
simple mindset shift that will give you permission
to confidently surge ahead in all areas of your business)

* The ONE simple step you must take to stop marketing
yourself as a commodity (this one technique alone will
help you quickly attract better clients)

* The secret to discovering what your clients really
want your help with (this is the key that can unlock
unlimited potential and a goldmine of opportunities,
currently being ignored in your business)

* Kendall's signature Six-Step Niche Breakthrough Secrets
formula that she'll personally walk you through to quickly
reveal the authentic and lucrative niche that is your true
calling (ladies, when you "own" your niche there is no
competition, clearing the way for you to serve and prosper)

* Why your audience may be turned off by what you're telling
them (and a word-for-word bonus SCRIPT outlining what you MUST
say instead to capture their interest and their business)

* Simple, practically "done for you" ways to attract & keep
more of your ideal clients

* One simple technique for creating instant web copy (even if
you're not a writer)...saving yourself hours of time and effort

* Six sure-fire ways to leverage your niche so you effortlessly
create multiple streams of income

* How to seamlessly transition into your new niche, bringing
many of your past clients along with you (and attracting new
clients along the way)

* The ONE thing your clients most want you to help them with
(Kendall will give you plenty of ideas on how to please them
so they love you and love to refer others to you...forever)

* FIVE questions you must ask to know if your niche is hot...
or not

* BONUS: You get templates, scripts and checklists that you
can keep and use over and over to help you attract & keep
more of your ideal clients

========================= need to take action right now. This opportunity
to get Kendall's help starts in just 4 DAYS and you don't
want to miss out on this one thing that can help you attract
and keep more ideal clients.

Here's the link to get all of the details:

Niche Breakthrough Secrets will NOT ever be offered again
at this low price point - just $297 for the entire
telecourse series, including the mp3 downloadable audios,
printable transcripts, bonus handouts, scripts, templates
and more.

So don't delay! Go here now to get the full details. You
can even take advantage of Kendall's generous payment plan,
too, while it's still available.

Dagmar Ceki

P.S. - Feel free to forward this email to your contact lists:

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