We need Healing, we approach a Healer, Elder , Medicine Woman, Shaman ... and just bluntly ask for it and await them to give it freely, take their care, time and sharing wisdom for granted ? NO .
I did some research and found several notes about how to approach those ppl (in traditional ways) . Here is just a short excerpt:
Visits With Healers, Elders and Medicine People
When you go to a Healer, Elder or Medicine Person, be yourself, be respectful to them and to yourself.
Take tobacco to give as an offering. Tobacco is meant for that communication between you, the Healer and the Creator. The tobacco can be in any form. For example, it can be one cigarette from a pack, it can be a pack of cigarettes, it can be a pouch of tobacco or it can be loose tobacco wrapped in a small square of cloth (called a tobacco tie).
Talk to the Healer or Elder explaining why you have come to them. Refrain from taking alcohol or drugs for four days before going to a Healer. Other gifts can be given to express your gratitude for the help you have received. This may be in the form of an item such as a basket or blanket or it could be money.
There are certain protocols specific to each Healer, Elder or Medicine Person. Many Healers will have helpers who will convey these protocols to you.
But this again is a protocol you would just have to follow and question is, is that our ways ... giving rules, protocol and let ppl follow and hope they understand why ?
NO. This is male ways.We can do better now :)
So to me manners in The feminine ways have to work differently.
We have to find back into our Heart. Open the space and feel and realize what a great gift will be given to us through this meeting.... How deeply it will effect our Healing ...How precious life and lifetime is - not only our own but especially of those who have walked the path of pain, growth and went through it all for the Highest Best of all and now supporting us.
I have approached some real great teachers and healers in my life - some of them Natives but also western bodhisattvas. ... Protocol could not have awakened me to what I "owe" them ... but my heart could ...
even if things went bizarre for whatever reason, if something didn't work out as expected ... I owe them my life .
They brought me out of deepest depression , helped me out of phobic thinking that didn't allow for me to call my life life any more.Went through fear and grief with me. They re-connected me to All That Is , opened my heart (and often my eyes , too ;-) .
Our possessions are few, but I would always give as much as my life allows at that moment . What would all that be , if I would still be depressed, in fear and lack of love in my heart or couldn't move any more.
So when we truly live from the Heart we will never ever go to a Healer/ Teacher without a gift , something meaningfull , not just a "left-over" ...we feel such a deep love for them , that we naturally find "manners" how to approach someone we love , respect and care for.
As writing this note has made my Heart vibrate with Love and Gratitude ,
I take the opportunity to pay Hommage to at least some of them
( I am fully aware that everything that has life in it is my teacher and healer but that would expand my list in ways I cannot -yet- hold))
Sylvia Kolk/ Theravada Buddhist
Ayya Khema/ Theravadan Nun
Jade Kress/ Shaman & Astrologer
Joan Halifax/ Zen Roshi
Kazuaki Tanahashi/ Peace Activist, Zen Master & Artist
Irène Bakker/ Zen Master
Maria Yraceburu / Apache Holy One
Linda Yraceburu / Heal
Scott Johnson/ Chiropractor
Caroline Remondi/ Chiropractor
Magdala Ramirez / Mayan Priestess & Shaman
Agneta Loefberg / TCM Healer
I love you all & bow in gratitude .
In Lak'ech
Dagmar Magdalena
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