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Monday, July 18, 2011

Heart Healing ~In the Ways of the Divine Feminine ~ Intro

Heart Healing ~ from the Divine Feminine Perspective

As most of you already know, I don't like to make many words, I am attached and addicted to lean expression.

But when I felt I have to finally write about this topic, I soon realized I will have to make more words about it, as it has to be as precise as possible and embrace all the important things

so I will try to separate it into smaller pieces which can be swallowed one after the other :)

What brought me to start into this writing … ?!

I am a Shamanic Counsellor since about 8 years , but counselled people in different settings before since about 25 years now. I saw a lot of healing taking place but even more resistance and stagnation. So the question is WHY is it that healing doesn't happen for many?

As you, I am on facebook , looking at all the wisdom streams running through its veins in form of quotes ( e.g. Rumi, Paulo Coelho, Hafiz … to name but a few) , wise words of even wiser poeple, texts by counsellers/ coaches... many groups for self help … endless affirmations, Light messages, Love messages … supportive words, challenging words, educational words.

I see the thumbs up, I see the comments affirming the truth of these words... and still , I know there is not much happening from it when it comes to the broken hearts.

I know many of us have been to literally everything that the world puts out for us to heal .

We have knotted our legs in yoga, breathed along our Meridians in Qi Gong, sat in deep meditation for years, talked us through countless years of therapy, went to workshops, got Reiki, massage, , sing , pray in rituals and ceremonies … tried to find love, or security, or just be content with what is ;-) …

And still, no feeling of completion, no deep Healing of our Hearts, only more concepts running our mind which from time to time add to our confusion as they might be even contrary to each other … and we spend a lot of time, working through the concepts and -isms and make up our mind about that and engage in talking and arguing about it .

The time has come for us to awaken. The time is NOW. But how can we do that ?

First I want to adress here and now , is the difference between walking the old male ways or choosing the Path of the Divine Feminine.

ALL the above things I have mentioned are the ways of the old male , patriarchal ways.

As they sometimes come with very good words and a perspective that in many ways appeal to us, we fall for them as our broken hearts are thirsty for feelings of love, light and perspective.

And as they might even make the wounds less deep or comfort body and psyche at the moment, we

get stuck in these ways.

Why do I call them male ways … ?

Because, the old male ways are about working from the outside in. You start in your body or mind, and try to work from there down to your heart. That is the patriarchal illusion. That the male (mind, body, manifestation) has to enlighten the female (the heart, the core)... This is the concetpt of the Wounded Father & Mother... even in disguise of « alternative medicine/ holistic therapy/natural ways/ green living/... » … that we need to work from the outside in, that we need to follow the rules of the Wounded Parents in order to live this life.

What is the Way of the Divine Feminine … ?

We realize that all these things are but outer expressions, manifestations born from already Broken Hearts in order to keep the rules and orders alive that allow for Patriarchy to stay alive.

We awaken to the fact, that it has to be the other way around . We need to awaken our Hearts, allow us to listen to it again, and then create our world, make our manifestations from the Heart and create the World we want to live and see.

The Heart has to enlighten the mind (not as we have been told for thousands of years the other way round)

The feminine side has to enlighten the male .

Does that make sense to you ? Can you feel the truth tingling in your body … goose bubbles ??

Then for today I leave you with the good news :

Your True Heart has never been broken !

It is there, it is hole and in perfect shape.

The broken part you feel is not part of it … it is just a veil, a layer over your perfectly functioning heart, a veil, a layer that can be easily put aside . Easily ? Yes … no process , no working through your not yet enlightened minds , just put off the veil that has kept you in delusion and fear.

...and some « bad » news … you will have to face your programming, you will have to face truth, you will have to do some spiritual work in order to be who you always have been …

We need to realize that we are no victims … we have been volunteers in the world of the Wounded Parents since long …

but if you so choose , the new life is just underneath the unenlightened mind who keeps you telling that IT has the power to heal you.

You only have to take the first step out of your comfort zone ( comfort zones even come in the disguise of deep suffering, which gives us a feeling of familiarity, being at home … so we choose the wellknown suffering before the unknown freedom and happiness ~again and again)

Are you ready to finally be-live the Sacred Daughter of The Sacred Parents you always have been ?

And put it on and carry your medicine out into this world ??

Please , answer YES ;-)

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