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Sunday, January 11, 2009

What Actually Is Female -Male Ways ?

In short : female is coming from vision, dreaming and insight plus connection with the mother and THEN manifest, it is what they call Quantum Physics today..
male is manifestation . the divine male for exampel is the divine order of the universe . The male needs to be enlightened through the female .

So going the female way is mainly to first go into connection, love and vision before manifesting anything in the 3rd dimensional world.
The male must be enlightened by the female to be whole . So as everyone has both energies (though it is not the same for men and women) , we have to balance them in ourselves first , do the sacred dance in ourselves first .
enlighten our own male, manifesting side through our female side first.
Re-wire our brains(left and right hemisphere) to make them work as a whole again.
So every woman and every man has to do this rewiring , but then still in these times it is the women who carry all knowledge of life, of constant change and especially of how to surrender. So women are enlightening the men taught in the old temples before they were destroyed.

as this is still tough stuff for most men to swallow , the resistance is high and the male ways/ The Wounded Father's ways find really tricky ways to still stay in controll. They know that all this energies have only power beyond the new paradigm, actually they do not even exist any longer in the new paradigm.
In these days both worlds exist at the same time until it is done.
so today we see a lot of chaos out there , one we directly realize as chaos , like wars, breakdown of economy ,and much more...but as well the more subtle and tricky ways in which the male/the Wounded Father still tries to keep controll over the female and advertises male ways as female.
Tricky because in such a long patriarchal time the programming in all of us has become really strong, and we have to re-experience what truely is the female way. so often we get trapped.
e.g. women leaders are no guarantee for female way .
Grandmothers initiated by grandfathers, asking even their permission.
The women's right movement is not the female way either , it is male ways , too
and so on and so forth....

So today there is a deep need for everybody to re-connect to the Mother, to find back to the wonderful true human being s/he always was and trust that the Mother shows the way and leads to the True Father - wil say the divine manifestation.
because of the deep programming it requires spiritual work to be done in ourselves first, so that we are able to hear, feel and see from a holy:holistic point; and each and everyone needs different tools for this, so it is not time any longer for one way, tradition , religion , lineage , tribe whatever....
it is time for do it in skilfull means - means what helps one does not necessarily help others, what helps today might not serve tomorrow.
The Divine Femine does not distroy the old ways but consumates them.

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