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Friday, November 1, 2013

Be The Fool and Uplift Yourself :)

~ Today´s InSight ~
Some of you who are following my writings here already know that I have started on a journey to better health .... there are chronic symptoms due to numberless illnesses  in my childhood and I got really sick from parasites on my solo journey to Nepal in 2007.
Now I have started to treat this with help of Traditional Chinese Medicine ( herbs and acupuncture and taiji and more ) .
There is a huge process going on now in body , heart and mind.
Traditional Medicine does not treat the symptoms but stirs of the stagnations caused by sicknesses and illnesses and ailments and psychological moments. So I am having kind of a tough time.
Symptoms blast up I haven´t experienced in many years and all is coming in speedy and at the same time. Not only does my body hurt, or do I have to live with the coming and going of a strong nausea.... the "best" part is the emoional body going crazy ... angry one day, crying the next, desperate on another.... And I need to remind me that this is transient, not new symptoms , but upcoming old stuff in order to really show up and disappear.

What is the InSight now you might ask  !?

The InSight is that no matter how bad I feel there is only two things that really make the trick and help me through instead of giving up and avoiding. 
One is the love of my Beloved who is accompanying this process in wonderful ways. 
The other is to at least once a day look at my whining and weaping and snoring and self pity and LAUGH out loud , deep from the belly into all of my body and out in the universe.
It lightens it all in a moment, symptoms dissolve quickly and Chakras re-align and open.
And in an instant I switch from " life is a burden" ... to "what a crazy funny ride this is" ..

To stay healthy and on the right side of life , it is essential that we teach ourselves to laugh at the drama of our egos .
And be the fool and clown for our own amusement and uplifting 

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