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Saturday, November 16, 2013

Withholding Emotions

~Withholding Your Emotions ~

Withholding encompasses any unwillingness to express your true feelings. It show also in an unwillingness/incapability to give support or positive attention, even to the people you love. 
We have all known someone who is impossible to please,
and most suddenly found ourselves at the other end of a chilly , unpleasant silence with no explanation.
At the same time, we might recognize our moments of withholding. The moments when we deny our emotions rather than express them.
Most of us have been on both sides .

Emotional pain is at the root of our tendency to withhold, we be-live that withholding protects us from suffering. But the contrary is true.
Withholding causes pain to the people subjected to it as well as to those withholding.
It is a dysfunctional pattern that creates a breakdown in communication and understanding.
Unfortunately we tend to see it as "normal communication" ~ "social Behaviour".

In order to heal we need to break this silence. We need to understand that that what might have been a survival tool once now only hurts and adds to our pains.

Easiest way is to begin the process of breaking out of this pattern by finding a safe place where you can start to allow yourself to be truly seen AS YOU ARE.

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