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Saturday, January 31, 2009

I.G.N.I.T.E Method - what is new ? what is different?

EarthLife Institute
I.G.N.I.T.E method - training

What is new ? What s different ?

I.G.N.I.T.E method is designed to empower you and let you grow spiritually in the most effective and lasting way.
It is the melting momentum of all the paths and methods I have studied during my life , and it supports you with tools coming from neuroscience and quantum physics as well as shamanic wisdom and alternative healing methods of different origine.
There is kind of a red thread when you work through the training , but everything willl be adapted to you personally in the ways of skillful means.

There are two main differences if you compare this method to other ways.
- You can do this training whatever your belief or philosophy is.
- I have integrated a method called ETHOS , that will help you to get connected with your Authentic Universal Self easily , and enables you to keep this contact, or get back with simply exercises.

Though I.G.N.I.T.E. is free of a certain spiritual or religious background, it will adress your desire for spiritual growth in ways that allow you to establish the spirituality that is yours. You will either develope your own , resonating spirituality or be able to integrate what you have ever felt/seen/believed.
Your spirituality is your very personal relation with the source/god/spirit/ whatever you call it , IF you name it ... we do not name it for you.

The I.G.N.I.T.E method does NOT use New Age methods like Positive Thinking .
It is not just about how you can achieve your wishes and how to become rich,
but about how to ignite your life force in a way that makes your life feel complete and fulfilled and establishes your wish to participate in life in responsible co-creation.
Nothing will be imposed on you. There will be no imposing of harmony , love and light thinking on you as this only makes you feel worse and on the long run brings back deep feelings of failure, depression and guilt.

This is a transformational path , that will bring you lasting effects.

As this programm in ist completion is totally new, it is not yet clear how much time has to be spend on this training. But we have scheduled approximately 4-6 months for the core training. This will differ due to the amount of time and energy you can put into it .

As already pointed out the I.G.N.I.T.E method consists of

4 pillars :

* Method/s to easily coonect and keep constant contact to Universal Authentic Self
* Balance Female/Male , rewire brain, use your talents...
* Symbols and more to understand Oneness and Diversity, and turn from the I to the We
* Energy coaching for trauma / blocks

We will have two branches

- a „light version“ , where you will be handed papers and mostly work on your own, with email support 3-4 times a motnh
- and a profound training where we will go much deeper and enable you at the same time to use this method in your working with people ( as healers, counsellors, coaches , caretakers...), you will be supported chat , email and telephon as much as needed. This includes an intensive training or something that will serve as an equivalent if you live too far away.

My intention in developing the training was basically to provide you with a method that brings lasting results, a possibility to go beyond dogma, and to help raising the consciousness as far and as fast as possible, for as many people as possible, as we live in critical times.

I.G.N.I.T.E method 2009 Dagmar Ceki

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I.G.N.I.T.E Method -Birth (copyright Dagmar Ceki)

Dear One and All ,

first I want to thank all of you who beared with me the last weeks while i had to go through hibernation, challenge and shift....
Now it is done, and something new has been created and born.

I have developed the I.G.N.I.T.E.  Method (Intention-Growth-Nurturing-Initiation-Transformation-Empowerment )
This method will be consumating all we have done so far in the EarthLife Distance Trainingat the EarthLife Institute . It will consumate all tradions, religions, methods I used in the training so far .
It will stand free from ideological backgrounds and free of the male ways.

Those in training with me : You will find back all we have done and understood so far, yet the termology will be free from tendencies of putting something/someone into boxes .
It will help everyone who uses it , to instantly shift perspective and work from inside out, without any „belief system" involved – only the belief that there is an Unlimited Self in everyone , that we need and want to „let out".

The name I.G.N.I.T.E.  Method stands for the power of re-igniting our lifeforce, our inner knowing and step right in .
It stands for much more – but you will find out yourself

I have gone through changes , this was kind of a pregnancy. Now as the Mother of this new method ,
I come back to you .

So this is what I have decided up in regards to the organizational aspects up to now:

there will be kind of two branches in the core training (4-6 months) :

* one branch is for those who only want to use the method for their personal benefit. With them I will proceed as we used with the Training up to now. You will receive max. 1 paper and assignments during one week and one support email per week.
payment is 10-20 dollars a month.

* Second: those who want to go out and have the authorization to use this method publicly or become an affiliate of the EarthLife Institute . This requires the full training which will last 4-6 months and requires additionally one phone call a month and one gathering in an intensive training ( for people outside europe or too far away ,relax : we will find alternatives ) Your training will be much more intense so that when you are done , you and I know you can work with other people , too. You will get as much feed back and support as you need .
It request a payment of 40-100 dollar ( you decide) a month , and a commitment to show up for the calls and the assignemnts .

After the core training there will be opportunities to go deeper into special ways to use the method ( being with dying, parents training, team training , working with animals and so on and so forth)

A new beginning is IGNITEd , let us all enjoy ..... I am you , Dagmar

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Message from Magdala del Consuela Ramirez / Mayan Prist & Shamaness

Letter From Magdala

To My Beautiful Sisters and Brothers,

I am writing this letter today to speak about the important role Women have in the "Union of Polarities" which will mark the coming of the New World. Woman are Sacred, but much of this knowledge has been lost. Now is the time we need to remember our place in the Universe. Each of us needs to ask the Earth Mother to help us understand and reclaim our Sacredness.

In this time of great changes it is imperative for woman to stand up and put on the Medicine that was given Her from the Great Spirit to overcome any separation that the World of Illusion brings. She must understand the openness of her heart and bring compassion and unconditional Love into every heart she touches . For it is Love that brings healing to all people.

No matter what color your skin or where your People originally came from, Creator has given all Women ceremonies, and Women need to reclaim them. But what are the ceremonies and who will teach them to me you ask? It is simple. When we nutria our children, love our husbands, when we bathe, put on make up, feel, sense, sing, pray, all these things are women's ceremonies. For it is in the ordinary that the extraordinary takes place.

Women are Warriors of the Light. We have to remember this.... we are in charge of the dream..... it is up to us to bring forth the vision of Peace and Abundance that will mark the New Age. We can do this by coming together as Women. Perhaps you can form "dreaming sessions" with other women in your community. Do this once a month on the New Moon. Fast, pray, drum, sweat, talk with each other until you can see your sister inside yourself. Create gardens together. Plant seeds of food, medicine and hope. Celebrate the motherhood, sisterhood and medicine woman that lives inside every woman. Create ceremony for everything in your life. And most of all, teach your young Women how Wonderful and Sacred they are.

Invite your men to share in some of the ceremonies. Share with him your thoughts, feelings, medicine, and worries. Explain to him your connection to the Spirit and the reason for the ceremonies. Remember that the "New World", will be one of unity - not male dominance or female dominance. We all are giving birth. There is much hatred and war to be overcome. But women are strong and the love they carry in their hearts will over come all the darkness. Men are now beginning to honor the feminine ways. But many men don't know how. Women must first honor and respect herself. Then this will happen.

Brothers, support the woman's work, for your own well-being and for the whole of Mother Earth. In that way you will see the beauty in yourselves. Know that you have been loved so much for so long and this is the time for men to receive the love from the feminine way, Mother Earth is talking now to your Woman and Daughters, Mothers, and Sisters. Listen to the Song of Life that Women carry my brothers! Follow the heart not the rules.

I am you,


Sunday, January 11, 2009

What Actually Is Female -Male Ways ?

In short : female is coming from vision, dreaming and insight plus connection with the mother and THEN manifest, it is what they call Quantum Physics today..
male is manifestation . the divine male for exampel is the divine order of the universe . The male needs to be enlightened through the female .

So going the female way is mainly to first go into connection, love and vision before manifesting anything in the 3rd dimensional world.
The male must be enlightened by the female to be whole . So as everyone has both energies (though it is not the same for men and women) , we have to balance them in ourselves first , do the sacred dance in ourselves first .
enlighten our own male, manifesting side through our female side first.
Re-wire our brains(left and right hemisphere) to make them work as a whole again.
So every woman and every man has to do this rewiring , but then still in these times it is the women who carry all knowledge of life, of constant change and especially of how to surrender. So women are enlightening the men taught in the old temples before they were destroyed.

as this is still tough stuff for most men to swallow , the resistance is high and the male ways/ The Wounded Father's ways find really tricky ways to still stay in controll. They know that all this energies have only power beyond the new paradigm, actually they do not even exist any longer in the new paradigm.
In these days both worlds exist at the same time until it is done.
so today we see a lot of chaos out there , one we directly realize as chaos , like wars, breakdown of economy ,and much more...but as well the more subtle and tricky ways in which the male/the Wounded Father still tries to keep controll over the female and advertises male ways as female.
Tricky because in such a long patriarchal time the programming in all of us has become really strong, and we have to re-experience what truely is the female way. so often we get trapped.
e.g. women leaders are no guarantee for female way .
Grandmothers initiated by grandfathers, asking even their permission.
The women's right movement is not the female way either , it is male ways , too
and so on and so forth....

So today there is a deep need for everybody to re-connect to the Mother, to find back to the wonderful true human being s/he always was and trust that the Mother shows the way and leads to the True Father - wil say the divine manifestation.
because of the deep programming it requires spiritual work to be done in ourselves first, so that we are able to hear, feel and see from a holy:holistic point; and each and everyone needs different tools for this, so it is not time any longer for one way, tradition , religion , lineage , tribe whatever....
it is time for do it in skilfull means - means what helps one does not necessarily help others, what helps today might not serve tomorrow.
The Divine Femine does not distroy the old ways but consumates them.

Letting Go Of The Onion's Way Of Tears

The Temple is already built in you

knowledge is the structure

Love is the altar

*Magdala del Consuela Ramirez*

For eons - at least it feels like eons - we are used to do spiritual work in that way :
we work through our issues , we become aware of more issues, then we try to work them and what happens, we are so irritated about : have i worked this issue properly , am I "right" now, is there a hidden issue behind the issue behind the issue .....this leeds to a state of mind where we need people who confirm who we are , how "far" we have come. This again opens the way for having a need for lineages, traditions , religions - in short: people that have the authority to give you confirmation so that you feel better .
I guess many of you have been on this path for quiet a while...
it leaves you in the awareness of your faults, of not being perfect and never will be unless you are
enlightened. do you feel good on this path ? does it empower your True Self ? how long have you been on that path , still not feeling whole ?

Guess what : you never will while on that path.... it is male ways, it is about working from the outside in, like peeling an onion ... and the result is similar : the more you get to the core the sharper you feel the onion juice in your eyes , the more tears run down and you no longer see the world truely.
I promise : doing the issues way is multiplying issues until the end of this earthwalk.
In the end you might say : oh, gush, this was my karma - but actually it was your decision to walk the onion path of tears.

Female way is to nurture .To come from the inside out. We are Life . We are perfect and beautiful and we are creating this world.
So, not peeling through your issues is the answer , but LOVE . Start loving yourself , do not focus on your issues. Focus on your beauty. On the beauty of the soul you are . On your talents , your creativity. What will be the outcome ,what do you feel .... ?
What we nurture grows and strives and becomes whole bcause it always was.
Issues are just an expression of lack of self-love and connection , they all will disappear evantually while loving ourselves.
AND : this is not the way of "Love and Light", it is not imposing harmony while things go wrong,not ignoring shadows that are still there in the 3rd dimensional world.
It is coming back to be-live in yourself , to re-member who you really are and to re-connect to the source. And then stand strong and BE love.

First it might be a challenge to go new ways , as we tend to develope feelings of lonlyness.
But : yes, we are AllOne and holding the hand of the mother. this is the earthways, how wonderful !

Why not decide for Love, for the mother's way right now . Why not gifting you in this new year with the re- live of seeing your beauty right away and nurture this.

I love you all.
In Lakech
I am You,

Dagmar Magdalena

The temple of The Divine Feminine is being re-build

by Dagmar Magdalena Ceki

I am back home again from Arkansas/USA and very inspired. We had great ceremony /sweatlodges and to see the Temple of the Feminine rebuild eons after its destruction has empowered and enlightend me.
Now it is the time to rebuild this temple in oureselves again.

The old knowledge is available again and we only need to step right in.
Programming of the old system and patriarchy is strong so there is a lot of inner work to do in ourselves to re-member our own old wisdom and activate our original DNA... But this is the time.
We do not need initiations and recognition through old male ways any longer - the only initiation is by the Great Mother and through our Hearts.

The programming shows up in different ways , one is all the "godesses and new age things" coming up since years as well as feminine/women ways that are backed up by men/grandfathers allowing/recognizing the "feminine way" ( this happens a lot in religion and traditional ways) ....
though they claim to be feminine ways they are just the old wounded male ways in disguise and it is a huge challenge for us to see this despite our own programming.
The Ways of The Divine Feminine and of The Great Mother are very different from that and we have to re-learn them --- YES re - learn only The Temple of the Divine Feminine , because they still exist deeply in us, on our DNA and in old memories.
But we have to work to be able to recognize them .
In our ceremonies we were called to go deeper into thee ways , open the ways for others again and make more aware that they exist and are a REAL alternative. so I will follow this call and work even more out of the feminine ways than before .....
I love you all , may you be well and happy - as happiness is the way of the great mother , and love is the true medicine.

Actualization Ah-Kine Enlightenment

by Dagmar Magdalena Ceki

I was asked to write an article about enlightenment and I thought –„gush, how can I do that ?„
So much is said about it already – many people have written about it .
Is there anything new I can write ?
Maybe by sharing part of my EarthWalk I can give an idea of what Enlightenment might be ....

My consequently walking a spiritual path started in 1998 when both my parents died in a very short period of time.
My mother was diagnosed with an extremely aggressive type of cancer which progressed very quickly .
It was a gift for me that we still had enough time to heal our lifelong issues with each other and that we
were able to experience a special kind of closeness that often only dying makes possible .
It rids us of all conventional behaviours and attitudes and thoughts , we come to the very essence of our being.
During this process , my father- as an alcohol addict - , could not cope with the situation . He went in and out psychiatry , but always started drinking again. So after my mother passed it took not long until he died one night in the street , because he lost his key and couldn’t enter his house again.
It was cold and he already was ill , so they found him dead on the next morning.
Death is one of the greatest teachers and brought me into a deep commitment to find out more about life and spirituality.

First I met Roshi Joan Halifax at a Buddhist Women Congress in Cologne / Germany. As she held workshops about death and dying , I went to see her . Listening to her talks and participating in a workshop , made me wanting to continue studying with her.
For several years I practiced Zen and had the blessings of deep and profound buddhist teachings.
Enlightenment in buddhist practice is a topic that seems very central to the teachings.
Enlightenment is like the fuel that runs the practice ...but what is this „Enlightenment“ we are striving for ?
There are many different approaches already in Zen practice , even more when we take all buddhist traditions in account.
On my way, to be honest , I lost interest in this question. I felt being here NOW is a task already big enough.

While in retreat with Joan Halifax, I came in touch with women who practiced shamanism and were students of a Native American teacher. After an invite to a Sweat Lodge I felt a deep longing of going deeper into it.
But it took me a while to find my own teacher.
2003 I started a traditional apprenticeship with Maria Yraceburu, a Quero Apache HolyOne of the Tlish Diyan ( Snake Clan).

In a traditional apprenticeship there are several circles and spirals in personal growth and spiritual re-connection that we have to go through. First we have to free ourselves from the Ego, this part we usually mis-identify with the I or Me, the part that has a lot of „Likes and Dislikes“ and very personal intention in all it does and decides .
We go through all our issues and, like an onion, get rid of one layer after the other as long as it takes to be freed from at least the biggest Ego parts and have kind of a sense of connection to our True Self, to our authenticity and to the spiritual source that we might call God/ess – Spirit – Emptiness or whatever.
This is followed by a period of time in which we need to learn how to go with the flow, integrate our knowledge into daily life and get more insights about our purpose here on Earth.

Enlightenment in the Tlish Diyan Tradition is called Ah – Kine and means Actualization.
People who come to that actualization are called the same , as there is no longer a gap between Enlightenment and the Enlightened person.
Ah- Kine means to be aware of our Oneness and Diversity in a profound way. Not in the meaning of a short and spontaneous moment ( like e.g. Sartori in Rinzai Zen ) but in the moment to moment living our evolutionary role.
Of course I know there are moments of Enlightenment ever now and then , spontaneous experiences of Being One .
But where does it lead to ... ?
In our times of Narcism and Egoism as valued attitudes and ways of living , in our times where „being One „ is often misunderstood as „I am okay , you are okay“- no matter how I behave- , and the fact that we are all already enlightened on our deepest mindground leads to the thought of „ we do not have to work any more on it“ – we need more to the concept of Enlightenment.
I had dozens of opportunities to observe so called Enlightened Masters or students having these Sartori moments, and I was puzzled by the way they lived ...about the amount of sexual, financial abuse and addictional behaviour to be found..
Explanations as „don’t expect teachers to be perfect „ wouldn’t work for me. I felt that if somebody is enlightened this should go hand in hand with a authentic, ethical behaviour towards all sentient beings.
Meanwhile I understand that Enlightenment might happen in a moment , but if it it not intristically connected to a profound spiritual and personal growth in this person it means nothing but an EgoTrip . It does not serve the community , not the world and not the Universe.
Enlightenment unfolds, and only if we join into with ALL efforts to grow personally , become more authentic , live ethically it becomes Enlightenment that serves humanity and All That Is.

Only Enlightenment that is more then just a nice moment of personal feeling and insight can be called Actualization – Ah- Kine .... Walk your Talk ...