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Love AllWays , Dagmar
Some recent events in my life, along with phrases and comments by people and reading some background info of spiritual movements about their view of woman to woman relationships/sexuality nudged me to finally
write about this topic .
I am not going to talk about all these anti-homo thoughts and action that all people who consider themselves to be progressive, liberal, thoughtful , spiritual find disgusting – I am talking about this
more subtle heterror going on even in the liberal and especially spiritual minds (and even in those declaring themselves homosexual).
I read words like acceptance, I feel the I-am-such-a good-liberal-thinking-person and thus we love you, « really »... I listen to women telling me that never ever they have thought of a woman as a partner in ALL regards... I hear them saying they could not and don't want to ever imagine touching a woman in erotic ways... I hear talking about twinflames and Sacred Sex ~and of course this means men/women relationships only …..This is deep in awful ways...
So let us explore this topic and start with the underlying assumptions and mindsets regarding it.
Assumption 1:
There is something you have to accept around homosexuality … which in itself is a discrimination already.
Assumption 2:
Homosexuality is something we are born to .. nobody was ever able to prove this theory
( nor the opposite)
Assumption 3:
Women loving women has to do with their relationship towards men... NOT So.
Assumption 4:
Naturally / biologically men and women are meant to be together in sexual and emotional intercourse.
Prove ???? Anything lacking when we do not reduce sexuality and erotic to reproduction ?
Is this what we still are up to, while we trying to define role models for our girls beyond motherhood and being a well functioning loving wife? … PLEASE prove me wrong !
Assumption 5:
Sacred Sex is about a man and a woman in sexual intercourse. Because ? .. because female and male have to come together in perfect balance … okay, that's a biggy … coming from the same poeple talking and teaching about Oneness and inner Balance of the Yin and Yan as first step to take before we can come together and speak about Sacred Sex.... can we become real about this … ?
Today I will -hopefully - challenge your view and get some dust of old patriarchal stuff/shit off the topic.
I assume that when you are liberal and spiritual you might easily be able to see the old patina of fundamentalist beliefs in what is going on...and that you will be more then happy to get rid of it ;-)
I do not care about biologistical views. As a Spirit Woman I can see that my body has a function and
the special function in a woman is to be able to give life (birth) and to nurture ( breast feed) ~she doesn't HAVE to . The way of life in my body as a woman is that of tides and circles , chaotic , wild and very intuitive.
There already ends my determination.
The capability to give and nurture life does not reduce me to giving birth and life to children. Women deciding to not having children are still having the quality of life givers and still experienceing the same circles, waves and tides which can be used in every life nurturing aspect . ...e;g. Building wonder-filled architecture, creating art, serving the community, going deep down in contemplation or high into channeling and connection.
Very consciously I am using the term « women loving women » as I am totally aware that being lesbian has not necessarily to do with loving woman, but oftenwith the merely sexual attraction and often with a unconscious hate towards women and lots of old patriarchal views about women ( denial of self in its deepest meaning)
What I adress here is Sexuality/Erotic born from Love.
The Sacred Dance in a woman is about re-membering that we are sacred, that we ned to trust into our hearts (not in the overlaying in often misleading feelings) , intuition and enlighten our minds from our Heart. Then with our enlightened minds we go out and create the world we wish to see. … a similar job for us as for the men.
Only that we have some capacities given to us, that allow for us to « see » some aspects that cannot yet be seen by most of the men.
When I have danced this Sacred Dance, nothing is lacking in ME :) … therefore Sacred Sax is NOT about bringing two pieces together in order to become one . Sacred Sex is a choice , not needed to make connection to the Divine but a celebration and ceremony I choose because I feel the power of two balanced and divine souls coming together in real love lifting up the vibrations not only for the own joy and pleasure but to ascend vibrations to another plane .
The strength this sort of loving gives, expands and extends to all sentient beings like a praye,r and carried into the life, it is a powerful source of positive change.
When two women who dave done their inner work come together in Sacred Sex this is the most powerful communion imaginable as two forces capable to give and nurture life come together and honor themselves in the other.
Why is it that this is still such a taboo and "no go" in the so called spiritual scene ?
Because it is the final curtain falling for patriarchy. It is the most powerful thing to happen.
With that we step beyond all illusions still living in us. We as women wake up to the beauty of our being, on all levels including our beauty-full REAL bodies... and celebrate this beauty on all levels... we touch each other in True Love and do not longer buy into all the separational thoughts that keep us apart from each other as Sisters and
the powerful connections we could create to really make a different world happening .
Just ask yourself how much of your power is lost in thought about « not being enough » … can you just get a glimpse of the power coming back to you when you start loving a sister fully and thus recognize yourself in her and realize that this is ALL you need ? Nothing missing … !?
Will that keep you from caring for humanity, for the brothers, for the children, for a better world ? NO . Au contraire :)
It will empower you fully …
So my wake up call question to my sisters is :
are you ready to wake up from the ideas that we were born to make hetero sex … ready to awaken to YOUR truth (go back to the feelings you had as a child – be honest to yourself)… can you truly see the beauty in your sister or are your eyes and hearts still blinded by the patriarchal veils?
… are you ready to love at least one sister in all aspects ...and thus do the same to yourself ?
As most of you already know, I don't like to make many words, I am attached and addicted to lean expression.
But when I felt I have to finally write about this topic, I soon realized I will have to make more words about it, as it has to be as precise as possible and embrace all the important things
… so I will try to separate it into smaller pieces which can be swallowed one after the other :)
What brought me to start into this writing … ?!
I am a Shamanic Counsellor since about 8 years , but counselled people in different settings before since about 25 years now. I saw a lot of healing taking place but even more resistance and stagnation. So the question is WHY is it that healing doesn't happen for many?
As you, I am on facebook , looking at all the wisdom streams running through its veins in form of quotes ( e.g. Rumi, Paulo Coelho, Hafiz … to name but a few) , wise words of even wiser poeple, texts by counsellers/ coaches... many groups for self help … endless affirmations, Light messages, Love messages … supportive words, challenging words, educational words.
I see the thumbs up, I see the comments affirming the truth of these words... and still , I know there is not much happening from it when it comes to the broken hearts.
I know many of us have been to literally everything that the world puts out for us to heal .
We have knotted our legs in yoga, breathed along our Meridians in Qi Gong, sat in deep meditation for years, talked us through countless years of therapy, went to workshops, got Reiki, massage, ...dance , sing , pray in rituals and ceremonies … tried to find love, or security, or just be content with what is ;-) …
And still, no feeling of completion, no deep Healing of our Hearts, only more concepts running our mind which from time to time add to our confusion as they might be even contrary to each other … and we spend a lot of time, working through the concepts and -isms and make up our mind about that and engage in talking and arguing about it .
The time has come for us to awaken. The time is NOW. But how can we do that ?
First I want to adress here and now , is the difference between walking the old male ways or choosing the Path of the Divine Feminine.
ALL the above things I have mentioned are the ways of the old male , patriarchal ways.
As they sometimes come with very good words and a perspective that in many ways appeal to us, we fall for them as our broken hearts are thirsty for feelings of love, light and perspective.
And as they might even make the wounds less deep or comfort body and psyche at the moment, we
get stuck in these ways.
Why do I call them male ways … ?
Because, the old male ways are about working from the outside in. You start in your body or mind, and try to work from there down to your heart. That is the patriarchal illusion. That the male (mind, body, manifestation) has to enlighten the female (the heart, the core)... This is the concetpt of the Wounded Father & Mother... even in disguise of « alternative medicine/ holistic therapy/natural ways/ green living/... » … that we need to work from the outside in, that we need to follow the rules of the Wounded Parents in order to live this life.
What is the Way of the Divine Feminine … ?
We realize that all these things are but outer expressions, manifestations born from already Broken Hearts in order to keep the rules and orders alive that allow for Patriarchy to stay alive.
We awaken to the fact, that it has to be the other way around . We need to awaken our Hearts, allow us to listen to it again, and then create our world, make our manifestations from the Heart and create the World we want to live and see.
The Heart has to enlighten the mind (not as we have been told for thousands of years the other way round)
The feminine side has to enlighten the male .
Does that make sense to you ? Can you feel the truth tingling in your body … goose bubbles ??
Then for today I leave you with the good news :
Your True Heart has never been broken !
It is there, it is hole and in perfect shape.
The broken part you feel is not part of it … it is just a veil, a layer over your perfectly functioning heart, a veil, a layer that can be easily put aside . Easily ? Yes … no process , no working through your not yet enlightened minds , just put off the veil that has kept you in delusion and fear.
...and some « bad » news … you will have to face your programming, you will have to face truth, you will have to do some spiritual work in order to be who you always have been …
We need to realize that we are no victims … we have been volunteers in the world of the Wounded Parents since long …
but if you so choose , the new life is just underneath the unenlightened mind who keeps you telling that IT has the power to heal you.
You only have to take the first step out of your comfort zone ( comfort zones even come in the disguise of deep suffering, which gives us a feeling of familiarity, being at home … so we choose the wellknown suffering before the unknown freedom and happiness ~again and again)
Are you ready to finally be-live the Sacred Daughter of The Sacred Parents you always have been ?
Please , answer YES ;-)
We need Healing, we approach a Healer, Elder , Medicine Woman, Shaman ... and just bluntly ask for it and await them to give it freely, take their care, time and sharing wisdom for granted ? NO .
I did some research and found several notes about how to approach those ppl (in traditional ways) . Here is just a short excerpt:
Visits With Healers, Elders and Medicine People
When you go to a Healer, Elder or Medicine Person, be yourself, be respectful to them and to yourself.
Take tobacco to give as an offering. Tobacco is meant for that communication between you, the Healer and the Creator. The tobacco can be in any form. For example, it can be one cigarette from a pack, it can be a pack of cigarettes, it can be a pouch of tobacco or it can be loose tobacco wrapped in a small square of cloth (called a tobacco tie).
Talk to the Healer or Elder explaining why you have come to them. Refrain from taking alcohol or drugs for four days before going to a Healer. Other gifts can be given to express your gratitude for the help you have received. This may be in the form of an item such as a basket or blanket or it could be money.
There are certain protocols specific to each Healer, Elder or Medicine Person. Many Healers will have helpers who will convey these protocols to you.
But this again is a protocol you would just have to follow and question is, is that our ways ... giving rules, protocol and let ppl follow and hope they understand why ?
NO. This is male ways.We can do better now :)
So to me manners in The feminine ways have to work differently.
We have to find back into our Heart. Open the space and feel and realize what a great gift will be given to us through this meeting.... How deeply it will effect our Healing ...How precious life and lifetime is - not only our own but especially of those who have walked the path of pain, growth and went through it all for the Highest Best of all and now supporting us.
I have approached some real great teachers and healers in my life - some of them Natives but also western bodhisattvas. ... Protocol could not have awakened me to what I "owe" them ... but my heart could ...
even if things went bizarre for whatever reason, if something didn't work out as expected ... I owe them my life .
They brought me out of deepest depression , helped me out of phobic thinking that didn't allow for me to call my life life any more.Went through fear and grief with me. They re-connected me to All That Is , opened my heart (and often my eyes , too ;-) .
Our possessions are few, but I would always give as much as my life allows at that moment . What would all that be , if I would still be depressed, in fear and lack of love in my heart or couldn't move any more.
So when we truly live from the Heart we will never ever go to a Healer/ Teacher without a gift , something meaningfull , not just a "left-over" ...we feel such a deep love for them , that we naturally find "manners" how to approach someone we love , respect and care for.
As writing this note has made my Heart vibrate with Love and Gratitude ,
I take the opportunity to pay Hommage to at least some of them
( I am fully aware that everything that has life in it is my teacher and healer but that would expand my list in ways I cannot -yet- hold))
Sylvia Kolk/ Theravada Buddhist
Ayya Khema/ Theravadan Nun
Jade Kress/ Shaman & Astrologer
Joan Halifax/ Zen Roshi
Kazuaki Tanahashi/ Peace Activist, Zen Master & Artist
Irène Bakker/ Zen Master
Maria Yraceburu / Apache Holy One
Linda Yraceburu / Heal
Scott Johnson/ Chiropractor
Caroline Remondi/ Chiropractor
Magdala Ramirez / Mayan Priestess & Shaman
Agneta Loefberg / TCM Healer
I love you all & bow in gratitude .
In Lak'ech
Dagmar Magdalena
art exhibition
Dagmar Magdalena Ceki
moder jord smycken (Mother Earth jewelery)
kontemplativ fotografi (contamplative photography)
Tore Hultgren
Jette Lilliestierna-Agborg
This is a wake up call ... so let's wake up and do our spiritual work in ourself, no workshop... time to stop leaking and postponing
Japan is part of Mother Earth's body thus intristically interbeing with where we be-live ..the Japanese are our sisters and brothers ... we need to be there and bear witness, pray, hold the vision , stay centered , stand in the storm with them in the ways possible, be love and when we can DO something do it . Like the left hand helping the right without asking or discussing. Water needed, give water... a hug needed, give it... listening needed , listen ... easy ....
It is time and momentum to re-member the real core of our belief ...which is love & compassion no matter what the path is we have chosen. Start from a point of Not-knowing , a beginner's mind ... asking ourselves: does it truly matter right now which fault it is - or are we just asking this question right now because we need something to feed our agitated mind with in order to spare to feel ...to be with the truth of it ...and go through in moment by moment staying present for the NOW.
And yes, hard stuff to face, but it has been created by US. Either by actively being involved in the developement of things , or by just staying in our comfortzone, or fighting against something with a dualistic mind set ... not to blame on one person or two ... but on humanity as a whole walking in darkness and separation and often in times of catastrophe just pointing an enemy out and fighting against instead of seeing the whole picture and do the real work of breaking the chain of separation and materialism.
Many people today are feeling isolated, separated, lonely and desperate.
AND they - especially the elders -are !
This is not something we can simply put aside by imposing positivity and harmony and blame it on a lack of spirituality in them .This is too easy , and it happens because we try to avoid to face excisting suffering in the world and thus stay in our comfort zone and not meet our own fear.
Speaking from my experience , I can tell that since a long time I find that people are less and less interested in what others are, experienced or have to teach and share. They are so imprisoned in there own small world, that everything not in it is just out of view.
Many experiences/knowledge/teachings will be simply lost because noone ever listens or takes interest.
We hear so much complaining about being lonely and that all connections are mostly superficial,that we take some head now to put out ideas and tools how to change this.
So , first thing first ... we need two Organs in the beginning to make the big change ( yes, two Organs, no money , no workshop, no -ism )...:
~Heart and Ear~
those two organs are made for us humans to connect in profound ways with our pack and be social.
You are lonely? ... start listening to others from your heart!
What does that mean? ... open your heart, consider that there is the life of someone else thatis as interesting and important as your own. It has something for you to grow in it.
You look for spiritual growth ? Okay , ... easy ... open your heart and listen ! ... to the birds, the animals , the trees, spirit, the water AND your fellow human being. Spirituality is not what you think ;-) ..
You look for getting out of your isolation ? ... okay... open your heart and listen ...open your heart in a way of not-knowing, fresh as a newborn baby ... put aside all your ideas and concepts,likes and dislikes, and how you -subconsciously- already have judged this person.
Then listen.. listen 100 % ... all ear ... taking in what is said , in words and gestures and feeling and vibration...and vow (maybe only sometimes for the beginner ;-)) to not react, or answer to it Thus you avoid that at the same time you listen you are already planning your elaborate answer/sharing ...
Try this ... and allow to see what happens ... can you see the transformation ?? How the body language of the other changes , how emotions show, how interesting it is what the other shares? How this leads to a deep moment in which all separation is gone ?
Try this ... keep the mind of a beginner, of not knowing ~only bear witness, stay in the moment with WHAT IS ~
and see how real healing is taking place ... without moral concepts , without imposing harmony/positivity, without turning away from suffering and joy as is !
You don't need a special setting outside for this , just a special mode inside ... and you can test it on whoever crosses your path right NOW :)
The time has come to step beyond finding glimpses of sacredness outside ~
sacred places, sacred people, sacred paths.... ~ they were needed to awaken for many ~
now we need to activate this very sacredness in ourselves ~
all energy focussed to re-activate all our inner sacredness is what is needed in this time to make the paradigm shift come full circle ... all energy needed for it , no leaking .....
... no waiting for anyone ... no giving away of sovereignity/your medicine to "special people", tradition, sects, religions, lineages, paths who claim to be needed for seeing TRUTH , for experience Sacredness, for stepping into power/ medicine.
It is in YOU , ready to be awakened... as it is in me and everyone ... we are only here to be midwifes carrying tools of awakening for one another.
In this everybody has a sacred role to play. Nobody more or less...just different
Time is ready now for stepping out of hierarchy and competetion into love and responsible Co-Creation... with all sentient beings.
May it be so ~ may all beings be well and happy ~AllWays
Unbroken Oneness in Diversity
Rainbow Serpent Woman