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Saturday, November 16, 2013

Withholding Emotions

~Withholding Your Emotions ~

Withholding encompasses any unwillingness to express your true feelings. It show also in an unwillingness/incapability to give support or positive attention, even to the people you love. 
We have all known someone who is impossible to please,
and most suddenly found ourselves at the other end of a chilly , unpleasant silence with no explanation.
At the same time, we might recognize our moments of withholding. The moments when we deny our emotions rather than express them.
Most of us have been on both sides .

Emotional pain is at the root of our tendency to withhold, we be-live that withholding protects us from suffering. But the contrary is true.
Withholding causes pain to the people subjected to it as well as to those withholding.
It is a dysfunctional pattern that creates a breakdown in communication and understanding.
Unfortunately we tend to see it as "normal communication" ~ "social Behaviour".

In order to heal we need to break this silence. We need to understand that that what might have been a survival tool once now only hurts and adds to our pains.

Easiest way is to begin the process of breaking out of this pattern by finding a safe place where you can start to allow yourself to be truly seen AS YOU ARE.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Releasing the Pain in the Emotional Body ~ Combined Sessions Intuitive Healing & TCM Acupuncture

~InSight of Today~

Yesterday we had a deep healing session with a friend who had have a gynekological emergency and surgery , was in pain for many days now and came out of the hospital. 
2 hours of intuitive healing combined with the great acupuncture knowledge of Ming Men Praktiken Karlstad made her feel sooo much better in the end.
Expanded energies and body, deep breath, shining eyes and lighter and more home in herself.

Today we got message from her. She is painfree since then and has not taken another pain killer yet .

Our main focus when we worked together is first to find and localize the origin of the pain in the emotional body ... what is it that needs attention and be attended . What is the physiological symptom talking about . In our deep inner research we can release a big part of what is hurting and manifesting in the physical body.
There are lots of shamans out there. I am sort of a Word Shaman. Listening to what is beyond , saying the words that can weave magic out of the suffering and change perspective profoundly.
After that I am doing an Intuitive Healing session ( Nerthus Reiki) with the person. Including sound, crystals, feathers,smudge and touch. We look at what comes up in regards of emotions, visions, colors, thoughts, sensations while the session is going on. Then we tune in and Agneta sets acupuncture needles or moxa to serve the momentary needs showing up. This might be for filling with Qi / Life Energy or releasing or relaxing ....
After the healing session there is an assessment / reflection / integration time ....

When we can touch down to the original pain in the emotional body , there often is a big release of pain in the physical body as we do not longer need it as messenger about what seems to be going wrong in our lifes ... we can stop holding on to the seizures, we can loose our grip and our cells eventually step up and expand in vibration, find back into their original healthy state .

Chajala Naisha ~Healing Complete

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Home is when you say I AM

~InSight of Today~

We often say that we are searching for truth, 
we search for a way to come home, to be at peace.
Just reflect on this picture... what does it say, what does it imply ?

Searching needs an object to search for .
Is our True Self an Object ?
Do we have to DO something to find this Object ?

In becoming Seekers of the truth, of our Self, we get caught in a trap.
As seekers we need to find something out there which fulfills our needs for truthand might eventually turn us to our True Self.
We become doers ... attending workshops, reading books, discussing theories, following traditions, giving responsibility to people who know "better" , experts ...

But who we are is always already here.
Whom we are seeking is the one we are seeking from.

If we just for a moment allow this to not only be a thought in our minds but allow it to drop deeper into our heart , into the silence behind/beyond all that "happens" in our minds / the world,
we are HOME in this very instant.

Anywhere you go, Home is with you.
Home is not a physical entity,
it is the Heart of Being - The True Self.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

From Fear to Love - NOW !

~InSight of Today~

There are but two feelings / state of Be-ings ... Fear or Love.
In every given moment I have the possibility to discern where my thoughts, emotions and reactions spring from. Take a step back from my engagement in those fears and observe them profoundly.
Then I have a choice :stay in the fear zone, in the old paradigm , worry about economy, health and the future or switch consciously to love and freedom.

In order to choose, the only question is : what do I want to see in this world, what do I want to feed.
Energetically it is fact that the thing I put my energy and attention to , grows. .... So whatelse could I choose than LOVE ?

Yes, there are forces out there ( and in us) that want to see us in fear. But the only power they have is through our stepping into their traps.

So let us turn from victim mind to consciously choosing Love.
From Competition to Responsible Co-Creation.
From I to We.
To Caring and Sharing ... from Fear to Love.

Shake the old stuff off and change the world - NOW 
 This is THE time 

Monday, November 4, 2013

Sunday, November 3, 2013

November - Stiring Up What No Longer Serves

~ InSight of Today ~

The gray and rainy days in November trigger up a lot of emotions on the negative, dark, self sabotaging side of life . cleThe process during this month reminds me of become clearing butter to Ayurvedic Ghee Butter. You warm it up so that it melts, then the protein particles swim on the surface so that you can get them out. This is not done just in one time, you have to have some patience, you need to stir up and stir up until no proteins are in the butter anymore. This makes for a very fine taste and for better health effects and it is a way to preserve this butter for a long period of time.
That is pretty much the gift of november .. it is stirring up all the things on emotional and mental level that are not serving our Highest Best and thus need to be exposed to the surface where we can take care of them to the best intent possible.

Then I feel it is very helpful to trust in the care of Mother Earth - get OUT IN THE RAIN and be washed clear and fresh by Mama, that is my personal preferred purification and cleansing ritual 

Friday, November 1, 2013

Be The Fool and Uplift Yourself :)

~ Today´s InSight ~
Some of you who are following my writings here already know that I have started on a journey to better health .... there are chronic symptoms due to numberless illnesses  in my childhood and I got really sick from parasites on my solo journey to Nepal in 2007.
Now I have started to treat this with help of Traditional Chinese Medicine ( herbs and acupuncture and taiji and more ) .
There is a huge process going on now in body , heart and mind.
Traditional Medicine does not treat the symptoms but stirs of the stagnations caused by sicknesses and illnesses and ailments and psychological moments. So I am having kind of a tough time.
Symptoms blast up I haven´t experienced in many years and all is coming in speedy and at the same time. Not only does my body hurt, or do I have to live with the coming and going of a strong nausea.... the "best" part is the emoional body going crazy ... angry one day, crying the next, desperate on another.... And I need to remind me that this is transient, not new symptoms , but upcoming old stuff in order to really show up and disappear.

What is the InSight now you might ask  !?

The InSight is that no matter how bad I feel there is only two things that really make the trick and help me through instead of giving up and avoiding. 
One is the love of my Beloved who is accompanying this process in wonderful ways. 
The other is to at least once a day look at my whining and weaping and snoring and self pity and LAUGH out loud , deep from the belly into all of my body and out in the universe.
It lightens it all in a moment, symptoms dissolve quickly and Chakras re-align and open.
And in an instant I switch from " life is a burden" ... to "what a crazy funny ride this is" ..

To stay healthy and on the right side of life , it is essential that we teach ourselves to laugh at the drama of our egos .
And be the fool and clown for our own amusement and uplifting