Saturday, December 20, 2014
Merry Christmas, Hanukkah, Kawanzaa ... Returning of the Light
We trust this newsletter finds you in good health and spirits !
We wish you a
Merry Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Solstice or
in whatever way you celebrate the returning of the Light to the
Christmas Newsletter
Thursday, November 13, 2014
Proud of Our Family
My daughter and her family found a little bird that flew into the window and fell down , not capable of getting up and flying away . They cared for her/him as long as needed until s/he could take off again and fly away .
These are the moments that makes us proud of them .
More than diplomas or other achievements ever can ...
We love you !
Our task must be to free ourselves… by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty.
- Albert Einstein
Under The Surface
Reflections after a counselling session :
We are looking for ourselves mostly "out there" activities , social action or even in books and on TV. Silence can be very busy when we keep controlling the silence/ aloneness by activity.
We create a lot of ripples and waves on the surface, so that the waters never become still enough to look deep down to the ground.
We need to teach our children how to stay inside themselves instead of hopping up to the surface creating images, activities, problems, stories all the time and forgetting themselves on the bottom of the waters .
If we want to see young people who do not become technology zombies, agitated consumers, compassion - less egos, it is our responsibility to teach them how to stay in their
Big Heart and Big Mind .
We need to understand that our task is not to make them fix and fit for society as is, but to always give them back to themselves and encourage them to live in their own truth. And additionally, we need to give their life meaning by showing them that they have some task in society, family, community and encourage them to participate in work for community instead of just "letting them be children" ...
instead of taking away everything challenging from them, not trusting that they are strong enough to grow with that.
And especially in a society that lives behind masks, we have to encourage them to never deny their feelings - Not acting them out, but allowing them to express feelings...
The young clients coming to me are suffering from a huge dis-connect to the innermost core, an inability to handle challenging emotions and situation . T
Thus they run away from it with all sort of addiction like behaviours , loosing themselves in the new dogma of positive thinking and ignoring of their innermost core by cheering themselves through a constant flow of consummation.
The face of today´s generation´s suffering is different from the one most of my generation showed ---
But it is suffering nonetheless.
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Friday, September 26, 2014
Newsletter : TaiChi , Horses and some more ...
Our newest Newsletter is out :)
Workshop, horses, new room and more .... InJoy <3 p="">
Click Here 3>
Friday, September 5, 2014
Spruce Resin Medicine - A Cooperation of Woodpeckers, Trees and a Medicine Woman
A cooperation of Woodpeckers , trees and a Medicine Woman
Woodpecker went through this part of the woods and created lots of holes in the trees ...
the resin flew abundantly from the Norway Spruce and I collected a big share.
Now it will make for a wonderful atmosphere in winter -
with help of a herb burner
Spruce Medicine :
spruces are symbols of the sky and directional guardians of the north.
Spruce resin is a very thick, liquid organic mixture containing essential oils (turpentine) and resin acids.
It is produced in the special glands of the tree and is then secreted in the resin canals.
It's main purposes are to protect the tree, heal it's wounds and to prevent drainage of the tree.
Remedies from spruce resin are used in traditional folk medicine to treat a wide variety of pathological symptoms, particularly for healing wounds, ulcers, inflammations and other injuries on the skin.
Spruce resin is also widely used to treat respiratory problems. Spruce essential oils, which are contained in resin, helps to disinfect and purify lungs and respiratory passages, which is why they are used in cases of asthma, cold, cough and tuberculosis.
Most European records on the use of spruce resin ointment can be found in the Scandinavian countries. A homemade ointment from spruce resin and unsalted butter, which is used for healing wounds and ulcers.
Lemming Totem - Outside the Box
Good Medicine -
funny to watch , so I caught one in a video :)
Lemming teaches us to examine our lessons .
Lemming shows us how to think outside of the box and demonstrates courage.
Lemming is solitary in nature especially when population booms. Lemming teaches how to balance and manage our personal time with others.
Are you following others? Maybe it's time to think for yourself and voice your opinion?
Saturday, August 9, 2014
Sheep Medicine - Renewal and Compassion
Sheep Medicine :
On the high Norwegian Mountain Plateau a Nature Reservation , there are free grassing sheep to keep the grass and other things down and work for the balance of the natural environment .
We took a time out on our journey and just sat us amongst them - in stillness and with an open heart. It was a wonderful experience how they observed us , checked us in from a distance and then after about half an hour a mother with her young one cautiously approached us , sniffing on us , decided that we are okay and then let her young ones come close to us .
In these times where glorification of busy is sooooo overrated , we miss the moments that stopping, stillness and patience can bring to nurture our souls .
Sheep spirit animals represent an innocent aspect of yourself; your childhood, child-like qualities characterized by innocence, gentleness.
Sheep is the symbol for renewal and compassion.
Thursday, August 7, 2014
Stand Like A Tree ~Move Like A River
Wednesday 8th Oktober
18:30 - 21:00
This is the beginning journey into a very profound Tai Chi / Qi Gong workout which is great tool for everyday workout at home as it takes about 20 minutes ...
this evening can only get us started but we will continue when there is enough interest .
I , personally, found this workout program when I went through a very challenging recovery time after I fell ill with parasites and all sorts of inflammations on my Nepal journey . This program brought me back on track .
I teach it as I have seen its benefits now in 7 years of practicing it.
And I want to share the profound impact on body , heart and mind with you.
The Workout includes:
Standing Qigong
Pulsing Qigong
Rooted Free Movement
3 types of Tai Chi Walking and
8 Essential Movements from Yang Family Tai Chi
fees : 50 kr at the door
there is no socializing during the session,
as in order to nurture and keep the Chi it is a good thing to keep the mouth shut ;-)
but you will have the possibility to get to know each other afterwards 20.30-21.00 with a cup of tea :)
I am a certified teacher of Yi Qi Gong , trained at the EU-CHi Institute of Grandmaster Li in Muenchen / Germany
Thursday, July 31, 2014
The Bardo State of Mind and Heart
Reflection after client session :
when starting to awake we see all with new eyes . Our life , people and their "shortcomings" , the daily life struggle we have created out of our woundedness. This is a tough period of Bardo .
The old is not totally gone, the new not totally clear and manifest. In this Bardo time we deal with tendencies to grasp and get back to the old patterns and feelings in order to feel safe and home.
The Bardo's bottomlessness scares us deep down to the bones..
It is a good thing to make that state conscious. Being conscious about it allows us to make more conscious choices... We can identify where we grasp , we can choose where we still want / need to hold onto something and where we are ready to loosen the grip and see where we end up when we leave ourselves to the flow ...
We choose where we can die into and are ready for total surrender and where we are not ready yet. Making the Bardo process conscious is making the dark hole conscious we have been so afraid of most of our lifes and meet it with open eyes .
The Bardo's bottomlessness scares us deep down to the bones..
It is a good thing to make that state conscious. Being conscious about it allows us to make more conscious choices... We can identify where we grasp , we can choose where we still want / need to hold onto something and where we are ready to loosen the grip and see where we end up when we leave ourselves to the flow ...
We choose where we can die into and are ready for total surrender and where we are not ready yet. Making the Bardo process conscious is making the dark hole conscious we have been so afraid of most of our lifes and meet it with open eyes .
Bardo : The Tibetan word bardo (བར་དོ་ Wylie: bar do) means literally "intermediate state"—also translated as "transitional state" or "in-between state" or "liminal state".
Thursday, July 24, 2014
Allow For Help - Allow Receiving
I am back from a short holiday in Norway ....
some times we need to set ourselves loose , even physically , to jump in another kind of flow than we are usually in in our daily lives....
We do have a lot of really good ideas, we quote wise words but often we do not really be-live that life is about surrender , flow and love. We might THINK it but we miss the FEELING part .
Thus, travelling and experiencing things out of our comfort zone is a good thing .
Here comes a little sharing from our journey:
We had no fixed plan and just followed our heart.
This brought us up into the Norwegian mountain .
We drove quiet a while until we realized that to go on we would need to pay a fee to enter the Conservation Park and go on . Actually we had no Norwegian hard money to put into the machine .
So we entered the little supermarket ( the only place open in the whole area ) , but it turned out that neither could we change money nor could they take the sort of card we had. ....
In that minute a young woman stepped up out of nowhere and just offered us the money we needed , without anything in return !
No money , no thing. Just that.
We had a very nice conversation and we shared the happiness about our human meeting. ...
My learning : it is equally necessary to learn to receive as it is to give.
We need to un-controll and un-plan our lifes in order to open the doors for the hearts to open again...
if we always avoid to come into the place of being helpless we deprive ourselves of the wonderful opportunity to meet the goodness in others and restore our belief in humanity .
some times we need to set ourselves loose , even physically , to jump in another kind of flow than we are usually in in our daily lives....
We do have a lot of really good ideas, we quote wise words but often we do not really be-live that life is about surrender , flow and love. We might THINK it but we miss the FEELING part .
Thus, travelling and experiencing things out of our comfort zone is a good thing .
Here comes a little sharing from our journey:
We had no fixed plan and just followed our heart.
This brought us up into the Norwegian mountain .
We drove quiet a while until we realized that to go on we would need to pay a fee to enter the Conservation Park and go on . Actually we had no Norwegian hard money to put into the machine .
So we entered the little supermarket ( the only place open in the whole area ) , but it turned out that neither could we change money nor could they take the sort of card we had. ....
In that minute a young woman stepped up out of nowhere and just offered us the money we needed , without anything in return !
No money , no thing. Just that.
We had a very nice conversation and we shared the happiness about our human meeting. ...
My learning : it is equally necessary to learn to receive as it is to give.
We need to un-controll and un-plan our lifes in order to open the doors for the hearts to open again...
if we always avoid to come into the place of being helpless we deprive ourselves of the wonderful opportunity to meet the goodness in others and restore our belief in humanity .
Sunday, May 18, 2014
The Medicine of Green
Re-Creating ourselves in nature is priceless. Rooting, breathing, embracing , exposing , empowering, and so much more.... the natural Spa and Transformation WorkShop ~ for free
And miracles wherever we go and open our hearts and eyes .
On yesterdays medicine walk , I met these two beings ~ they were perfectly adapted to natures spring colors . At first I didn´t even realize that there was a green butterfly as she actually looked like a young blueberry leaf - camouflage to survival I guess.
Green is the color of Nature and the earth. It is balance and harmony in essence and possesses a soothing influence upon both mind and body.
Butterflies symbolize different things to different cultures, but universally, they represent change and transformation. Butterfly starts as a crawling creature that ‘sleeps´ in a cocoon, only to rejoin the world as a flying insect.
Beetles represent metamorphosis, resurrection, rebirth of the soul, innocence of purpose. Beetle signals a confirmation that we are on the right track and we should pursue our goals.
And miracles wherever we go and open our hearts and eyes .
On yesterdays medicine walk , I met these two beings ~ they were perfectly adapted to natures spring colors . At first I didn´t even realize that there was a green butterfly as she actually looked like a young blueberry leaf - camouflage to survival I guess.
Green is the color of Nature and the earth. It is balance and harmony in essence and possesses a soothing influence upon both mind and body.
Butterflies symbolize different things to different cultures, but universally, they represent change and transformation. Butterfly starts as a crawling creature that ‘sleeps´ in a cocoon, only to rejoin the world as a flying insect.
Beetles represent metamorphosis, resurrection, rebirth of the soul, innocence of purpose. Beetle signals a confirmation that we are on the right track and we should pursue our goals.
Sunday, April 13, 2014
Loosing What We Never Wanted
InSight from a client session :
How much suffering do we create, when we cling to an idea of what we DO NOT HAVE / ACHIEVE / GET / LIVE . When confronted with limitations, we often get caught in the resistance and grief about the "loss",
even when this loss is about something we never wanted in first place.
But now the "loss" is overshadowing all we have , we live in a mind of poverty , instead in the abundance of what actually IS - even if that what IS once have been our biggest dream.
This fight against perceived loss of something we never wanted , gets out of hand , makes daily life a torture even when we live our dream.
Shifting perspective is the key we need to find and use.
To step back into abundance and expand our mind, heart and body again , who have restrained themselves in the poverty state and caused mutliple symptoms on all levels and cut short on our life.
Saturday, April 12, 2014
Fractured Parts
Reflection from today´s work with a student/client of mine :
we get so easily caught into the illusion of identifying with personality parts that we unconsciously have built up due to karma/ circumstances at young age , that we shut down the Flow of Life, because it is a threat to that part .
During life we grow into more and more illusion of separation , not only to the outer world, but most of all to to our true self. We develop more and more fractured personalities and come to a point where we cannot longer handle all the seemingly contradictory parts in ourselves . Our mind , by trying to find solutions gets totally confused and into high actvity... it works without giving us a break, often insomnia beng one of the results.
In order to find a way out we need to work with tools that allow us to distance ourselves from all these personalities and expose them as what they are .... constructs of our own mind.
Our mind , that after having created all of it then steps forward to say, "wait , just let´s think/analyze/worry .... and we will find the solution " ...actually it is like giving the herding job to the wolves ;-)
Instead we need to take a step outside and see from a transpersonal point of view . When we can do that , transformation and healing take pleace ... finally .
Friday, April 4, 2014
My first video ever : just uploaded : Early Morning ~ Turning the Wheel ~Prayers at Boudhanat Stupa
My first video ever : just uploaded :
Turning the Wheel ~Prayers at Boudhanat Stupa: #MyVideo #búddha #Dharma #Sangha #tibetan #nepal #temple
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
Live as your Self , Meet your Big Mind :) ~ FREE Wisdom Council
@ Ming Men Praktiken
Ölmegatan 11b
65 230 Karlstad
April 9th, 2014 , 18.30 - 21.00 h
This is NO ONLINE event ... but as many of you might not be able to attend , we very much appreciate if you mark attend / maybe...and then be with us in spirit :)
with Magdalena Rainbowserpent Medicine Woman / Kvinna
What does it mean to live freely, to live an authentic life? What are the obstacles that prevent living authentically and freely? What/who is this Self ?
Many of us have been looking to find ourselves for years and decades ... and when we stop and feel, it seems we have not achieved anything , still the old questions , concerns , repeating relationship patterns ... WHY IS THAT ?
I invite to dig deeper, to open the door by shifting perspectives .
This is no workshop , no talk, ...
I strive to answer to your deepest questions by connecting with the source in you.
Fresh and open and beyond concepts in a Wisdom Council with YOU ~ Heart to Heart
Who you are is not what you think ;-)
language of the heart and adjusted to needs English/Swedish/German
... donation basket at the coffee/tea bord...
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
WORKING ARTISTS: Featured Artist Dagmar from Earth Life Shop
WORKING ARTISTS: Featured Artist Dagmar from Earth Life Shop
I would like to introduce you to Dagmar from EARTH LIFE SHOP Dagmar has some really unique and inspiring pieces of jewelry and leat...
I would like to introduce you to Dagmar from EARTH LIFE SHOP Dagmar has some really unique and inspiring pieces of jewelry and leat...
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
Do you have the YES ?
Coming out from a session with a student of mine ...
very interesting topic exposed ...
often we think what we need to learn is to say NO and set healthy boundaries . What we often forget or just not see is that we might need to learn to say YES as badly as that.
A relationship begins with a yes , which has to deepen and include more and more and deeper and deeper . We need to say yes to showing our vulnerability, our open heart, our willingness, and our whole "catastrophe" in order to live the two AND the one , the diversity AND the oneness , to really experience intimacy , not only naked bodies but naked hearts and souls..
Other we stay in the wound of separation in every encounter we have .
Healing craves our openness , our willingness to let go of the "person" we have built up , and step into the true heart and self.
Saturday, March 1, 2014
No Matter How Small... the teachings of the Beetle.
Allow yourself to become gentle by the small ones.
During our visit of our Elders, sitting at the coffe table, suddenly a small beetle crawled in my direction . Grandpa saw it first and mentioned it , saying : you might just crush him.
He was really surprised seeing me protecting this small insect that most people just see as something disturbing.
But though he laughed at my protective posture , he helped me to open the door so that I could carry the beetle out of the house and release.
On my spiritual journey I found back to the wisdom of my childhood, talking with all animals and protecting them all-ways, no matter how small or big, appealing or not... it was my spontaneous impulse to prevent all from hurt.
Now, at older age , this is combined with the knowledge that ALL living things have an essential place in the eco-system.
It is not my right to judge and kill for the only reason that my ego perceives some being as disgusting or of less value or disturbing my comfort zone.
Everything is a miracle .... for those with eyes to see.
And whatever vibrates with life has a teaching ...
Beetle is in fact a totem animal , too , aiding in transformation, metamorphosis, resurrection and rebirth of the soul.
The soft belly is close to the earth, symbolizing that their wisdom is sacred and deep and down to earth and reminds us of our connection to Mother Earth .
Due to its back which is protected by a hard shell it symbolizes protection as well, reminding us that healthy boundaries are protecting our life path.
Beetle is asking you :
I it ime to fly or walk in life? Are you grounded ? Do you protect life in healthy ways ?
Monday, February 17, 2014
Set Your Heart Free - Wisdom Council FREE
This is your invitation to a
FREE Wisdom Council Session
Wednesday , March 5th, 2014
@ Ming Men Praktiken
Ölmegatan 11 B
18.30 - 21.00 h
What/where are you searching to find the truth of your heart ? STOP ... just for this evening let it all go- become intimate with yourself and give Life to Life . Is there a 'you' inside you? What does it look like? Stay with the Turbulences so that the truth can reveal itself.. We will use The Way of Council as well as some other tools to become more intimate with what is Here and Now. Can we be with what IS ... ?
I invite you to dig deeper,
to open the door by shifting perspectives .
This is no workshop , no talk, ... I strive to answer to your deepest questions by connecting with the source in you. Fresh and open and beyond concepts. ![]() The Wisdom Council will end about 20.30 and there is time for some social interaction and tea and snack from then until 21.00 FREE language of the heart and adjusted to needs English/Swedish/German ... donation basket at the coffee/tea bord... WE NEED YOUR BOOKING LATEST ON THE March 3rd !!! |
Love AllWays ,
Dagmar Magdalena Ceki

Sunday, February 2, 2014
How to Survive Your Dark Night of The Soul Winter Valley
is a challenging time for many. A lack of light , a lack of outside
activities , a
of energy , feelings of grief ,loss and depression.
It is
not only much darker outside, it often feels much darker inside as
well, and we might experience a sense of a dark cloud over and around
As the
Earth so we, too, move through cycles :
from light to darkness , from up to down, stillness to movement .
from light to darkness , from up to down, stillness to movement .
IS the dark time, and it is good to remember that we need a time to
reflect, turn inwards, and give space for grief, un-cried tears ,
un-resolved issues, hurts, memories, stories.
tears, grief, hurts, memories and stories without expressing them can
result in even deeper wounding and stagnation that can have long
lasting emotional and spiritual effects.
An effect that is showing throughout all of society .
An effect that is showing throughout all of society .
is the time for the rites of passage where we can drop into our
deeper and more hidden places and with gentle care and tender touch
and a lot of compassion take care of what needs to be taken care of.
a counselor I can see that magic can happen during this time, and
much quicker than during other seasons, if we commit ourself to the
healing process.
some, an extra support is needed by counselors , healers, therapists or just good friends who is to are able really listen and talk from the heart .
for help is nothing to be ashamed about. Without shame we look for a
doctor when we have a broken leg, as we would have a hard time fixing it
ourselves; the same is true for the hurting parts in our soul and
might find own rituals as well e.g. Building grief altars ,
journaling, …
there are many shamanic rituals who can help you through e.g. working
with Death Mesas or a releasing hole in the earth etc.
might like to help yourself with plants and foods that help you to
move through this challenges. Changes in food and plant allies can
actually make shifts that are like night into day shifts.
period of several months of taking a B
complex vitamin is often very helpful and
D, the sunshine vitamine, is important for many health conditions ,
physically and psychologically, and boosts the immune system.
on deeply nourishing and warm foods during the winter . Root
veggies, beans, whole organic complete cereals, seaweed and mushrooms
and roots .
Long cooked stews will reduce the energy need of your intestines for breaking down the food and makes digestion smoother.
Long cooked stews will reduce the energy need of your intestines for breaking down the food and makes digestion smoother.
and healthy fats are
especially vital in supporting mental and emotional health. Whatever
diet you fancy , make sure this is happening :)
foods are just great . So add some Sauerkraut, Miso, Yogurt,
kombucha, pickles (not from supermarket ! ) to your food .. always...
but especially in winter .
digestion makes for good nutrient absorption and healthy nervous
system tissues.
plant ally that comes to mind first for most is St. John´s Wort ,
but though this plant might help many people it might not work out for you.
So consider asking a herbalist for alternatives.
So consider asking a herbalist for alternatives.
Remedies , TCM Acupuncture, homeopathy, …
there are many ways to support you physically and emotionally while healing .
there are many ways to support you physically and emotionally while healing .
you find you need support for shifting perspectives, energy release, support in creating sacred shamanic ritual/ceremony
for your healing work, help choosing essences, crystals or working on long term
supportive lifestyle
plan can involve heart-to-heart sessions (face-to-face or skype) shamanic ceremony and ritual, animal totem helpers,
flower essences and ceremony. If needed I will be happy to connect
you to additional healers in other areas when needed ( TCM .
Traditional Chinese Medicine, Herbalists... )
went through a lot of darkness and grief in my life myself and I know
from my own experience that the greatest gift in my process wasmy ability to ask for help when the darkness became overwhelming.
Monday, January 27, 2014
The Truth and Nothing But The Truth ... Really ???
As human beings we are programmed to lie . It seems to be a nessecity for survival in our society.
So the moment you are willing to stay in truth , to unravel the truth, it feels like a very real danger to your survival.
But when you commit yourself to the truth you must examine deeply into your own lies. You need to allow yourself to see what image you have built up as to "who you are" and how you are lying to cover that image.
This freaks the sh... out of us as in the depth of our minds we be-live that what we find deep in us is worthlessness and ugliness. That the truth of who we are is too ugly to be exposed to ourselves and especially to others.
Or, after some time of "spiritual work" a fear of being just a lost soul in the infinite realms.
When we stopn there, living the truth seems not bearable. And we commit ourselves to all sorts of denial - again ...:
Positive affirmations, changing paths, trying new ways,/workships/teachers/therapists name it....
The first thing you have to reflect on is therefore the question :
"what do I really want " ...
maybe the answer is : everybody will love me, I have the power to manifest the life I want etc....
Next thing to reflect on :
"what does that give you" and will that really be what your soul longs for ...
going deeper and deeper to the bottom might give rise to new resistance .
Are you willing to get down to the bottom of it all and
experience your no-thingness ?
The real deal lies under all the layers of lies and self-betrayal .
There you find your limitlessness your spaciousness the truth of who you are.
Allowing yourself to STOP all self-betrayal, to drop into yourself will let you be the truth you always have been. And see the truth:
From this point of no-thingness, from the pureness and (w)holyness of who you are you can bear the whole world.
Saturday, January 25, 2014
Open The Door To Your Self - Wisdom Council - FREE
This is your invitation to a
FREE Wisdom Council Session
Wednesday , February 12th, 2014
@ Ming Men Praktiken
Ölmegatan 11 B
Many of us have been looking to find ourselves for years and decades and when we stop and feel,
it seems we have not achieved anything ,
still the old questions , concerns , repeating relationship patterns ... WHY IS THAT ?
I invite you to dig deeper,
I invite you to dig deeper,
to open the door by shifting perspectives .
This is no workshop , no talk, ...
I strive to answer to your deepest questions by connecting with the source in you.
Fresh and open and beyond concepts.
Who you are is not what you think ;-)
In the language of the heart and adjusted to needs English/Swedish/German
... donation basket at the coffee/tea bord...
This is no workshop , no talk, ...
I strive to answer to your deepest questions by connecting with the source in you.
Fresh and open and beyond concepts.
Who you are is not what you think ;-)
In the language of the heart and adjusted to needs English/Swedish/German
... donation basket at the coffee/tea bord...
*There is a way to again be in real time with the universe,
but it is not through force, imagination or manipulation.
It is by finding your true Self.
When you do, you will not need to manipulate life, it will simply flow.* Mooji
but it is not through force, imagination or manipulation.
It is by finding your true Self.
When you do, you will not need to manipulate life, it will simply flow.* Mooji
Love AllWays ,
Dagmar Magdalena Ceki
Friday, January 10, 2014
Vulnerability is Key
Some reflections after a couple of Wisdom Council Session with different clients during the last week.
Going beyond the stories and beyond all the different layers of emotions, this is what I find :
What is it we suffer of : Dis-Connection and Fear.
What has brought us there :
a couple of events we have interpreted in a way that leads to hiding emotions/thoughts/who we are in the closet. And start pretending and trying to get "perfect"
What is it that keeps us there :
the pure thought that we are not enough and will suffer even more loss when we let our selves be seen .
The only way out :
unraveling the interpretations of the stories as NOT true. Understanding we are enough. Let our selves be seen and heard as they are . NOT numbing anything anymore.
Allow our hearts to be broken open by What Is - all colours - no avoiding.
Stop trying to finding a remedy for controlling life.
Be. Who . We . Are.
Vulnerability is Key.
VULNERABILITY ... what is that for you ... and why do you fear to go there ?
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